Managed File Transfer Automation Platform

4,000+ companies trust to automate and secure business critical transfers.

We obsess about security, compliance, reliability, and performance so your critical business processes just work every time. Easily manage any transfer flow without writing scripts or code, and onboard workloads and partners effortlessly.

We support standard file transfer protocols (FTP, SFTP, AS2) for working with external partners and also provide native apps for high performance internal transfers.

As a fully Cloud-Native SaaS, there are no servers for you to buy or maintain, there is no installation required, and high availability and redundancy are built in and free.

Out-of-the-box integrations include Microsoft (Azure, SharePoint, OneDrive, Active Directory & Office), AWS (S3 & SNS), Google (Cloud & Drive), Box, Dropbox, Zapier, and dozens of others. Developers can leverage our SDKs, API, and CLI to build custom integrations too.

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Trusted by over 4,000 businesses, including dozens of the World's Largest Companies

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Mount Sinai

Dozens of Integrations

We’ve built high performance integrations with Microsoft (Azure, SharePoint, Active Directory & Office) AWS (S3 & SNS), Google Cloud (GCS), Box, Zapier, and dozens of others so that transfers involving these systems are easy to set up and just work. You can use our SDKs, API, and CLI to build your own custom integrations too.

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Scheduled Sync or Real-Time Mount

When interfacing with other systems, can be configured to “Push” files to the system on a schedule, “Pull” files from the system on a schedule, or "Mount" the remote system for live direct access.

World Class Speed & Support For Huge Files is a top choice for media professionals due to our support for huge files (up to 5TB), proprietary transfer acceleration, and our massive network with 100Gbit capacity.

Easy Automation and Onboarding

All of the above transfer flows can be achieved without writing scripts or code, so your team can onboard workloads and partners easily.

SOC-2 Audited

Our InfoSec Program is audited annually by Kirkpatrick Price, a leading information security CPA firm.  Our audit covers the scope of the entire business (not just datacenter operations) and names specifically. Beware of smaller competitors who try to pass off someone else’s audit as their own.

Sophisticated Technical Controls

Technical capabilities include encryption at-rest and in-transit, four types of two-factor authentication, nine enterprise identity (SSO) integrations, configurable password and session policies, and a perfect “A+” score from Qualys SSL Labs.

Data Locality and Retention

We offer 7 global zones for file storage: USA, UK, Canada, EU (Germany), Australia, Singapore, or Japan.  These can be mixed and matched as needed.  Additionally, data retention timeframes can be customized on a per-workflow basis.


We meet the stringent requirements to serve customers regulated by HIPAA and are happy to sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA), which is required by law.  Beware of smaller competitors who claim that a BAA is not required.  We will also sign a DPA for any customer regulated by GDPR or CCPA.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Built-in integrations with Yubikey, FIDO/U2F, Google Authenticator, Duo, Authy, and SMS.

Encryption Is Standard offers Encryption-at-rest and support for customer-managed GPG keys, SSH keys, and SSL certificates.

Configure Your Controls

Highly configurable security settings include password policies, session policies, 2FA policies, and brute force rules.

Enterprise Identity (SSO) Integrations

Provision, authenticate, and authorize users via Active Directory, Azure, ADFS, LDAP, Okta, OneLogin, Auth0, and many other identity providers.

Achieve compliance goals and eliminate all manual work by using your existing User and Group records for all permissions on

Enterprise Identity Management features even work with our Desktop app, CLI, API, and SDKs, unlike competing products.

Data Retention Management

Set custom data retention windows for each user, group, or folder Content type policy enforcement.

Data Locality

Choose from 7 Global storage zones on a per-folder basis: USA, UK, Canada, EU (Germany), EU (France), Singapore, or Japan.

Management Delegation

Assign read, write, delete, and administration permissions on a per-folder, per-user, or per-group basis, allowing for an unlimited number of permission scenarios.

Audit Trails and Non-Repudiation maintains a comprehensive audit log of who, what, when, where and how your files are modified.

This audit trail can serve as proof of delivery or proof of receipt to/from your trading partners.

Detailed query API allows forensic capabilities.

Secure File Sharing

User-friendly file sharing tools make it easy to send files to anyone, even if they aren’t part of your account.

Inbound File Inboxes and File Requests

Imagine the simplicity of providing a hyperlink in an email or on your organization’s website for anyone needing to upload invoices, legal documents, bug reports, log files, and more.

Microsoft Office Real Time Co-Editing is an Office Cloud Storage Partner, allowing you to use Microsoft Office apps such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint directly from  Multiple people can edit the same document at the same time and see and save changes in real time.

Desktop & Mobile Apps

Our desktop app for Windows and macOS, and our mobile apps for iOS and Android give you full access to your files on the go.

Trusted by over 4,000 businesses, including dozens of the World's Largest Companies

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