Matthew's Reviews > The Hobbit, or, There and Back Again
The Hobbit, or, There and Back Again
Matthew's review
bookshelves: fantasy, own, 2021, read-more-than-once, audio, library
Jan 08, 2013
bookshelves: fantasy, own, 2021, read-more-than-once, audio, library
Read 2 times. Last read February 26, 2021 to March 1, 2021.
Not much more needs to be said about The Hobbit than that it is excellent! Great storytelling, fun characters, humor, action – it has it all. Tolkien is rightfully one of the (if not THE) founding fathers of modern Fantasy. If you are already into the Fantasy genre and you haven’t read him, you need to. If you are looking to get into Fantasy, The Hobbit is a great place to start.
One of the great things about The Hobbit is that I think it is easily accessible to a wide audience. The Lord of the Rings is a much larger and more daunting commitment which might be too much for the casual Fantasy fan. Then, if you are really into lore and world building, I hear people talk about The Silmarillion as a great but very dense history of Middle Earth. So, Tolkien has it all: Fantasy-101 or master’s thesis level Fantasy – you can decide how you want to approach his works.
One thing that has been bugging me about other Fantasy novels I have been reading lately is that there is a lot of wandering around without much action or story progress. And, this wandering around can stretch for several books. With The Hobbit, there is adventure, and “wandering”, but it moves quickly and gets to the point. Large chunks of progress are made without pages and pages of rambling dialogue. I appreciate how well The Hobbit gets to the point but does not leave you feeling cheated by it going too fast.
Another thing that I love about this Fantasy book is that it does not bog down with complicated names, location terminology, odd magic systems, etc. This is another thing that has been turning me off to other Fantasy lately because I cannot just escape and enjoy the book. Instead, I have to keep a notebook and a flowchart to keep everything straight! With The Hobbit, it was very organic and easy to follow – perfect for a relaxing Fantasy getaway for the brain.
I did not yet see the recent movies they made from this book but was surprised at first that they made it into three movies. After rereading this, I think I can see how they could expand on certain parts to make a movie trilogy. I will have to go and check it out now.
The Hobbit – read it!
One of the great things about The Hobbit is that I think it is easily accessible to a wide audience. The Lord of the Rings is a much larger and more daunting commitment which might be too much for the casual Fantasy fan. Then, if you are really into lore and world building, I hear people talk about The Silmarillion as a great but very dense history of Middle Earth. So, Tolkien has it all: Fantasy-101 or master’s thesis level Fantasy – you can decide how you want to approach his works.
One thing that has been bugging me about other Fantasy novels I have been reading lately is that there is a lot of wandering around without much action or story progress. And, this wandering around can stretch for several books. With The Hobbit, there is adventure, and “wandering”, but it moves quickly and gets to the point. Large chunks of progress are made without pages and pages of rambling dialogue. I appreciate how well The Hobbit gets to the point but does not leave you feeling cheated by it going too fast.
Another thing that I love about this Fantasy book is that it does not bog down with complicated names, location terminology, odd magic systems, etc. This is another thing that has been turning me off to other Fantasy lately because I cannot just escape and enjoy the book. Instead, I have to keep a notebook and a flowchart to keep everything straight! With The Hobbit, it was very organic and easy to follow – perfect for a relaxing Fantasy getaway for the brain.
I did not yet see the recent movies they made from this book but was surprised at first that they made it into three movies. After rereading this, I think I can see how they could expand on certain parts to make a movie trilogy. I will have to go and check it out now.
The Hobbit – read it!
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rated it 5 stars
Mar 01, 2021 08:47AM
![Kon R.](
Now that you have repeated it for effect, I shall give it a try! Thanks!
Oh, we are poles apart. I have seen and loved all the movies!
Good to know, Kon! Kind of what I expected . . . thanks for the info!
![Gary Sundell](
For me, The Hobbit has a totally different feel than Lord of the Rings. I would certainly recommend The Hobbit to a wider audience than Lord of the Rings. Also, I think that The Hobbit is a good gateway to The Lord if the Rings that makes reading that series much easier and more enjoyable.
![Gary Sundell](
Indeed - I worry about that quite a lot myself!
Sidenote: I do wish Jackson had shortened it to 2 movies instead of 3. Still I liked it.
Good review!
That is awesome how hardcore of a fan you are!!! The stories I have heard about The Silmarillion increase my awe of you. Writing in elvish - very impressive!
Glad to hear you enjoyed the movies despite minor disappointments.
Awesome! I hope you enjoy the end. I really liked the John Carter books, too!
![Gary Sundell](
I have read the Barsoom series probably at least twice, this reading of book 1 is the 3rd time. I read them in paperback in junior high and high school. Then I read them again when I picked up the Frank Frazetta illustrated Sci-fi Book Club editions. The series is addictive.
That is awesome that this book helped your brother with his reading!
Sounds like the movies are a bit drawn out. As much as I liked Lord of the Rings, those felt way too drawn out to me as well.
Kon wrote: "Definitely TH"
Yes - definitely The Hobbit!
So glad to hear this one is working out so well for you, Louiza! It's nice when a book you are not sure about ends up being so great!
![Saul Escalona](
No doubt, TH first Colleen . TH is an adventure, LOTR is a saga.
No doubt, TH first Colleen . TH is an adventure, LOTR is a saga."
Yes, truly! My original boxset from middle school had The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit really is book one of a four book cycle. I guess hardcore fans might disagree, but that is always how I have felt about it.