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Negative Self Talk: Remove Negative Thinking, People, Emotions and Energy. Declutter your Mind of; Hatred, Stress, and Anger.: Overcome self-Judgment, ... of Distress and Take Control of Your Life

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In this book you will uncover the reasons, consequences, and impact of self-talk and discover practical solutions to overcome negative self-talk, anger, hurt and anxiety, and the self-destructive comparison game, swiftly helping you move forward. When analyzing peak performing athletes a recent study found that positive self-talk interventions are effective in changing - (Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2011). Furthermore, “ Low self-esteem may also arise from poor self-evaluation due to socially comparing oneself to others ” (Health Education Research, 2004) You’ll discover how to leave negative self-talk aside and think positive about your partner, work, and every other thing around you to see the impact. In this Negative Self Talk book, you will discover :

And most importantly ,

Julia Meadows, a psychological expert, has a history of coaching hundreds of clients in this field. However, this book isn’t theoretical. It is a crux of human emotions, deduct from scientific jargon, but provides a key focus on the practical knowledge about harmful self-talk and destructive thought behavior, and human expectations regarding thinking, self-help, and finding solutions to your peaceful self-worth. You’ll find it worth reading and implementing if you think your inner critic is a bit TOO vocal. Scroll up and “Add to Cart Now.”

182 pages, Paperback

Published February 15, 2021

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Julia Meadows

32 books1 follower

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