Sara's Reviews > The Collected Poems of Frank O'Hara

The Collected Poems of Frank O'Hara by Frank O'Hara
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: poetry

If you haven't read O'Hara, do it. Fun, fun poetry. A contemporary of Kerouac and Ginsburg, but I really prefer him to either of those beatniks. He is irreverent, writes about all sorts of things from movie stars to life in Manhattan. I read him first back in college - when I was in San Francisco, I visited the famed City Lights bookstore and bought his collected poems there. Another poet I would rank as "accessible" - but don't let that fool you, accessible isn't necessarily simple... O'Hara is an original.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
February 1, 1997 – Finished Reading
June 19, 2007 – Shelved
June 19, 2007 – Shelved as: poetry

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