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You Can Do Anything

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The most inspiring people in the world started with a dream that a lot of other people thought wasn't possible. By setting their minds to something and working hard, they proved that their dream was achievable. Dream big and be what you want to be.

24 pages, Paperback

Published March 30, 2021

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Danni Maynard

2 books89 followers

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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 reviews
Profile Image for Jenna Rideout.
688 reviews61 followers
December 26, 2021
I was granted complimentary access to You Can Do Anything by Danni Maynard as part of my participation in a blog tour for this title with Goddess Fish Promotions. Thank you to all involved in affording me this opportunity! My thoughts are my own and my review is honest.

I had the rare opportunity to review this while visiting family for the holidays and that family happens to include two primary grade teachers! Our individual ratings average out to 4.5 stars.

You Can Do Anything is a story about a little girl who dreams of being anything in the world, but most of all a pilot. She muses about how not too many generations ago, women couldn't do "boy things" and only stayed home, but now women can be anything in the whole world!

Our collective thoughts are that the story is great and the illustrations are beautiful. One of the two teachers reviewing it with me would buy it for her classroom. Our nitpicks are primarily in text formatting and a couple of word choices that sacrificed grammar in favour of the rhyming metre. Each page has two sentences with natural pauses, as it is written as if presented in four-line stanzas. Since the text is one its own white page next to illustration pages, not overlapped, we would like to have seen it actually formatted as four lines.

One of the two teachers reviewing with me was particularly concerned about the formatting on the page about shouting "I can do anything," OUT LOUD. We're not sure why OUT LOUD is capitalized. If anything should be in all-caps it would make more sense for it to be the dialogue. Additionally, the accompanying illustration that depicts our main character as a grown woman saying "I can do anything" in a speech bubble, we're wondering why there isn't any punctuation in that speech bubble. The story lines suggest there should be an exclamation mark because she's shouting it, but there isn't even a period for an evenly spoken statement.

Overall everyone thinks this is a cute story with a great message and beautiful illustrations. Again, one of the two teachers who reviewed with me would purchase it.
Profile Image for Sandra Lopez.
Author 3 books335 followers
January 23, 2022
See how a little girl dreams BIG. She can be anything.

“When I am a lawyer, I will stand up and be proud. I will shout to the world, ‘I can be anything,’ OUT LOUD.”

Back in the old days, boys could do certain things and girls could not.

“It is great to be a girl in the world of today, I can be anything and I still get to play.”

Filled with vibrant and wonderful illustrations, story is an inspiration to be what you want to be.

A nice story!
Profile Image for Kathy.
682 reviews25 followers
February 7, 2022
I grew up with a mother that would have read me this book over and over. I hope many mothers read it to their children over and over too. While this might benefit every child, it is geared toward young girls and all of the illustrations are of little girls. I think this type of book is great but I do think it limits its audience. Maybe that is the author's point and maybe teaching we girls we can be anything is a great point.
Profile Image for Christine Woinich.
2,559 reviews22 followers
February 11, 2022
I really enjoyed this children's book. Dream big and follow your dreams, no matter what they are. There no reasons why not. I also loved the illustrations demonstrated the words. I recommend this for families with young children, early elementary, to give them the chance to dream.

I received a copy of this story through Goddess Fish Promotions, and this is my unsolicited review.
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 reviews

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