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Episode 129: Help! It's Not Working!


Episode 129: Help! It's Not Working!

FromFeeding The Mouth That Bites You: Parenting Teens Into Adulthood


Episode 129: Help! It's Not Working!

FromFeeding The Mouth That Bites You: Parenting Teens Into Adulthood

17 minutes
Feb 7, 2023
Podcast episode


What do you do when you implement Planned Emancipation but things don't seem to be getting any better? It's not uncommon that we hear from parents who feel that Feeding The Mouth parenting isn't making the kind of difference they were expecting. To address this, Dr. Ken clarifies what kind of expectations are realistic for Feeding The Mouth parenting. Also, we focus on the intangibles that can cause teenagers to still feel over-controlled even though parents are trying to give freedoms. So, take a deep breath, Feeding The Mouth parenting isn't always an overnight "fix" but remains an essential adjustment to your household in a culture that has no idea how to translate children into adulthood.

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Feb 7, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

A weekly podcast on parenting teens and launching them into the world with Dr. Ken Wilgus, author of the book "Feeding The Mouth That Bites You" and hosted by Ashley Parrish and Jessica Pfeiffer.