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Elvis Presley Trades One Album For Another On The Charts

Updated Jan 13, 2025, 02:08pm EST

Elvis Presley’s name can always be found on the Billboard charts, as his music will always be played by people all across the U.S. Sometimes, his fans prefer one collection or a handful of songs, but at other times, tastes change, and so do his fates on the weekly rankings.

The legendary musician experiences a big switch on one Billboard tally, one which he almost always appears on. Presley claims just as many spaces at the moment as he did last week on the ranking, but he trades one title for another.

The Essential Elvis Presley returns to the Top Rock & Alternative Albums chart this frame. The compilation is back on the list of the top-consumed rock and alternative full-lengths in the U.S. at No. 45, but it’s not as if he’s been away from the roster for long.

Presley also appeared on the Top Rock & Alternative Albums chart last week, but with a different collection of some of his biggest smashes. Just a few days ago, he almost conquered the genre-specific roster with The Classic Christmas Album. That set lived at No. 2 as consumption of holiday music came to an end for another season. Now, it’s vanished completely from the list.

Impressively, The Classic Christmas Album is the bigger hit between those two titles, at least as far as top placements go. The compilation of Presley’s holiday fare peaked at No. 2, while The Essential Elvis Presley has only climbed as high as No. 8 on the rock and alternative-specific tally.

Presley’s current win has spent quite a bit more time on the Top Rock & Alternative Albums chart than his recent holiday favorite, though. Last week, The Classic Christmas Album reached 52 frames, or a full year, on the list, while The Essential Elvis Presley is now up to 112 turns on the roster.

The beloved musician’s compilation is also present on one other Billboard list, one it doesn’t need to return to. The Essential Elvis Presley actually manages to improve its standing on the Top Country Albums chart, where it lifts three spaces to No. 34. Coincidentally, it has also peaked at No. 8 on that second ranking.

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