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5 Ways Your Marketing Can Be More Inclusive In 2024

Updated Jan 3, 2024, 01:57pm EST

Whether or not you call it inclusive marketing, engaging consumers with differences is more important now than it ever has been.

Demographic changes, consumer expectations, and even government mandates are making it so that the brands that don’t serve consumers with varying needs aren’t rewarded with their business. And when you start to consider the buying power of not only those consumers, but of the people who love them, care for them, and want them to feel like they belong with the brands they buy from, the business case for doing a better job of serving a broader diversity of consumers is undeniable.

No matter where you are on your journey with infusing an inclusive mindset into your marketing, here are five principles to embrace to fuel your success.

Eliminate Friction

Lots of marketers focus on reducing the friction in the customer experiences they deliver. Friction causes carts to be abandoned. Friction diminishes a sense of belonging consumers have with your brand. Friction slows the progression of consumers moving through the customer journey you provide to them.

Friction negatively impacts your conversions. And yet friction in the customer experience is often greater for consumers from underrepresented and underserved communities.

And as a result, those consumers are often frustrated. They convert at lower levels, and don’t achieve success at the same rate as customers who don’t experience that same level of friction.

Examples of friction for consumers from underrepresented and underserved communities are abundant. When brands don’t offer captions on video content, that offers friction for people with hearing impairment. When brands force customers to raise their hands to acknowledge how they are different to get their needs met, that causes friction. When consumers considering your product can’t see themselves or who they aspire to be represented in the visual imagery you put forth, or in the testimonials and success stories of previous clients you’ve had, then that causes friction.

The fix for eliminating all this friction is to focus on designing the products, services, and experiences you’re delivering with the various identities of the people you serve in mind.

Another best practice is to audit the existing experiences you deliver through the lens of the various identities of the people you want to serve as well.

When you keep all the people you want to serve top of mind, it becomes easier to design and improve your customer experience to minimize the friction they experience.

Embrace Transparency

Consumers want to know that your lived values are aligned with theirs. In fact, 71% of consumers say they want to buy from brands that share the same values. To demonstrate that your values are more than just lip service, be open not only about what your values are, but how you are working to live into them. For many brands, that means being more transparent about metrics and activities.

If for instance one of your brand’s values is something related to diversity, inclusion, and belonging, it is important to be transparent about how that plays out for your brand. One way to do that is to highlight a commitment to supplier diversity, the way Sephora does, and showcasing your progress toward achieving your stated goals.

If you’ve stated that you’re donating to organizations that support the underrepresented and underserved communities you want to serve, be transparent about what that donation looks like, and your progress on fulfilling whatever commitments you’ve made.

In 2020 in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd, lots of brands made commitments to their efforts on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, including financial targets, and many of those commitments never came to fruition, which has made consumers even more skeptical about brand statements.

Leverage Technology

There are more tools available now than there ever have been to support you in your efforts to make your marketing more inclusive. Through a combination of advances in artificial intelligence, more brands infusing inclusion into their product offerings, and inclusive approaches becoming standard rather than a “nice to do”, tools to enable you to more effectively serve a broader group of customers are more available.

The starting point for using technology to better serve your customers is having clarity on the various identities you want to serve, and then knowing how your customer experience needs to adjust to better serve them.

Once you’re armed with that information, you can identify where in your workflows technology can help.

For instance, if you’ve decided you want to provide captions and transcripts for all your audio and video content, there’s a multitude of tools available to provide those for you quickly and in a cost effective manner.

If you decided you wanted to make your website content available in multiple languages, there are a number of resources that make that process efficient for you.

Prioritize Connection

Building genuine relationships are at the heart of any strategy for earning the loyalty of any group of consumers. The foundation of those relationships is being connected to those communities on a regular basis.

Whether it is through building representative teams, being present in the communities, doing ongoing market research, collaboration, or co-creation of solutions, the more time you spend connecting with people who are part of the communities you want to serve, the better you will know and understand what they need and want from you. When you prioritize connection over extraction, you’ll position yourself to evolve and grow with the community over the long-term as you earn their loyalty.

Ben & Jerry’s stays connected to the communities they serve, by actively advocating for causes that are important to those communities. Among the causes they proactively fight to make positive change are in the areas of racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and even the rights and dignity of refugees.

Connection can take on many forms, thus it’s important to find the right format for connecting with communities for your brand.

The key is to prioritize building relationships in a manner that leaves communities better because you are connected to them.


Like with most things in business, success with inclusive marketing doesn’t come without investment. Not only does investment signify the priority the area has in your business success and your values, but it also gives your teams the tools and resources they need to be effective in their efforts.

Your investment in inclusive marketing can come in a variety of forms. Whether it is training, building a diverse and representative team core and extended team, engaging in more collaborations, upgrading your internal systems and customer experience to be more inclusive, or even making your content more accessible for a broader group of customers, there’s many opportunities to invest.

While there are plenty of things you can do that are low or no cost to get started being more inclusive with your marketing, know that at some point, investment will be required to achieve sustainable success, and to have a broader impact on more consumers and of course, your brand’s bottom line.

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