On the Roof

  • Czech Republic Na střeše

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Ageing professor Rypar discovers a Vietnamese boy called Song on the roof of his Prague apartment building. The lad is about to jump – he’s in a state because he hasn’t got any papers and the police caught him during a raid. Initially, Rypar doesn’t trust the wan-looking Song but then he offers him the job of cleaning his flat in order to ease his own solitary routine. He helps him to improve his Czech and also starts losing at chess, a game at which Song excels. This small-scale piece about an unlikely pair is supported by masterful performances, in particular from Alois Švehlík in the role of Rypar, who combines sarcasm with vulnerability. After his resourceful directorial debut To See the Sea, actor Jiří Mádl tells a universally comprehensible story about the simple fact that we all need somebody. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)


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English It is very clear that Mádl did not underestimate the situation. He studied the subject and the form, and he chose the most universal story in world cinema for his project On the Roof. A meeting of two generations, a meeting of two nationalities, and a search for the meaning of life in a hopeless situation. Alois Švehlík and Lukáš Duy Anh Tran quite naturally became ideal representatives of two different worlds. There is therefore no need to mourn for Tříska, because with him it would have been quite a different experience. Together with Miss Hanoi, On the Roof is another bright spot in Czech cinema. ()


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English After reading the summary, I expected the film to be nothing special, but I was pleasantly surprised. Alois Švehlík was superb, and Jiří Mádl’s work with this simple theme was very skillful. He both wrote it as well as directed it, and he deserves praise for both. I never liked Jiří Mádl as an actor, but if he keeps on writing and directing so well, I’ll be happy to keep watching his films. I really enjoyed the inconspicuous yet excellent humor, which perfectly offset the dramatic scenes. ()



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English An incredibly sweet film on the border between drama and comedy with a perfectly balanced humorous and serious component. Alois Švehlík played the main role of the rude professor Rypar with his own grace and it was tailor-made for him, even though it was originally supposed to be played by the tragically deceased Jan Tříska. The ideas to which Alois Švehlík lent words were very purposeful. I can't stop marveling at how the hell Jiří Mádl was able to come up with the whole thing. With the script and direction of this intelligent film, he has easily put most of the current Czech filmmakers to shame. The film also has great music. (85%) ()


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English From Jiří Mádl I liked his debut already and in his second directorial work he continues in the set line, he can make you laugh and move you, and that in a quality, not pathetic way. The tragedy that accompanied the filming did not negatively affect the result. Alois Švehlík is excellent and in my opinion a candidate for the Czech Lion. His Vietnamese colleague skillfully seconded him and Mary Bartalos is pleasant to look at. A very nice film experience. ()


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English On the Roof is a sensitive, multi-layered take on two different characters and their hesitant friendship laced with subtle humor. Mádl can tell stories about people just like a seasoned filmmaking veteran. The film also feature the excellent Švehlík and a pleasing absence of product placement in places where there could have been some. Just do not expect the ending to be the emotional punch to the gut that made Pojedeme k moři an unforgettable film. In its second half, On the Roof takes the path of (intentionally and artfully) deconstructing the audience’s expectations. ()

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