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20 Reasons Swift, Clear Communication Is Key During The Hiring Process

Forbes Human Resources Council

To attract the top talent for an organization, implementing a smooth and transparent candidate experience is vital.

Creating such an experience requires HR leaders to prioritize timely and clear communication with applicants in all stages of the hiring process. This makes potential hires feel valued and informed and speeds up decision-making while reducing the risk of losing the best candidates to competitors.

Below, 20 members of Forbes Human Resources Council discuss the importance of swift, clear communication with job candidates and how to uphold that in your own hiring process.

1. Today's Candidates Expect Quick Feedback

In a age of immediate feedback (likes, shares and follows), candidates expect quick responses. Companies that keep up with this pace will attract better talent. Clear and continuous feedback during the hiring process makes candidates feel valued and respected, reflects company values and sets you apart from the competition. - Shiran Danoch, Informed Decisions

2. It Fosters Trust And Engagement

During the hiring process, swift and clear communication is critical. It provides for a respectful and positive candidate experience (for those moving forward in the process as well as those who aren’t). It also fosters transparency and trust, maintains candidate engagement and can enhance the organization's employer brand and reputation, which ultimately helps to attract top talent. - Amee Desjourdy, Hitachi Vantara

3. Candidates Can Be Ambassadors For Your Organization

Organizations, at times, focus on the employee lifecycle that begins at onboarding. To me, candidate experience is a vital start. A stellar experience shows care and excellence as values. Even if the candidate doesn't end up hired by the organization, they are ambassadors in sharing their good experiences in the hiring process. Swift and clear communication is a display of sound processes and people-centered values. - Robyn Arville, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

4. It Provides Transparency Into The Process

Open communication enables a transparent hiring process and lets candidates know where they are in the process. Integrating AI into recruitment is helping fill talent gaps efficiently, but hiring teams need to ensure candidates are still being treated respectfully during a sometimes lengthy process or risk losing skilled talent to an organization that is doing so. - Laurie Chamberlin, LHH

5. It Sets The Foundation For A Positive Experience

Swift and clear communication sets the foundation for a positive candidate experience. Timely updates and transparency build trust and reduce anxiety for candidates. This not only helps attract top talent but also shows that we value their time and are committed to respectful and efficient processes. Ultimately, it reflects well on our company’s brand and values. - Kshitij Jain, Joveo

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6. It Reduces The Change Of A Hiring Mismatch

The clearer the communication is overall, the less chance of hiring a candidate and later learning their skills or their expectations are different. Sharing information about the company culture, the role, potential career path as well as total rewards is the best way to ensure that the candidate understands the role as well as the company overall. The candidate should also be very candid. - Heather Smith, Flimp Communications

7. Candidates Are Also Your Customers

Candidates equal customers. Starting from this vantage point, the importance of ensuring a great customer experience, inclusive of both clarity and timely responses, is a clear minimum to ensure that customers (candidates) are willing to engage on multiple occasions, are willing to refer other candidates and have a favorable opinion of the firm. - Jon Lowe, DailyPay

8. It Can Distinguish Your Offer From Others

More often than not, top-tier talent will be considering multiple offers. But salary isn't the only consideration—the role, prerequisite skills and working environment are also paramount. Effective communication from the hiring team is essential for setting the tone, whereas competitors with inefficient communication can act as a warning to talent. - Nicky Hancock, AMS

9. It Keeps Candidates Updated During A Lengthy Process

The key word is transparency. The hiring process, especially for key leadership roles, can be quite lengthy. It is essential that employers clearly articulate the process in the beginning, stick to it and (if necessary) inform candidates along the way of any changes or delays. The hiring process is the first impression for the employer just as much as the candidate. - Nakisha Griffin, Vercara

10. It Makes A Positive First Impression

Your recruiting process is the first impression you give to candidates. Top talent has options. Employers who are intentional about creating an awesome candidate experience are creating an awesome first impression. It also protects your employer brand by showing you value people, regardless of the power dynamic. - Monica Lloyd, People Forward

11. It Sets A Precedent For Communication

The communication style exhibited during the hiring process sets a precedent for communication for the candidate, which they will ultimately bring with them into the company. Therefore, those communication standards must match the standards expected of employees. Swift and clear communication also demonstrates respect for the candidate's time and effort during the hiring process. - Dieneria Brown, PushBlack

12. It Opens The Door To Future Opportunities

Providing clear and timely feedback shows that the company values the time and effort commitment made by a candidate. Incorporating these best practices in the hiring process leaves the door open for the candidate to consider working for—or doing business with—this company at a later date (if the candidate was not offered an opportunity at that time). - Janet Vardeman, Avanade

13. It Sets The Interviewee And Company Up For Success

The hiring leader must be open, honest and fair in the role responsibilities and competencies. The candidate needs to be aware of the skills needed to succeed, long-term and short-term. The hiring leader is doing a disservice to both the interviewee and the company if they don’t follow these simple suggestions. Be clear. Keep it simple. - John Pierce, John Pierce Consulting

14. Candidates Benefit From Real-Time Updates

Candidates want real-time updates on where they stand in the process. Let them know if you plan to interview others after you speak with one candidate. If you know a candidate is not the right fit, tell them immediately. This allows the candidate to get clarity and move on, and it allows you the time to find the perfect person for the role. - Jake Zabkowicz, Hudson RPO

15. It Ensures Mutual Fit

Communication is key in every aspect of the employee life cycle. A candidate starts evaluating the company culture right from the introductory call. A swift and clear communication helps them feel valued and they should have good clarity on what they are getting into. A mutual fit is very important to ensure the right candidate is in the right seat, which ties to employee retention. - Divya Divakaran, EVS, Inc.

16. It Keeps Candidates Interested

Speed is everything in today's recruiting market. When you set expectations (and deliver against them with candidates), it lets them know what to expect and when to expect it. Being fast and clear about that speed helps candidates feel appreciated and stay interested in your open roles. - Corey Berkey, Garnet Bridge Consulting

17. It Reflects Your Company's Communication Style

How a company communicates to you during the interview process is a reflection of how they communicate to their employees in general. If they don't communicate to you in a clear, timely and transparent manner, I'd question whether this is the kind of company you want to join. Are you willing to work for a company that doesn't care and respect you enough to communicate effectively? - Debra Corey, DebCo HR

18. Great Talent Won't Tolerate Ineffective Communication

Great talent will not join your organization if the hiring process lacks clear communication. Top candidates understand that communication is usually at its best during the hiring process. If communication is ineffective then, they will assume it is worse in daily operations. Top talent will not want that daily frustration, leaving the organization with second-level talent at best. - Jane Binzak, BAXIMUS Enterprises LLC

19. It Shows Respect For Candidates' Time

The most valuable thing any of us possess is time. Timely and clear communication shows that you respect the time, attention and interest of a candidate. It's foundational to a positive hiring process and is, candidly, just good manners. - Jason Elkin, EQUALS TRUE

20. It Can Keep You From Losing Top Candidates

In today’s labor market, job candidates often simultaneously submit applications to multiple employers. If your organization does not communicate quickly, you may lose a valuable candidate to a competitor. Candidates will also feel respected and valued when you prioritize swift and clear communication, making them more likely to accept your offer. - Niki Jorgensen, Insperity

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