Stephen Wunker

Contributor|CMO Network

I lead the consulting firm New Markets Advisors, which advises leading corporations, venture-backed start-ups, and public sector organizations. I am the author of four popular books on innovation: The Innovative Leader, Costovation, Jobs to be Done, and Capturing New Markets.

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759 viewsJul 8, 2024

How AI And New Care Models Make Healthcare Easier, Cheaper, And Better

Frequently, patients flow to a small number of highly-trained specialists who are in short supply relative to demand. AI and new care models are starting to change that.

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10,388 viewsMar 29, 2024

Deploying 6 Innovation Methods To Transform Early Childhood Education

Gibes de Gac wondered how technology could scale up collaboration in ways that would be both low-cost and truly delightful to parents, students, and teachers alike.

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644 viewsMar 4, 2024

Three Steps To A Pharma Turnaround In A Tough Market

Your pharma company has focused hard on an area of unmet medical need, but the commercial results aren't there. What do you do?

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889 viewsFeb 22, 2024

How To Build AI Capabilities Across An Enterprise

Businesses rolling AI out across an enterprise can learn from the masters of making the most of disruption – venture investors.

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1,273 viewsJan 29, 2024

Four Ways For Start-Ups To Succeed In Healthcare

Healthcare is a tough industry for startups. The industry has complex sets of players, demands perfection, and dislikes iterative approaches. Yet firms can still succeed.