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The Net Worth Of Every 2024 Presidential Candidate

Updated Mar 6, 2024, 04:43pm EST

By Dan Alexander, Matt Durot, Zach Everson, Kavya Gupta, Monica Hunter-Hart, John Hyatt, Kyle Mullins and Chase Peterson-Withorn

To fully understand what’s happening in politics, it’s essential to follow the money. Not just the funds sloshing around campaign committees, but the money in candidates’ pockets. How rich are these people? Where did they get their wealth? Did they earn it before they ran for office? Or did politics make them rich?

Forbes set out to answer those questions, digging into the personal finances of all the 2024 presidential contenders. What we found was revealing. Vivek Ramaswamy became a near-billionaire by obsessing over returns, not principles. Nikki Haley is a devoted daughter, who left the Trump administration when her parents’ finances were in dire straits. Tim Scott is a bootstrapper, who emerged from poverty to build a mini real estate empire. Joe Biden, Chris Christie and Ron DeSantis are all political animals, who mastered the art of translating fame into fortune by writing books, delivering speeches and selling services. Then there’s Donald Trump, a $2.6 billion real estate heir who remains unsatisfied with the size of his fortune—so much so that he continues to lie about his net worth, even while on trial for exaggerating how much money he has.

Together, the 16 candidates are worth about $4 billion, far less than the 2020 crowd, when multibillionaires Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer were in the race. The current crop is still rich, with one billionaire, a pair of centi-millionaires and a crowd of millionaires. Below, a guide to how they made their money, how they spend it, how they invest it, and what it all says about how they might manage the country.

Candidates with gray images have dropped out.

Donald Trump, 77

Former president of the United States | Republican | Net worth: $2.6 billion

The former president is incredibly rich, in large part due to the sums he reportedly received from his father, Fred Trump, that total more than $500 million (in today’s dollars). The younger Trump plowed money into a smattering of casinos, hotels, office buildings, mansions and other assets. He also borrowed heavily and spent freely, resulting in a pile of bankruptcies and plenty of attention. If he had opted for a simpler approach, taking his inheritance and investing it in the S&P 500 while living a humble life, he would be worth an estimated $300 million more today. But in that scenario, Trump would have never become president. See more.

Vivek Ramaswamy, 38 (dropped out)

Entrepreneur | Republican | Net worth: $880 million

A businessman with no political experience, the 38-year-old Ramaswamy made his money betting on drugs. He started his career on Wall Street, investing in biotech stocks. He then founded Roivant Sciences in 2014 with the idea of scooping up promising drug candidates abandoned by pharma giants. Today the company is worth just under $7 billion, and Ramaswamy has netted nearly $150 million selling stock. After stepping down as CEO in 2021 and writing his bestseller Woke, Inc., Ramaswamy founded Strive Asset Management, an anti-woke investment fund. It already manages over $1 billion in customer assets and was last valued at $300 million in a private funding round. See more.

Doug Burgum, 67 (dropped out)

Governor of North Dakota | Republican | Net worth: At least $100 million

The root of Burgum’s fortune comes from Microsoft’s 2001 purchase of Great Plains Software, a business software company Burgum led as CEO. His cut of that deal was about $100 million worth of Microsoft stock. Burgum’s portfolio now includes homes and farmland across the country, a North Dakota real estate development firm and private equity holdings. He has likely transferred some of his wealth to trusts for his heirs. See more.

Dean Phillips, 55 (dropped out)

Congressman from Minnesota | Democrat | Net worth: $50 Million

A Minnesota businessman who made his money in the family liquor company and in building the Talenti gelato company, Phillips won a congressional seat representing the Minneapolis suburbs in 2018. He announced his long-shot bid challenging President Biden in October 2023, citing a need for “a new generation of American leaders.” See more.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 69

Attorney, heir | Independent | Net worth: $15 million

RFK Jr. inherited the Kennedy name, but not all that much Kennedy cash. One of 29 grandchildren of Joe Kennedy, he has a share of the family trusts, which date back to 1926, and include a stake in downtown Chicago’s Wolf Point real estate development. But most of his money stems from his own work as an environmental lawyer, author and controversial vaccine skeptic. He and his wife, actress Cheryl Hines, own a $7 million, 5,900-square-foot home in Los Angeles and a six-bedroom place worth $3 million on the famous Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. See more.

Chris Christie, 61 (dropped out)

Former governor of New Jersey | Republican | Net worth: $15 million

Of all the people running for president today, nobody has been better than Christie at tapping into tried-and-true moneymaking methods for political figures—writing books, giving speeches, doing consulting and sitting on boards. His net worth has roughly quadrupled since leaving office in 2018, thanks to booming business at his law firm and his consulting shop–not to mention a contributor gig on ABC News and a lineup of big-money speeches. He and his wife, who earned money on Wall Street until 2015 and now works in the consulting shop, own two houses, three pensions and a big pile of liquid assets between them. See more.

Joe Biden, 80

President of the United States | Democrat | Net worth: $10 million

“Middle-class” Joe’s net worth is in the eight figures. Like most octogenarians, most of his money is tied up in his houses, including a summer home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware worth an estimated $4.5 million. Biden has leveraged his properties for liquidity over the years, refinancing repeatedly. But, after leaving the vice presidency in 2017, he followed a well-trodden path for ex-politicians and cashed in on speeches and a book. His coolest asset: A 1967 Corvette Stingray, which he received as a wedding present from his dad in fresh off the new-car lot. It is now worth an estimated $100,000. See more.

Nikki Haley, 51 (dropped out)

Former governor of South Carolina | Republican | Net worth: $8 million

Nikki Haley stunned Washington by resigning her role as United Nations ambassador in the Trump administration in 2018, less than two years after taking office. A spokesperson for Haley claims that family financial troubles had “no bearing whatsoever on Ambassador Haley’s decision to leave her position” and points to a section of Haley’s resignation letter in which she expressed support for “rotation in office.” But the same letter also suggested that Haley may have had money-making ventures on her mind: “As a businessman,” she wrote to Donald Trump, “I expect you will appreciate my sense that returning from government to the private sector is not a step down but a step up.” Indeed. Since then, Haley’s net worth has ballooned from less than $1 million to an estimated $8 million. See more.

Francis Suarez, 46 (dropped out)

Mayor of Miami | Republican | Net worth: $6 million

As a Miami City commissioner 12 years ago, Francis Suarez was worth negative $99,000. A dozen years later, he sits atop an estimated $6 million fortune. How could anyone make that much money on a meager city salary? Simple: By working private-sector jobs while serving in office. For at least 12 years, Suarez has bolstered his government pay with money from outside firms. As his political stature has increased, his earning power has, too. See more.

Mike Pence, 64 (dropped out)

Former vice president of the United States | Republican | Net worth: $4 million

Pence parlayed 12 years as a U.S. representative from Indiana into consecutive four-year terms as the state’s governor and the country’s vice president. His state and federal pensions made him a millionaire in 2019, but his fortune has really soared after he left the White House in January 2021. Pence has raked in $3.4 million delivering speeches since the start of 2022 on top of a $1.4 million advance he received for his memoir “So Help Me God.” Long a darling of conservative evangelicals, Pence suspended his presidential campaign at a conference of the Republican Jewish Coalition in October. See more.

Larry Elder, 71 (dropped out)

Radio host | Republican | Net worth: $4 Million

Elder, who dropped out of the race in October after less than half a year on the campaign trail, made most of his fortune through real estate bets that only sometimes paid off. After the U.S. property bubble burst in the late 2000s, he lost one home in a foreclosure, defaulted on payments for a second before managing to hang onto it, and inherited a third. Now he has stakes in two California houses together worth an estimated $2.6 million net of debt, as well as over $1 million in the anti-cancel culture Old Glory Bank. See more.

Marianne Williamson, 71

Author | Democrat | Net worth: $2.5 Million

Williamson became well known in 1992 with the publication of her first book, which consisted of her reflections on a spiritual-development program. Boosted by praise from Oprah Winfrey, Williamson parlayed that success into a steady stream of income via speeches and more books. It hasn’t led to much lasting wealth though. Her tax returns suggest a penchant for extravagant spending. See more.

Ron DeSantis, 45 (dropped out)

Governor of Florida | Republican | Net worth: $1.5 Million

DeSantis has spent much of his adult life railing against liberal elites. In 2023, he wrote a book about it, quintupling his net worth in just two years. DeSantis, who grew up working-class, has a small interest in an oil fund, two modest pensions, a federal savings account and a big pile of cash. See more.

Asa Hutchinson, 72 (dropped out)

Former Governor of Arkansas | Republican | Net worth: $1.5 Million

He started as a humble country lawyer, but Hutchinson made a name—and some decent money—for himself from decades in politics. After serving almost five years in Congress and just under four in the Bush administration, he dabbled in blank-check companies before the Great Recession, never quite striking it rich. Then he spent eight years in the governor’s mansion in Arkansas, giving him a nice state pension. Today, his wealth is tied up in his $1.2 million home, his federal and state pensions and an investment portfolio holding a somewhat random mix of stocks. See more.

Tim Scott, 58 (dropped out)

Senator from South Carolina | Republican | Net worth: $1 Million

Scott has come a long way from his poverty-stricken childhood north of Charleston, South Carolina; he’s started his own insurance company, invested in real estate and ascended the political ladder all the way to the U.S. Senate, where he serves as the only Black Republican. Today, he has an interest in five properties, which form the core of his net worth. Years in Congress have also provided a pension, and four books have helped him accumulate a modest investment portfolio. See more.

Cornel West, 70

Professor, author | Independent | Net worth: $50,000

West is one of the rare American academics who’s crossed over into pop culture, but he is not terribly wealthy. That doesn’t appear to be from lack of income. West says he makes $150,000 a year as a professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, with speeches and pre-recorded lectures for Masterclass helping him make $500,000 in 2022. Yet unpaid taxes and an expensive lifestyle have left one of the doyens of race in contemporary America with an estimated net worth close to zero. See more.


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