Jordan Parrish's Reviews > As Dead As It Gets
As Dead As It Gets (Bad Girls Don't Die, #3)
** spoiler alert **
Let me tell it to you straight: this book was amazing. It sucks you into this unknown world, once you start, you can't stop; it's almost an addiction to read. The drama and topsey-turvsey moods in this book just adds to the suspense.
Alexis is one of the most diverse characters I've ever seen; she just amazes me by her ability to see ghosts and communicate with them. Katie Alender tells the story of Alexis' messed up life perfectly and you can totally imagine the pain, and loneliness or the excitement and joy of this book. You get the feeling that it's so real, your skin crawls. It's a good kind of creepy with a little bit of sass and fiery tension. It gets emotions flowing in your mind that are so indescribable or spectacular,you question your own friends. It was truly an honor to read this book.
I was transfered into a new world, this book can truly amaze you with the outcomes and happenings. (like Kendra, Ashleen, almost Alexis, etc.) It was an amazing experience to see Megan, Jared, and Alexis' little sister Kasey (etc.) transform and see how people can actually understand you better than you can. awesome book!
Alexis is one of the most diverse characters I've ever seen; she just amazes me by her ability to see ghosts and communicate with them. Katie Alender tells the story of Alexis' messed up life perfectly and you can totally imagine the pain, and loneliness or the excitement and joy of this book. You get the feeling that it's so real, your skin crawls. It's a good kind of creepy with a little bit of sass and fiery tension. It gets emotions flowing in your mind that are so indescribable or spectacular,you question your own friends. It was truly an honor to read this book.
I was transfered into a new world, this book can truly amaze you with the outcomes and happenings. (like Kendra, Ashleen, almost Alexis, etc.) It was an amazing experience to see Megan, Jared, and Alexis' little sister Kasey (etc.) transform and see how people can actually understand you better than you can. awesome book!
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May 19, 2013
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