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Beast of Sorrows

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The small Alabama town of Jericho Hills is one with many dark secrets born from the turmoil residing within its history. Some of those secrets, as bloody and heinous as they are, were never meant to surface, but were to remain in the shadows forevermore. When Benjamin Belvedere, a young wanderer with a troubled past of his own comes to town, he’s followed by an evil little imp with a severe grudge against Ben. When a few of the townspeople are murdered, Ben becomes the prime suspect. As he begins to regret coming to Jericho Hills, and even starts to doubt himself, an even bigger threat from the town's past rears its head and shows its teeth. A conflict arises that will have Ben battling two evils. The prize for winning this battle? His sanity.

Kindle Edition

First published January 23, 2021

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About the author

James Watts

7 books26 followers
James Watts was born in Birmingham, Alabama in March of 1976. Growing up in the small town of West Jefferson, Alabama, Watts spent his days lost in his vivid imagination.

At age 10, he discovered the Hardy Boys mystery series and fell in love with reading. By Age 12 the discovery of Stephen King's The Stand gave life to his need to write, to tell stories that he hoped the world would love.

It would take twenty years of rejections and working low paying jobs, and go through two divorces before he would see the publication of his horror novel Them.

James Watts currently resides in West Jefferson, Alabama and has one 19-year-old son, Bailey Watts.

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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews
Profile Image for Zain.
1,763 reviews225 followers
February 21, 2024
It Is a Fiver!

Beast of Sorrows is a good book. A great book. There is an awful lot going on in this book. There are many characters and some of them die.

The main characters are Ben, Mrs. Tidwell, Joyce, Cole, Gary, Sherrif Henderson, Ted Edwards, and Becks, the demon. There is a war going on between these people.

It’s all about ruling the world. The characters are divided into three groups of people. The groups are either for bringing the beast back to rule over the human race, or a group wants to bring the lycanthropes into power and kill all the humans.

Everybody must be killed. For some reason or other, Ben, Tidwell and the demon imp are all in the position to kill each other or get killed by each other.

This book has a lot of killing going on. Have mercy.

Five stars. ✨✨✨✨✨
Profile Image for Shaun Filion.
201 reviews9 followers
November 27, 2021
I was fortunate enough, to follow Mr. Watts Journey, on Facebook, as he wrote this book. I waited as patiently as possible, And although it wasn't easy, it was definitely worth the wait! I do wish some of the people could have had more of a back story, but I still loved the characters in the book. I also enjoyed the fact, that right when I thought the story was going a certain way, it took a pretty sharp turn. Good creepy atmosphere. Some interesting villains. And even a few laugh out loud moments. I'd highly recommend Beast of Sorrows
Profile Image for Merrill David.
Author 18 books54 followers
January 20, 2022
Bark at the Moon!

Very well written, wonderful werewolf tail. I loved it! Great story, this one doesn’t disappoint! Its hard to put this one down
Profile Image for DA.
Author 2 books115 followers
February 19, 2023
Stunning book! I was blown away by all the intricacies of the different story lines coming together. The plot evolved from a story of a young man running from a demon to an all out supernatural battle. It is a slow burn, but when the action gets going it doesn't stop.
Profile Image for Chiara Cooper.
330 reviews17 followers
June 27, 2023
I listened to this as an audiobook and I was disappointed. I did want to like this story but I think it was the reader that ruined it for me the most. I could not get past how annoyed I was by the voice and I'm sorry about that. I felt the reading was metallic and not credible and I couldn't get into it.

The story as well gets really confusing early on and there is the introduction of so many characters switching to one to another so quickly that I lost myself at times. The story has so many creatures from the devil's spawn (I think?) to werevolves, vampires, all tied in a family feud that I didn't really understand well.

I wish that some parts of the story had been given more attention, whilst I wished others had been shorter. I also didn't really like any of the characters which added to my inability to be fully immersed in the story.

Although the descriptive writing style was very enjoyable, at times it felt too much, again adding to my confusion. I did like the subtle unexpected twist at the end which at least made me smile a little.

All in all I wish I'd read the book instead that listening to it and I might give it another go at some point.

Thank you to R. E. Sargent and Steven Pajack for the audiobook and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Paul Pope.
186 reviews3 followers
March 18, 2024
Terrible. Couldn’t finish it. The author frequently diverges from the story to include unnecessary and distracting details that have no impact on the plot, characters, or mood. We get detailed information about what furniture is in the room and its placement, what kind of wood flooring, what is on a grocery list…
At one point he gives DRIVING DIRECTIONS on how to get to place XYZ. It’s a whole paragraph of which street merges into another, where to turn, how far to go, look for a mailbox, make another turn, etc. It’s abysmal.
The writing is tragic, but the editor must have been sleeping.
I give it one star because that’s the bottom of the scale.
My recommendation: Avoid.
Profile Image for Mark.
Author 86 books233 followers
April 25, 2022
Interesting and suspenseful all the way through. It was quite enjoyable with unique characters and a captivating plot.
174 reviews13 followers
April 3, 2023
I could not put this down! Beautifully written, a real “page turner” as they say. I’m afraid to say more, for chance of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michelle.
20 reviews
June 18, 2023
Enjoyed the audio! Interesting werewolf story with other supernatural elements and good characters.
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews

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