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GA in MSFS 2020 And X-Plane 11


GA in MSFS 2020 And X-Plane 11

FromThe Nicnac Podcast


GA in MSFS 2020 And X-Plane 11

FromThe Nicnac Podcast

44 minutes
Jan 18, 2021
Podcast episode


In this episode Nicolas goes back to the basics with General Aviation in MSFS 2020 and X-Plane 11. The limited functionality of the default G1000 in MSFS 2020 left Nicolas wanting even after trying a few mods.  As a result, Nicolas gave X-Plane 11 a try. While the default avionics and automation aren't 100% authentic they proved adequate and easily supplemented with payware add ons. More importantly, though, X-Plane’s flight dynamics feel much more realistic and there is a seemingly endless selection of good freeware scenery.      Planes Tried: FS2020: Default DA40 XP11: TorqueSim SR22 (payware) Beech Sundowner (payware) Gruman Tiger (payware)  DA20 (payware) Archer TX/LX (payware) Default 172 Default Columbia 400 Other Add ons: .org freeware Orbx TE Real Scenery AZ Orbx Volanta  Hardware: CH Eclipse Yoke Logitech Pedals Logitech Switch Panel Thrustmaster T16m stick and throttle
Jan 18, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Join host Nicolas Jackson as he talks to people in the flight sim and aviation industry.