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The Happiest Day of My Life

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Harry loves his life—he likes to ride his bicycle, and fly with the birds, and splash the fishes. But one day he finds out that he will someday die. Every day he worries, 'Will this be the day I die?' Suddenly his life is no longer fun. Only when Harry decides to live each day as if it's his last can he rediscover the joy in life. The authors were inspired to write this story when they had to find a way to explain death to their young children. They decided to create a story that would be uplifting and positive, seen from the perspective of a child, whose sweetness and innocence is insightful in the lesson it can teach both adults and children.

40 pages, Hardcover

First published November 1, 2006

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Profile Image for Clare.
1,460 reviews316 followers
October 7, 2010
The first of three delightful books by Australian husband and wife Gillie and Marc Schattner.

With child-like wisdom, Harry learns that living each day with joy and wonder as if it were his last makes every day the happiest of his life.
Profile Image for Magpie.
2,031 reviews14 followers
September 18, 2015
Death is coming one day. Bummer. But before that is life. Yay! Absolutely gorgeous
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 reviews

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