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  • 2024台北國際自動化工業大展焦點:軟硬整合、邊緣AI與3D視覺解決方案應用落地

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  • Unveiling Tomorrow's Tech Today: EverFocus Hosts Exclusive VIP Day Event

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    2024/05/23 / [2024-04-25~]

    Taipei, Taiwan, May 23, 2024 – EverFocus Electronics Corporation (TWSE: 5484), a leading provider of intelligent security and AI computing solutions, is excited to announce its upcoming VIP Day event, where it will showcase the latest advancements in AI-powered security technology and Edge AI computing solutions.

  • 5/22-5/24 EverFocus將参加東京AI EXPO,歡迎蒞臨!

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    EverFocus參加了從5月22日到24日在東京舉辦的AI EXPO。慧友電子股份有限公司(TWSE: 5484),作為一家AIoT安全解決方案提供商,我們非常樂於在在東京舉辦的AI EXPO上的最新技術和創新的AI解決方案(展覽西廳:9–32號展位)。這次展覽向您展示了我們開發的高效率和獨特的解決方案/產品。在AI EXPO上,還有AV over IP解決方案,(NVIDIA / INTEL)嵌入式系統,車載系統和Arm系列智能協議網關等眾多產品,不容錯過!

  • Webinar│Achieving Smart Factory by AI Platform

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    We are honored to be joined by T-DAB.AI to introduce their unique AI platform OctaiPipe on how businesses can realize the transformative power of edge AI using AIoT data on the EverFocus Jetson Nano series hardware in the smart factory.

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