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How PGI Delivers An 835% ROI And Emmy Awards Star Power With Platinum

Updated Jul 27, 2024, 11:45am EDT

How many marketing executives can claim an 835% ROI on a marketing campaign? A rarity, to be sure, but even more curious is how Helzberg Diamonds, the centenarian-plus jewelry retailer, made it happen.

“We recognized an opportunity with platinum in bridal and men’s and women’s wedding bands,” revealed Julie Yoakum, president and chief brand merchant for Helzberg Diamonds.

Platinum Guild International: The Architect

How platinum became the “secret sauce” for one of the most successful marketing campaigns in the jewelry industry involves the strategic machinations of Platinum Guild International, the organization responsible for adding 80 million ounces of platinum – that’s five million pounds – into the collective jewelry boxes of consumers worldwide over the past 50 years, while itself not selling a platinum product.

“Our focus is promoting platinum as a jewelry brand ingredient, more so than PGI as an organization,” explained Rebecca Moskal, vice president of marketing for Platinum Guild International USA. “Since its founding in 1975, PGI has established itself as the authority on platinum within the global jewelry industry. Our sole reason for existence is to drive demand for platinum in the fine jewelry arena and to do so, we position ourselves as a resource to both trade and consumer audiences.”

Unlike traditional companies with products whose sales can be tracked to measure success, PGI has the daunting task of proving its, ah, metal by championing one material and persuading an entire industry to get behind platinum so consumers can fall in line. The organization is a marketing machine, offering insight into how marketing doesn’t necessarily have to be all about you, even when the end results prove otherwise.

The Platinum Business Development Grant Program

Take the 2021 launch of the Platinum Business Development Grant Program. Every 36 months, PGI awards up to $500,000 to three jewelry designers, retailers or manufacturers willing to go all-in on platinum. Entry requires only a sound business proposal detailing how platinum would become prioritized in their business

“Applicants’ submissions ranged from developing new platinum product designs, to supporting platinum sales with key retail partners via strategic marketing activations, to increasing their inventory levels and changing their fulfillment practices to a just in time delivery model for platinum pieces,” described Moskal. “By supporting these partners with funding, it allows them to think outside the box and creatively promote platinum in various manners that best works for their individual strategies and goals. Over the course of the program’s first three years, grant recipients reported platinum sales growth ranging from 40% to over 800%.”

Which brings us back to Helzberg, a recipient of the inaugural grant and the 835% return on marketing strategy.

Helzberg Diamonds’ Platinum Packham

“Prior to the grant, we had launched our Jenny Packham collection bridal line, which is set all in platinum,” Yoakum continued. “With the grant funds to help market platinum, we greatly enhanced our product offering. We expanded with more bridal styles, including our custom ring builder, which has been very well received. Additionally, we added a custom eternity band builder with a platinum option, which represents a good portion of our sales.”

Helzberg also used the grant to integrate platinum into various marketing channels, including direct mail, social media, and in-store promotions. Sales associates were heavily trained in platinum, and in turn, educated customers on the other white metal, which now accounts for a significant part of Helzberg’s product mix.

Kwiat's Sparkling Transformation

Helzberg's impressive results highlight the power of PGI's strategic support. Similarly, Kwiat, another grant recipient, leveraged the funding to enhance their marketing efforts. While platinum was already a popular setting for their uniquely cut stones, Kwiat hadn't previously focused on promoting the metal.

According to Cory Kwiat, chief digital officer for the brand, “The grant allowed us to access previously cost-prohibitive advertising opportunities, including partnerships with luxury accounts, as well as creating branded content and digital assets for other media partners.”

After PGI’s support, the new ballad at Kwiat is now: “Kwiat diamonds look bigger and sparkle more, set in platinum to amplify their brilliance. That means more compliments per carat.”

Mémoire Sets Hearts on Fire in Platinum

Mémoire, the third 2021 grant recipient, adds yet another narative to the profitable power of platinum. With PGI’s support, Mémoire strengthened its existing “Mémoire Now” band program to increase its inventory of platinum bands available for immediate delivery — and tripled their sales in the process.

Now fully aware of platinum’s star quality, Mémoire and its sister brand, Hearts on Fire, launched the Vela Bridal collection, made mostly in platinum. Rebecca Foerster, president of Hearts On Fire North America, states the collection “showcases the beauty of the Hearts on Fire world’s most perfectly cut diamond, set in platinum, the world’s most beautiful metal.”

“We have benefited from a great collaboration that has worked for both sides,” Foerster, continued. “Helping PGI sell and promote more platinum within a brand and helping HOF provide their retail partners, both in the Memoire and Hearts on Fire brands, with additional marketing support to promote the brands and their benefits, one of which is the use of platinum for maximum quality and luxury.”

Visibility on a Global Stage

Thus underscoring a valuable marketing strategy – let others do the work promoting you while giving them the resources they need to be successful. And if you do this well enough, you just might find that strategy escorting you down the red carpet during celebrity awards season, a time when luxury brands spend millions to ensure their names are mentioned by every A-list celebrity of the moment.

Florence Pugh, Michelle Williams, Michael B. Jordan and Lady Gaga all wearing Tiffany during the Academy Awards? Of course the diamonds were set in platinum! What of Nicole Kidman’s Harry Winston Carpet earrings, Secret Cluster bracelet and Piroutte ring? Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but apparently, not without platinum! And how do we, the general public, know this?

“Monitoring and promoting platinum on the red carpet at key annual events, including the SAG Awards, Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, and the Grammys, is an important part of our global awareness strategy,” Moskal revealed. “We issue press releases the day of these high-profile events, highlighting notable platinum jewelry worn by A-list celebrities, for two reasons: first to ensure the media covering the fashion and jewelry at these events include platinum mentions in their coverage, which then, second, trickles down to generating awareness on a consumer level, as they devour and repost said coverage.”

PGI’s Key Marketing Strategies

Platinum, first appearing on record alongside silver and gold in 700 BC Egypt as hieroglyphics on princess Shepenupet II’s casket of Thebes, the metal would make another ancient appearance in 100 BC amongst the nose rings of South American Incas before gaining entry into the world of luxury jewelry in 1890 through legendary French jewelry house, Cartier. Yet it still wasn’t commanding space on the decolletages of well-heeled women until a leading group of South African producers took up its cause with the 1975 launch of PGI.

Since then, PGI has done a remarkable job in ensuring the world knows platinum isn’t just for ancient Egyptian princesses and Peruvian indigenous people. In addition to the grant program and magnifying the high wattage names who choose platinum to shine even brighter, PGI has been busy educating top media editors, who in turn share their passionate pursuit of platinum in articles, Instagram Stories and Pinterest profiles. PGI's playbook highlights several key marketing strategies from which other organizations can learn.

1. Create and Leverage Symbiotic Partnerships

A key tenet of PGI’s strategy is forging strong partnerships within the jewelry industry. In launching The Platinum Business Development Grant Program, PGI has extended its reach and influence by, first, enabling grant recipients to maximize their platinum offerings; and second, providing them educational resources for each brand to pursue new, creative ways to promote platinum on a larger scale.

2. Invest in Education and Promotional Support

By investing heavily in educational programs and materials, such as its website, PGI equips retailers and consumers alike with knowledge to appreciate platinum in all its grandeur. Providing support in training sales associates, developing comprehensive marketing assets, and creating detailed informational content highlighting platinum’s durability, purity, and aesthetic appeal ensures every stakeholder in the supply chain, from jeweler to customer, is well-informed when deciding to choose platinum for themselves.

3. Amplify Your Wins

With A-list celebrities walking the red carpet in platinum jewels during high profile luxury brand marketing events as the Academy and Emmy Awards — and PGI issuing press releases immediately to promote these appearances — platinum’s prestige has also now become associated with high fashion and celebrity style. This visibility creates a ripple effect influencing trends and consumer preferences globally while reinforcing platinum’s position as the ultimate choice for fine jewelry.

Final Thoughts:

As a Nigerian woman raised entirely on yellow gold jewelry, as are most West African women, platinum had never previously held my fascination. Yet as a marketer and 20-year veteran of the jewelry industry, I find a certain curiosity as to the rise of this curious metal. Fundamentally, this is the core of great marketing: the ability to grab the awareness of someone who wasn’t paying your brand the least bit of attention until they can no longer ignore your message because it’s being echoed by so many others.

And for platinum in particular, with PGI ultimately serving as a publicist for an entire industry and educating me on the value of this material, I am also left echoing the same sentiments as Foerster of Mémoire and Heart’s on Fire: “These results show me that there is an increasing desire for platinum from both the trade and consumer, as they are seeking quality and excellence in their product choices and have become more educated over the years regarding the benefits of platinum.”

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