Cookie Policy

Last Updated: 5th June 2023

Network18 Media & Investments Ltd. ("we", "us") understands that privacy is important to the data subject ("you", "your", "user", "subscriber") and we are committed to being transparent about the technologies we use. This Cookie Policy explains how and why cookies and other similar technologies may be stored on and accessed from your device when you use or visit the Our Websites that post a link to this Policy (collectively, "the Sites"). This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy.

What are cookies and other tracking technologies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, and font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you re-visit the site or browse different pages. The other tracking technologies (e.g. web beacons, pixels, sdk files, scripts) work in a manner similar to the working of cookies and place small data files on your devices to monitor your website activity and enable us to collect information about how you use Our Websites. This allows Our Websites to uniquely identify your device from those of other users of the websites. The information about cookies provided below also applies to the other tracking technologies.

How do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?

We use cookies to collect and store information when you visit our website and use the website’s services. We use cookies for various purposes such as:

  1. To provide subscription services
  2. To provide non-personalized or personalized advertisements
  3. To identify your location
  4. To identify your browser and device
  5. For analytics and research,
  6. To measure and analyze the audience for each page in order to subsequently improve the ergonomics, browsing, or visibility of content;
  7. To measure the reliability of Our Websites by analyzing the number of visits to its pages in real time, and offer varied ads that are adapted to users’ areas of interest;

Cookies may also be saved by social media tools if you use these functionalities (e.g. Facebook, Google, & Twitter).

How long do cookies stay on your device?

We do not store information for longer than is necessary to fulfil the purposes covered herein. A number of cookies we use last only for the duration of your web session and expire when you close your browser. Others are used to remember you when you return to the Website and will last from 1 day to 2 years, depending on the purpose.

Type of Cookies

First-party cookies

These are the cookies that belong to us and that we place on your device or are those set by a website that is being visited by you at the time. These cookies will be used for tracking purposes for aggregated data.

Third-party cookies

These cookies are those that another party places on your device through our website (For e.g. advertising agencies may place their cookies on our website which will collect tracking information and serve you with advertisements).

We use the following types of cookies:

Persistent Cookies

We use persistent cookies to improve your experience of using the websites. This includes recording your acceptance of our Cookie Policy to remove the cookie message which first appears when you visit the website.

Session Cookies

Session Cookies are temporary and deleted from your device when your web browser closes. We use session Cookies to help us track internet usage as described above

You may refuse to accept browser Cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of the website. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse Cookies, our system will check if Cookies can be captured when you direct your browser to our website. We categorize cookies as follows:

Strictly Necessary/Technical

These Cookies are necessary to allow us to operate our websites so you may access them as you have requested. These Cookies, for example, let us recognize that you have created an account and have logged in/out to access website content. They also include Cookies that enable us to remember your previous actions within the same browsing session and secure our websites.


These Cookies are used by us or third-party service providers to analyse how the websites are used and how they are performing. For example, these Cookies track what type of articles are most frequently visited and which locations we receive most of our visitors from. If you subscribe to a newsletter or otherwise register with the websites, these Cookies may be correlated to you. These Cookies include, for example, Google Analytics cookies.


These Cookies let us operate the websites in accordance with the choices you make. These Cookies permit us to "remember" you in-between visits. For instance, we will recognize your username and remember how you customized the websites and services, for example by adjusting text size, fonts, languages and other parts of web pages that are alterable and provide you with the same customizations during future visits.

Targeting or Advertising Cookies

These cookies are used to deliver content that is more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to deliver targeted advertising or limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns on our websites. They remember that you have visited one of our websites and this information is shared with other parties, including advertisers and our agencies. These cookies may also be linked to website functionality provided by third parties.

Third-Party Cookies.

We use a number of partners that may also set cookies on your device on our behalf when you visit our websites to allow them to deliver tailored advertising within their domains, for example Facebook and Google DoubleClick. We endeavour to identify these cookies before they are used so that you can decide whether you wish to accept them or not. We also use a number of partners to provide digital experiences and functionalities on our websites. For example, while browsing our websites you may be served cookies from third-parties who provide some of its features on Our Websites (e.g., a YouTube video), although you have withdrawn or declined your consent to our cookies. This happens because you have directly given your consent to the use of their cookies. In such cases, you should directly withdraw your consent on the relevant third-party website.

Do these cookies collect personal data/identify me?

Most types of cookies track consumers via their Device ID or IP address therefore they may collect personal data.Based on the type of cookies used by the relevant third-party, the information these cookies collect may include personal data but they may not be able to directly identify you as an individual or have any of your personal information such as Name, E-mail id or Mobile number.

Your choices

You have a choice on how we use cookies with respect to your use and access of our Services. Please note that if you limit our ability to use cookies, you may deteriorate your overall user experience of the Website, since it may no longer be personalized to you. It may also prohibit you from saving customized settings like your login information.

The saving of a cookie on a device is governed by user-defined settings of the browser or device. If you have accepted the option to allow the collecting and saving of cookies through your browser or device, they will be integrated into the pages and content you have viewed and may be temporarily stored in a dedicated location on your browser or Device. Such cookies will be readable only by their issuer.

You have the choice, at any time, to delete or disable all or part of these cookies using your browser or device.

When you use our Services for the first time, a pop-up banner informs you of the use of cookies and provides a direct link to this Cookie Policy. The banner will require you to accept the collection of cookies by us, in accordance to this Cookie Policy.

How do I refuse or withdraw my consent to the use of Cookies?

If you do not want cookies to be dropped on your device, you can adjust the setting of your Internet browser to reject the setting of all or some cookies and to alert you when a cookie is placed on your device. For further information about how to do so, please refer to your browser ‘help’ / ‘tool’ or ‘edit’ section for cookie settings with respect to your browser that may be Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox etc.

Please note that if your browser setting is already setup to block all Cookies (including strictly necessary Cookies) you may not be able to access or use all or parts of functionalities of our websites.

If you want to remove previously-stored Cookies, you can manually delete the Cookies at any time. However, this will not prevent the websites from placing further Cookies on your device unless and until you adjust your Internet browser setting as described above.

For more information on the development of user-profiles and the use of targeting/advertising Cookies, please see if you are located in Europe or if in the United States.More detail on how businesses use cookies is available at

Your Rights

Please see our Privacy Policy for more information on how you can request for access, rectification and erasure and for any other queries of your device information that we have collected and processed.

Contact Us

If you have any queries regarding this Cookie Policy please contact our Data Protection Officer Apurv Narula at [email protected]