Terrible version. Wrong stories mixed up, miss pronunciations, drama music at inappropriate times just terrible. I listen fast and slowed down to 2.5 then to 2 then to 1 just to make sure I wasn’t missing something but it’s just a shit version do not waster your Money
Different reader for the different books and still no ideas of what they are speaking so they don’t know how to pronounce or impart the idea through vocal sentence structure which if they had just read it without trying to be dramatic they would not have errored so.
I will be getting my money back and reading a different translation. I was tempted to just read my old version but we have to keep the economy going. Especially with ancient text. I will release the notes maybe they will transfer but maybe not if I get my money back.
When you read and read you know more of what others do not do it’s very important to spread the information example. There is a YouTube channel called Suspicious Observer who discussed the sun flares etc and if he has never read the Book of Enoch he would not know the watchers and being keep time by the cycles of the sun. So perhaps he could read it and gain more insight and hate the science. So I tell you as I always do read and read and read more!
As a young girl I went to Bible study. As an adult I would say I'm more spiritual than religious. I heard mention of losts books from the Bible but never looked yo read it until now. It does fill in some blanks. The Apocrypha provides some historic information during the time called the period between the testaments.The Apocrypha was not considered part of the sacred text, the Bible. This is an insightful book.
If you like stories from the bible than you will like this book of lost stories. With a bit more description of stories you may already be familiar with.