MILLINOCKET -- The Fourth of July is known for its parades and of course firework shows, but for some smaller communities, having a large show on the actual holiday is more difficult than you would expect. 

That's the case for the town of Millinocket. The 'Biggest Small town in Maine' has been busy preparing for their fourth of July Festivities.  However, this year the town's firework show is not going to happen on the actual holiday. It's happening on the fifth instead.

According to town officials there is only one pyrotechnics company that services Northern Maine, and due to staffing issues they need to prioritize communities with larger budgets on the fourth. 

The town confirmed this on social media after many in the community had questions .

"I was hoping to catch them at least on the fourth because I'm not sure if I'm gonna stay much longer after that, it's a timing thing, so hopefully I'll still be able to see some on the fourth," said Geoffrey Ballard who is visiting the area from New York. 

However, many say they are not bothered by this change in tradition. 

"It doesn't affect me so, I don't have to drive far, I don't have to go anywhere far," said Millinocket resident Marilyn Bennett. 

Local businesses say it helps them by keeping people in town longer. 

"I just drove downtown this morning and I think pretty much every parking spot was taken up, so we're looking forward to seeing what comes," said Manager of Knife Edge Brewing, Caleb Laberge. 

Knife edge brewing at Ktaadin Resorts will be open on the fourth and the entire weekend, hoping the festivities keep their business steady. 

"People always look forward to a weekend long party so we're looking forward to it too, hoping it brings a lot of people into the area and people are ready to have a good time for three or four days in a row," said Laberge. 

Though their lodging is booked, they are still available for rafting, dining and more. To learn more you can visit their website. 

To learn more about the town of Millinocket's festivities visit their website. 

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