Monica Sanders


Monica Sanders is an attorney, scholar, and writer focused on sustainability, climate justice, and emerging resilience technologies. Writing for Forbes since 2023, she has reported on key issues such as the impact of extreme weather events on vulnerable communities and

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338 viewsAug 28, 2024

From Chad To California - Water Crises Cause Dry Wells And Conflicts

Innovation and better infrastructure finance are key to solving the coming water crisis. Water scarcity threatens peace, security and economies.

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491 viewsAug 23, 2024

The Costs Of Flawed Flood Risk Models Hit Poor Communities Hardest

New research shows how flawed flood risk modeling fails everyone, but comes at a higher cost for marginalized communities.

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265 viewsAug 19, 2024

Balloons, Disasters And Bad Policy Cripple Fragile Infrastructure

Minor incidents in New Orleans and Puerto Rico show how fragile infrastructure increases climate and disaster risk.

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246 viewsJul 30, 2024

Closing The Climate Insurance Gap For A Resilient Future

Insurance gaps and insurance companies leaving disaster prone regions and areas at high risk for climate change pose a loomin economic catastrophe.

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638 viewsJul 26, 2024

Noemi Florea Is On A Mission To Transform Water Justice

Noemi Florea created Cycleau, a water rescue device, to help families in divested communities keep clean water access.

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139 viewsJul 23, 2024

Ways The Next U.S. President Can Lead In Addressing Ecosystem Collapse

As recording coral bleaching and other ecosystem collapses happen globally, it is critical that the next U.S. President lead the way in climate solutions.

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1,277 viewsJul 19, 2024

Climate Change's Toll On Global Agriculture: A Looming Crisis

Climate change is impacting food supplies globally. Cocoa, olive oil, soybeans and rice supplies are dropping while prices rise — impacting critical food supply chains.

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1,174 viewsJul 1, 2024

Hurricane Beryl: A Climate-Driven Superstorm Threatens The Caribbean

Hurricane Beryl is likely a climate-driven superstorm, a trend that could become the norm. Experts weigh in on why this is and how to address the threat.

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699 viewsJun 21, 2024

Dr. Frederic Bertley: Championing Climate Science In An Era Of Denial

Dr. Frederic Bertley, president and CEO of the Center of Science and Industry in Columbus, Ohio, is a leading science communicator.

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844 viewsJun 12, 2024

Record-Breaking Ocean Temperatures: What They Mean For Your Life

Record breaking ocean temperatures have a real impact on communities and economies. This means loss of fisheries and access to food as well as trade disruption.