Trevor Clawson


I am a UK-based journalist and author with more than a decade's experience of writing about startups, tech companies and fast growth businesses. My career in journalism began as Business Editor of BBC World television's pan-European text news services. From there I went on to

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293 viewsAug 30, 2024

U.K. Taxes Are Set To Rise: What Do Entrepreneurs Think?

With a £22 billion hole to fill, the U.K. government is expected to raise taxes in the autumn. Entrepreneurs are likely to be affected so what do they think?

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346 viewsAug 27, 2024

Short Runways: Cash Reserves Still A Problem For U.K. SMBs

Around 30% of U.K. SMBs have relatively low cash reserves and may struggle to cope with sudden shocks, according to a survey of decision makers

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442 viewsAug 23, 2024

The Tricky Series C: How Startups Can Boost Their Funding Chances

Despite an upturn, raising VC capital remains challenging. Trevor Clawson talks to the founder of value realization consultancy Trachet about improving the funding odds

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987 viewsAug 20, 2024

Public/Private: How U.K. State Healthcare Is Nurturing Healthtech

The progress of Strolll - an early stage British healthtech startup - illustrates the role of NHS partnerships and grant funding in nurturing innovation in the U.K.

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252 viewsAug 14, 2024

Hard Choices: U.K. Funding Shift Threatens AI Startup Sector

The U.K. has withdrawn £1.3 billion in technology funding but allocated £32 million to AI projects. What will this mean for deep-tech startups?