Ep. 5: Help Your Daughter Find (and Use) Her Voice by Girl Mom PodcastUNLIMITED
Ep. 66: Teaching Our Daughters about Money - and Realistic Expectations for Marriage (with Kim Anderson)
FromGirl Mom Podcast
Ep. 66: Teaching Our Daughters about Money - and Realistic Expectations for Marriage (with Kim Anderson)
FromGirl Mom Podcast
44 minutes
Mar 24, 2023
Podcast episode
One big source of conflict in marriage is financial stress. Even 2 people raised in the same socioeconomic class can have drastically different ideas about money - and how to spend it. In this age of social media comparisons and affluence, many girls treat their dates like an ATM machine and aspire to a materialistic lifestyle their young husbands can't afford. They have unrealistic expectations that lead to arguments, disillusionment, and debt. Join Kari and Kim Anderson as they discuss ways to help your daughter build healthy ideas about money and learn the value of a dollar. Ep. 65 Show Notes:o Contact Kim at Kim Anderson Life, Real Tools for Parenting Anxious Kids or the free Burnt-Out Mom Guideo Follow Kim on Instagram o Kari’s books: More Than a Mom, Love Her Well, 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know and Liked: Whose Approval Are You Living For?o Kari’s Blog - www.karikampakis.com/blog/o Contact: [email protected], Instagram, and Facebook
Mar 24, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (94)
- 12 min listen