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Raising Capable Kids (Regardless of Their Label)


Raising Capable Kids (Regardless of Their Label)

FromCreating a Family: Talk about Adoption & Foster Care


Raising Capable Kids (Regardless of Their Label)

FromCreating a Family: Talk about Adoption & Foster Care

45 minutes
Jul 24, 2024
Podcast episode


Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.Does your child have a disability or have some label? If so, you need to listen to this interview with Dr. Deborah Winking, an educational psychologist and a special education teacher. She is the author of Capable: A Story of Triumph for Children the World Has Judges as “Different” and Raising Capable Kids. She is the mother of four, including one adopted child and one child with a neurological disorder.In this episode, we cover:Many of our kids have hidden disabilities caused by trauma. These disabilities can look like so many different things, including behavior problems.You say these 12 habits are to change yourself, not your child. Why?Habit 1: Believe that effort creates abilityHabit 3: Set a vision of capability with your child and adjust it over timeHabit 6: Send capable messages: Use words and act in ways that let your child know that you think they are capableHabit 8: Challenge your child in ways that regularly take them (and you) outside your comfort zone.Habit 10: Allow your child to make choices and experience the consequences of those choicesHabit 11: celebrate your child’s persistence to build a narrative of strength Order your copy of Raising Capable Kids & use code: Capable20 for a 20% discount and free shipping.Support the Show.Please leave us a rating or review. This podcast is produced by We are a national non-profit with the mission to strengthen and inspire adoptive, foster & kinship parents and the professionals who support them.Creating a Family brings you the following trauma-informed, expert-based content: Weekly podcasts Weekly articles/blog posts Resource pages on all aspects of family building
Jul 24, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Are you thinking about adopting or fostering a child? Confused about all the options and wondering where to begin? Or are you an adoptive or foster parent trying to be the best parent possible to your precious child? This is the podcast for you! Every week we interview leading experts for an hour talking about the topics you really care about in deciding whether to adopt/foster or how to be a better parent. This podcast is produced by We are the national non-profit with the mission to strengthen and inspire adoptive, foster & kinship parents and the professionals who support them. Creating a Family brings you the following trauma-informed, expert-based content: weekly podcasts, weekly articles/blog posts, resource pages on all aspects of family building at our website We also has an active presence on many social media platforms. Please like or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter.