E.'s Reviews > Tropic of Cancer

Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
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's review

it was amazing

When I read this for the first time I thought the world was opening up and eating people.

I wanted to get drunk and go on a hooker spree, to move to Paris and generally debauch for the rest of my 20's....

Then I realized I kind of wanted to do all this anyways but with Miller's aid I could and even better I could disguise the whole thing as "literary."

I struggled through Capricorn, through The Books in My Life, through a number of Miller's personal letters and musings. I even made a pilgrimage to Big Sur.

Then I picked up Richard Brautigan or "Cannary Row" or something and I realized I could skip Paris. I could skip Europe entirely. I could just drink wine on a bench in my back yard, throw on an old Bill Broonzy CD and stare at the sun. I could even meet a nice girl and keep her around for a while. No need for crabs or lice or bed bugs at all. No sir, just soft northern california sunlight and grassy knolls.

That was it. The dirty big city Miller hangovers were gone.....

Still, for a few months there, Miller was really really doing it for me. At the time it was true life changing stuff.

5 stars.
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Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Katerina (new)

Katerina what a great review, thanks e tuck!

Emily I'm reading this because of your review

Sasha Ha...your "recommended for" is hilarious.

Marius Hancu While reading Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller, you may want to see my questions related to it as answered in the alt.usage.english (AUE) Usenet newsgroup. My thanks to the participating AUE members. The focus of my questions was the language: rare words, funny or original expressions, special or strange constructs — as I saw them, from within my own idiosyncrasies.

message 5: by E. (new) - rated it 5 stars

E. Emily wrote: "I'm reading this because of your review"

I just saw this, almost 2 years later. Did you read ToC? I'd love to hear thoughts.

Arthur Cravan This is my favourite review on the book so far. Glad you found a direction.

message 7: by J.J. (new)

J.J. Warren I like your review. I am half way through and kind of feel the same way. I often have no idea what the eff is going on- it is so erratic . But dang there have been a few pages that I have read, where whether I am caught up or not, I am like whoa, this guy can really write, really string together some words, observations mostly describing a specific place or person, and I am completely floored and feel sent to the corner in comparison to my own writing.
I'm half way thru- I'll keep you posted. Aloha

message 8: by Richard (new)

Richard Wallace You are just not used to real people, so a real person actually living his dream, without an ipad phone or degree from a Northern libtard, snob school, doesn't appeal to you.

Go out and do some blue collar work, instead of hanging around Starbucks, then go to Europe with some real people, then maybe you can appreciate Miller.

Arthur Cravan Richard wrote: "You are just not used to real people, so a real person actually living his dream, without an ipad phone or degree from a Northern libtard, snob school, doesn't appeal to you.

Go out and do some bl..."

I think he should dig Miller too, but I wish you'd be more self-aware of how you sound when you post things like this. You make assumptions & then basically belittle the dude for not liking the things you like - I think ol' mate Henry may have had a little more grace & understanding than that. No need for words like libtard & snob... you make it seem like Miller fans are assholes & I personally think that's wrong & maybe just some bad wording on your part :) Glad you enjoyed this amazing book!

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