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Heavy Metal: Daniel Turner At Hauser & Wirth DTLA


Daniel Tuner’s debut solo exhibition at Hauser & Wirth DTLA is a site-specific work in more ways than you can imagine. The exhibition which features paintings, sculpture, and film, was installed, and conceived for the specific room and space at Hauser & Wirth’s gallery at their location in Downtown LA.

The artworks themselves are inspired by California’s Light and Space Movement and derived from Turner’s investigation and eventual transmutation of elements from a specific place, the Mandalay Generating station, a decommissioned power plant in Oxnard, CA, (closed in 2017) that once supplied power to light Los Angeles and Southern California.

However, what you see in the gallery is large canvases that look to have a white background with a series of stain-like forms which photographs do not do justice. In person, up close, one can see the variety of depth and gradations, the subtle color variations that seem to dance across the canvas, even the gestural qualities and the rhythm of the marks (made somewhat like an abstract expressionist work). The main floor also features a sculpture made of an oil can surrounded by a series of pipes that despite its source is strangely elegant; and in its own room, a film in which a drone flies around the power plant at close range.

The connection between the work and its location is not obvious, but it is direct: Turner makes his art with metals taken from the site which are melted and sliced into copper wool-like pads that Turner rubs into the canvas to make the images we see.

To understand the nature of Turner’s Art, it helps to know his history: Turner was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, where America’s first shipyards were established. Turner’s father and grandfather both worked at the shipyards. His father also worked as a “scrap man” to make ends meet. Turner grew up on a rural property just outside Portsmouth where his father would be burning copper at night.

“I’d come home from school and there’s be a section of a ship in the backyard being cut up.” From a young age, Turner was “fascinated by these large pieces of metal” and was always drawing them.

As he got older the drawings became collages. Making art for Turner became “the way I gained affection from my family,” and it was also “the way I navigated the educational system.”

Turner grew up not attending museums or seeing actual works of art. However, his parents, and teachers at school were supportive of his artistic talent and encouraged him to apply for and attend a magnet school for art, where his drawings “started to make their way into paintings.”

His early artworks look remarkably like his present work, Turner said, in so far as he was attempting to “pictorialize these materials and landscapes.” His fascination with the metals and other materials that went into creating a certain object or, even, place, only grew.

For college, Turner was able to get a scholarship to attend the San Francisco Art Institute to study painting. At art school, Turner had to adjust to working in a studio rather than being outdoors, but he was also exposed to art for the first time, both the historic greats and contemporary artists such as Robert Rauschenberg whose combines were inspiring.

From San Francisco, Turner moved back to Virginia, “went back to work in construction, and slowly made my way to New York.” In New York, Turner worked as a security guard while continuing to make art which focused on the materials that made environments repurposed in his own work.

“I started to gravitate towards objects,” Turner told me recently. “I was interested in the feelings, [and the] invisible essence I was getting from these objects, which I found interesting. But then I thought, I don't necessarily want to exhibit the object, I want to exhibit its history. I thought if I could transform the object, I could still retain its makeup [and] its history. But I can also push it to a new form.” Turner said, adding that, “Every once in a while, some objects do come through that don't get completely, radically transformed.”

Turner’s work is conceptual but not allegorical or art critical in the way of Marcel Duchamp’s Ready-Mades. He makes paintings but he doesn’t use paint. He makes sculptures but he is not welding or carving the pieces. He makes films but he is not really a video artist. Turner works from specific environments but he’s not an environmental artist concerned about the use and reuse, carbon footprint, or environmental impact of his work.

To explain Tuner’s art, imagine, if you will, a more traditional artist who sketches or paints a room. The artist has captured the room, taken its visual content and made a representation of it in a two-dimensional interpretation of that specific site. Turner performs a similar magic trick: he takes the content of the room, or elements of the specific site, and then he melts them down. That metal is then sliced incredibly thin and made into the copper pads that become the “paint” he applies to the canvas to make his paintings. Although the final artwork is abstract, it still is “of” its specific site.

Turner explains his process as follows: “I just work as if I'm a journalist or a war photographer. I have, one week [where] I go in, [and] I get as much as I can I shoot everything [In this case about 5000 images]. I get it back, and then I pick the cream of the crop…. At that moment, I'm using the plant as my studio... I'm pulling materials aside, considering this, I'm shooting this. Maybe this works. Maybe that doesn't. What can I transform? What can be milled to produce this copper wool that gets pushed into the paintings? So, it's many things.”

Next, as Turner explained, “The canvas gets stapled to the wall, with a clear coat that dries overnight. It gets flipped around [to add] another clear coat, grisaille that dries with 24 hours. And [then there’s] 10 layers of gesso. In between each layer, it gets sanded. So the surface is really built up to in fact, absorb this material. And it's a process that I've been working on for about five years.”

But wait, there’s more: “I've also made 3D printed tools, and I put the tools on a broomstick similar to a way that Gerhardt Richter would work. But it's more of this motion [he makes a Wax On, Wax off motion] It's actually quite physical.” Turner sums up his process, as “I'm simply recycling the material.”

In the end, Turner said, “What you're looking at, is actually the blemishes, these darkened material stains of the actual pipes that are used to produce electricity for Los Angeles. And these are just pushed into the surface almost to a fog or a vapor; almost like a cloud… It's about 150 hours of rubbing …So, they're quite laborious.”

For Turner, each canvas has its own emotional resonance and each set of paintings from a specific site are like the movements of a symphony.

“I'm really going into the sites and mining the site and trying to extract as much as I can.” Turner told me. The oil can and pipe sculpture, called “Channel Conduit” is closer to found art. “I find it quite classical; rather formal…The sea water actually flowed through some of these pipes.”

The film is of the plant, “Oxnard Harbor”, taken by an orbital drone, presents the plant in a very heroic dimension and as an object of beauty poised on the sand before the ocean. To Turner, the film is an investigation of the power the plant once had, and the power it delivered to Southern California.

In the Middle Ages, Alchemy was a philosophical and proto-scientific inquiry into the possibility of transforming base metals into gold. By investigating and excavating site specific locations, we can say that Turner has succeeded with his Art where others failed, in taking copper and striking gold.

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