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Careers In Tech Are Losing Appeal For Gen Z, According To Survey

Updated Jul 18, 2024, 05:22pm EDT

The youngest members of Gen Z are shying away from traditional technology employers in favor of a new market sector. With 90 million members, Gen Z is significantly larger than any generation that precedes it - a significant statistic for recruiting at any growth-oriented organization. Why is the youngest generation re-thinking the most appealing sector for jobs, and shying away from tech? And what companies or industries have captured the interest of the youngest generation in the workforce?

Gen Z Values and Employer Desirability

Tech firms are lower on the career aspirations of Gen Z, according to a survey of over 10,000 respondents conducted by the National Society of High School Scholars. According to the survey, Gen Z is looking for alignment with a key set of values. When looking at employers, the most important factors for Gen Z are:

  1. fair treatment of employees (28%)
  2. work-life balance (25%)
  3. corporate social responsibility (14%).

On top of health benefits (the top category with 72% response rate) Gen Z also values their personal time, with time-off (63%) and flexible work schedules (61%) as the most valued compensation and benefits. They are also keeping an eye on their next career move and seek out employers who will invest in them, with professional development opportunities (86%) and clear pathways to promotion (44%) as the most sought-after work experiences. To be fair, these values may or may not be present at large-scale technology companies. And this survey, while featuring a large sample size, does not claim to speak for an entire generation, industry, or employer. The survey measures perceptions, and for tech companies looking to hire Gen Z: perception is reality.

The COVID-19 pandemic may have influenced a shift in preferences and career intentions, for Gen Z. When asked, what are your issues of importance, in your career? 32% of survey respondents said “health care and health related issues” - the top response.

Participants were negative on the overall impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), with only 41% believing that AI will have a more positive than negative impact on society in the next decade. Perhaps this sentiment around AI, the poster child of the technological evolution, has soured Gen Z on technology careers?

A Tech Takeover from Health Care

Gen Z prefers working for large corporations over small/family businesses, according to the report. But the interest in medical professions and health care remains high. Instead of lusting for famous-name companies like Meta, Netflix, IBM or Cisco, Gen Z has set its sights on hospitals and health care organizations as the most desired employers.

In that light, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital takes the top spot. The Mayo Clinic is number two, and working for a local hospital comes in at number four on the survey. Google comes in at number 7, dropping from number one in 2017. Amazon falls back to number eight, followed by Apple and the Walt Disney Company to round out the top 10.

Spotting Opportunity and Investment, for Gen Z

Opportunities in healthcare continue to remain strong. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital employment has seen a significant decline - offering potential opportunities for workers who are trained in healthcare. The World Health Organization estimates a shortage of 10 million healthcare workers, worldwide, by 2030. According to the American Hospital Association, hospital employment decreased by nearly 94,000 from February 2020, including a drop of over 8,000 between August 2021 and September 2021 alone. While it can be said that the pandemic was a key driver of these numbers, attrition could also be attributed to low job satisfaction, burnout, and other elements that may be surprising to Gen Z applicants in the health care field. Still, the market for health services (and workers in health care) remains compelling for young careerists.

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