A Kanban board is a tool that provides a visual system for teams to manage project tasks, workflows and communication. Kanban boards can help streamline assignments and avoid overload since project managers can reference exactly where each step in the process currently resides quickly.

History of the Kanban Board

In Japanese, “kanban” means “visual sign” or “visual card,” and the concept was originated by Toyota in the 1940s. The purpose of the design was to help improve manufacturing efficiency and create a transparent work process.

Kanban boards have evolved since then and are now useful tools for teams of all sizes in a variety of industries. Many current models utilize completely digital board platforms designed for quick collaboration, while others prefer a whiteboard with shared, handwritten notes.

No matter what method is used to create a Kanban board, they all contain the same key components. Each is designed to provide a visual workflow that keeps the project timeline on track and follows the same core methodology.

6 Core Practices of Kanban

  1. Visualize the workflow: Use the different parts of the board to display the work in an easy-to-understand manner.
  2. Limit work in progress: Creating cards for tasks allows you to physically see how much work you’re taking on and ensure you don’t add too much at once.
  3. Manage workflows: Assign tasks to specific team members based on their availability and expertise.
  4. Implement explicit policies: Set up clear guidelines for how work should be completed, so that all team members have a clear understanding of how work proceeds from one step to the next.
  5. Allow room for feedback: There is always the potential that someone may identify a flaw or come up with a solution that another team member may have been unaware of. Provide time for knowledge-sharing and feedback sessions.
  6. Always search for improvement: Team members may identify redundancies in the process or have ideas on how to improve. Hear them out and adjust to keep things moving smoothly.

Parts of a Kanban Board

A Kanban board represents an overall project and typically breaks it up into three main parts:

  • Requested tasks
  • In-progress tasks
  • Completed tasks

The core features of a Kanban board are the cards that visually represent work tasks and the columns that differentiate the project stages.

Kanban Cards

Each project task lives on a card, which contains information such as a description, deadline and assigned team member. The cards may be different colors or shapes to help visualize who is responsible or to identify them as parts of a larger whole.

Kanban Columns

Columns on the Kanban board break up the different workflow stages. The cards move through the columns to indicate where a task is in the production process.

Work-in-Progress Limits

The limiting of tasks in the “work in progress” column allows teams to concentrate and work more efficiently, without as much distraction. Teams only actively work on cards that are in this column; the rest are either completed or waiting to begin.

kanban board example

How Does a Kanban Board Work?

Kanban boards visualize each process step as it moves through the workflow. The ultimate goal is to identify (and avoid) any potential bottlenecks to keep the project on track.

Step 1: Columns

Kanban boards traditionally have three task columns: to-do, in progress and done. You can use these suggestions or create different column names that better represent your project. Additional columns may be added as needed and could include objectives like development or testing.

Step 2: Cards

The cards make up all the tasks required to complete a project. Each card should contain a task description and due date. Cards are designed to promote a balanced workflow, so adding details to each step is an important component.

Step 3: Apply Cards to Columns

Each card task should be assigned to a team member, along with any supporting documents or information. They should then be applied to the first column, whether that is named To-Do or another title.

Step 4: Move Cards Through the Workflow

To maintain a smooth project workflow, cards should be moved to their appropriate columns as tasks are completed. This allows every team member to see exactly where each step is in the process, as well as watch for any potential backlogs or bottlenecks.

Types of Kanban Boards

Kanban boards today are often digital platforms, allowing all team members to view the status of each project element quickly and easily. A digital board also provides for easier collaboration and notification, particularly when teams are working remotely.

Some of the leading software options for project management include Kanbanize, Kanban Tool and Trello.

However, for smaller projects and teams, implementing this software may not be necessary. A large whiteboard, some markers and a variety of sticky notes can work just as effectively, so long as everyone has access to it.

Benefits of a Kanban Board


Utilizing the Kanban board method for every project allows each team member the flexibility they need to complete their assigned tasks. The visual nature of the board permits everyone to see what needs to be accomplished and when.

Reduce Downtime

With the improved workflow stemming from the Kanban board use, downtime is significantly reduced. The team’s delivery of work and the delivery processes are faster and more balanced.

Increase Efficiency

Kanban boards emphasize frequent communication and strong dialogue among team members, often leading to increased efficiency. In addition, the underlying backbone of the board system is to promote and practice continuous improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What's the best project management software for Kanban?

To determine the best project management software, we ranked several tools based on ease of use, cost to your organization, each company’s customer support, as well as special features.

Wrike was our top choice. It earned the top spot because it works for companies and teams of all sizes. Airbnb, Google and Dell all trust Wrike to aid their project managers. Wrike also allows teams to create custom workflows, set timelines with interactive charts and reporting and build a visual representation that shows the progress of every project in real-time.

Other highly ranked project management tools include Asana, Monday and HighGear.

How do Kanban boards promote “pull” systems?

Many teams function with a system where tasks are pushed off to others, often as quickly as possible. Kanban boards promote “pull” systems, where tasks are performed more collaboratively and maintain a fair workload.

How are Kanban boards different from Scrum boards?

While Kanban and Scrum boards both offer visual workflows, Scrum boards are very rigid and focus on incremental deliveries. Kanban boards are more fluid and allow for flexibility as needed.

Who should use a Kanban board?

While they were created originally for the manufacturing industry, Kanban boards today are useful tools in a variety of businesses. This includes hospitals, factories, publishers, nonprofit organizations and anyone else searching for an effective way to visually share and manage tasks.