Topsie VandenBosch, LMSW


I'm a licensed mental health therapist and Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Safety Consultant with an MSW (Master of Social Work) degree. I write about emotional skills and strategies that Black professionals can use to increase resilience, improve well-being, and enhance

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1,475 viewsAug 26, 2024

How Leaders Can Handle Workplace Conflict And Protect Their Well-Being

The necessity for leaders to learn healthy coping mechanisms to handle workplace conflict cannot be understated.

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2,655 viewsAug 8, 2024

5 Ways Leaders Can Own Their Success And Celebrate Their Wins

Discover five strategies to help leaders overcome self-doubt and celebrate their achievements with confidence. Learn how to own your success and embrace your wins.

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1,078 viewsJul 24, 2024

Kamala Harris Shows How To Handle Criticism At Work Like A Pro

Vice President Kamala Harris faces intense scrutiny. Discover strategies for handling unexpected criticism and thriving in leadership roles under pressure.

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3,384 viewsJul 19, 2024

6 Differences Between Constructive And Destructive Workplace Feedback

Learn to distinguish constructive from destructive feedback to boost your career and navigate workplace critiques effectively.

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2,322 viewsJul 8, 2024

How Black Leaders Can Assess Workplace Psychological Safety

Discover how Black leaders can evaluate psychological safety in their workplace and become more authentic in their self-expression.

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1,625 viewsJun 24, 2024

How Black Leaders Can Protect Their Well-Being From Microaggressions

Discover 5 emotional management techniques Black leaders can use to protect their well-being from workplace microaggressions and maintain their confidence.

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1,736 viewsJun 13, 2024

4 Emotional Skills Needed To Prevent Burnout In High-Pressure Roles

Discover how Black leaders in high-pressure roles can use CBT, mindfulness and self-awareness practices to prevent burnout.

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3,624 viewsJun 5, 2024

6 Strategies To Stop Second-Guessing Your Decisions As A Leader

Learn how Black women leaders and entrepreneurs can overcome analysis paralysis and self-doubt in decision-making.