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Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale
Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale
Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale
Ebook348 pages5 hours

Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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When a wealthy woman decides to sell all of her worldly possessions, she unearths the secrets of her family’s past in this charming debut.

On the last day of the millennium, sassy Faith Bass Darling, the richest old lady in Bass, Texas, decides to have a garage sale. With help from a couple of neighborhood boys, Faith lugs her priceless Louis XV elephant clock, countless Tiffany lamps, and everything else in her nineteenth-century mansion out onto her long, sloping lawn.

Why is a recluse of twenty years suddenly selling off her dearest possessions? Because God told her to.

As the townspeople grab up five generations of heirlooms, everyone drawn to the sale—including Faith’s long-lost daughter—finds that the antiques not only hold family secrets but also inspire some of life’s most important questions: Do our possessions possess us? What are we without our memories? Is there life after death or second chances here on earth? And is Faith really selling that Tiffany lamp for $1?

Release dateApr 26, 2012
Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale

Lynda Rutledge

Lynda Rutledge is the bestselling author of West with Giraffes, selected by Library of Congress–affiliated Texas Center for the Book as their 2023 Great Read. She’s also the author of Faith Bass Darling’s Last Garage Sale, winner of the 2013 Writers' League of Texas Fiction Award and adapted into the major 2018 French film La dernière folie de Claire Darling starring Catherine Deneuve. Her fiction has won awards and residencies from Atlantic Center for the Arts, Illinois Arts Council, and Ragdale Foundation, among many others. In her eclectic career before becoming a novelist, she was a copywriter, freelance journalist, film reviewer, book collaborator, and travel writer. After years residing in urban locales including Chicago and San Diego, she currently lives with her husband outside Austin, Texas. For more information, visit

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    On 12/31/1999, wealthy Faith Ann Bass, who is suffering with Alzheimer’s, decides to have a garage sale. She believes that God has told her to sell all of her possessions and thinks this will be her last day alive. She and some neighborhood kids drag all of her priceless possessions outside and she sells them for pennies. A friend of Faith‘s daughter, hears about the sale, and contacts Claudia Jean to advise that Faith is selling all of the antiques. Claudia and Faith had a falling out years earlier when Faith believed that Claudia had taken an antique ring belonging to Faith’s grandmother.
    People take advantage of the bargains, while others try to stop the sale, believing Faith isn’t thinking clearly.
    The author kept referring to December 31, 1999 as the last day of the millennium. This is incorrect. The last day of the millennium was December 31, 2000. This error, easily checked, dropped the book one entire star for me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Good insight into Alzheimer’s from patient point of view
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is not the funny novel about quirky old folks who do strange things kind of novel I was expecting...light it is not. It's quite dark, though faith, and the illumination faith gives, plays a surprisingly major role in the plot and characters. It's one of those dysfunctional family with lots of secrets type of book. I noticed in reviews most reviewers either hated it or loved it. The haters, I felt, mostly just didn't get it. The lovers, I thought, were willing to overlook a lot of unnecessarily long and depressing sections. But it certainly kept my interest and I enjoyed a lot of the premise. None of the characters were as fully fleshed out as I would have liked, so I was going to give it a 4 - and then the story picked up as it came to a very dramatic climax and I thought 4 and a half; and after reading the last 10 or so pages, I was so moved I thought a 5. Nawww, too much baggage in this story for a 5 - 4 and a half it is, and I'm pretty sure I'm glad I read it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A reliable friend recommended this book to me when I was seeking a humorous book to read. I continued to wonder why for quite a long time. Stick with it; there is a punch line.

    Set in Texas on New Year's Eve of 1999, this book explores the long-standing broken relationship between a mother and daughter. Relationships are mended, and restarted as a mysterious set of events unravels alongside the mind of the sundowning matriarch of the Bass family.

    I like to imagine books as movies, and I enjoy playing casting director. For this cast of characters I would pick Diane Lane to play Claudia Darling, Dulé Hill as John Jasper Johnson, and Dina Spybey-Waters as Bobbie Ann Blankenship. Faith Darling would obviously be played by Cloris Leachman.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was okay. I read it on vacation in just a few days.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A story of the past and all that it encompasses. Choices,actions,people and possesions all surroudied by faith and how it leads us home.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What I thought was going to be a light humorous page turner ended up turning into one of my favorite books of the year. Combine an elderly woman (Faith Bass Darling) with Alzheimer's, a minister who isn't sure what he believes anymore, a patrol officer with a past tangled with Faith (and the rest of her family), and a long-gone adult daughter with plenty of issues of her own, and you get an outstanding cast of characters. The turmoil each of these characters go through (together and apart) offer us a chance to look at estrangement, second-chances, family, and memories tangled with misunderstandings. This is not a book to be missed -- I have already sent it home with a patron!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "Actually 3.5 stars. I liked this book about Faith Darling's last garage sale. She woke up on the last day before Y2K (remember that?!?) and started dragging priceless antiques out onto the lawn to sell for $1.00 or so because God told her to. Lots of things going on and lots of sadness to resolve."
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was recommended by a LibraryThing friend who is always spot on when it comes to knowing book that I would enjoyed. The bittersweet story of Faith Bass Darling's last garage sale is one of reconnections, faith and secrets kept.

    Reading the first few chapters, my impression was the story would be in the style of Frannie Flagg but found the tale to be one which questioned faith and the true facts that history invents. The storyline did make me a tad anxious with all the valuable antiques being sold for rock bottom prices. Family heirlooms should be treated as treasures and not as dime story items. My modest ancestors had few items to pass down to family but each is a reminder of those who came before us. Once I understood the real reason why Faith wish to clean the house of the antiques, I enjoyed the story.

    No romance in the book,no real mystery but well developed characters will attract and delight you in this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book. it reminds me of a Fannie Flagg novel and the Help, southern charm on the surface but meaty issues just lying in wait. the characters were well developed, I look forward to rading more from Lynda Rutledge.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I just LOVE it when I discover an incredible new writer. With a title like that, I had no idea, but now I see the playful "why" behind such a title and that's been the experience throughout.

    There are usually at least 1 of 3 reasons a person keeps reading a novel--character, plot, or language. In my experience as a librarian, either the characters are engaging enough to keep you reading, or the plot piques the curiosity to find out what happens, or the beauty of the writing carries you on. Rutledge's novel has ALL 3. I can't say enough about the fun as well as the depth of this novel's characters, plot, and deft language. THIS WOMAN can write. I wouldn't be surprised to find out she has literature degrees.

    This debut novelist deserves to do another and I hope it's soon. So glad I stumbled on it. Thanks to LibraryThing for helping me do so.

    I'm going to have such fun telling others about it!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Faith Bass Darling’s Last Garage Sale is a story of what happens at the end of a life. What are the things you keep, lose or give away...What happens when one day you wake up knowing this will be your last day?
    If you are saucy 70 yr. old Faith Bass darling, the richest gal in Bass Texas you decide on the spur of the moment to have a garage sale and sell all the things you once thought were so very, very important to you.

    Faith wakes up on the last day of 1999 confused and alone, knowing that tonight she will die but before she goes she must have a huge garage sale because God woke her up and told her so!

    Her husband and son are dead, her daughter is estranged. She is alone with a huge house full of treasures. Her mind is failing and she is moving back and forth in time reflecting on the parts of her life, good and bad that she can still remember.

    She reconnects with friends & neighbors she has not seen for years with her garage sale who are delighted with her high priced merchandise going for pennies!
    There are some heartbreaking, funny and bittersweet moments in this book. It is a very good and satisfying read
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I haven't enjoyed reading a book this much in months.  It's almost a shame to have to write a review, but it certainly deserves to be shared and trumpeted.

    On December 31, 1999 God tells Faith Bass Darling, the richest woman in Bass Texas, to sell everything she owns, including her 40 priceless Tiffany lamps, because this is her last day on earth.  Faith hasn't always paid much attention to the almighty, but since there's been a lot of hoopla and worry about the New Millenium coming tonite, she decides she'd better follow directions.  Faith's Alzheimer's has led her to become more and more recluse --she hasn't left her mansion in almost 20 years; more and more forgetful -- she has a mantra she repeats constantly to prove to herself that she still knows who she is, where she is and what day it is; and she's completely lost contact with her daughter, her only living relative.  So when she begins hauling out her priceless antiques from the family's century old collection and selling them for pennies, the word spreads faster than melted butter on hot corn.

    The local sheriff (a football teammate of her deceased son) and the area's premier antique dealer (a childhood friend of her daughter's) both  try to convince Faith that this yard sale isn't really a good idea.  The family dynamics and memories that are stirred up when the daughter arrives make this much more than the farce it could have been.

    Lynn Rutledge, in her debut novel, has given us a gift.  Readers are introduced to a gentle, complex lady clinging desperately to the threads of her memories, who has just enough rationality left to understand that her "stuff" doesn't matter-- it's not what makes her happy or unhappy, it can't bring back her son, and it obviously can't keep her from losing her memories, and ultimately her life.

    The other characters are equally as well drawn, complex, and just plain likeable.  As a reader, you are immediately drawn to all of them; you cry with them, you laugh with them, and you find yourself wanting to help in anyway you can to make life better.   The story plays out in only one day, with a beautifully written ending that leaves the reader wanting more, knowing it won't happen, and ultimately being satisfied with how the New Year begins. This story is a delight.  Let's hope that Ms. Rutledge has more treats like this one in her future.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    What the publisher wants us to know:

    On the last day of the millennium, sassy Faith Bass Darling decides to have a garage sale. Why is the richest lady in Bass, Texas, a recluse for twenty years, suddenly selling off her worldly possessions? As the townspeople grab up the heirlooms, and the antiques reveal their own secret stories,a cast of characters appears to witness the sale or try to stop it. Before the day is over, they’ll all examine their roles in the Bass family saga, as well as some of life’s most imponderable questions: Do our possessions possess us? What are we without our memories? Is there life after death or second chances here on earth? And is Faith really selling that Tiffany lamp for $1?

    My thoughts about Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale:

    Holy shmoly, the premise of this book just grabbed me, I loved the idea! Starting with a first glimpse of things to come when author Lynda Rutledge immerses the reader into the "garage sale" theme with the provenance of a Louis XV elephant clock and a brief story of how it got to Texas. Rutledge then follows with the preface and a partial list of items up for grabs in Faith Bass Darling's garage sale. You get the idea that there will be some jumping around in time and some exploration of the "last garage sale" theme.

    The theme being the end of Faith's life as she knows it, you quickly learn that her ability to stay grounded in 1999 is wavering when she pays some neighbor boys in $20 gold coins for helping move furniture, and they want "real" paper money. Rutledge shows us that Faith is having trouble keeping her doctor's name straight as she confuses him with her long dead physician. The author quickly paints a clear picture of Faith's world in Bass, Texas in 1999. She has Alzheimer's and spends a lot of time in the past, sharing the stories behind the items she's selling and the misconceptions of the meanings in old family letters and notes. Things aren't always what they seem to be.

    But about a third of the way through this story, I began to get depressed. I mean really depressed. As prospective readers, the synopsis of the story, to me, paints a more humorous picture of what this book is about. There are humorous and very touching moments, but I feel as if the description paints a picture that isn't quite the view we actually get. I wish the synopsis had been a bit less light and fluffy, then I would have been more inclined to be prepared for what Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale really is about.

    It's a nicely told, if slow, story of the things and people in our lives and how we project our idea of what they are worth. It's the story of a woman at the end her life who has chosen to dispose of the things in her world and along the way to deal with unfinished threads in her life, her estranged daughter.

    All in all, I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars as it was a bit slow and I thought the back and forth was a bit over done and often was hard to keep up with.

    I look forward to the next book from Lynda Rutledge, but next time...maybe I'll take the synopsis with a grain of salt and open the book with no expectations about the story.

    **I received this book through a Early Reviewer giveaway and have written my honest opinion.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I chose this book as an Early Reviewer, drawn in by the unique title of course. Don't be fooled by the title and cover like I was though: this is not Chick Lit!

    The story begins on December 31, 1999 with God telling an elderly Faith to sell all her valuable/priceless belongings in a garage sale because it will be her last day on earth. Even though she hasn't talked to God since her son died twenty years ago she begins dragging everything outside and telling people to pay what they can. Word gets around her small town quickly and everyone starts showing up to see what's been inside that mansion all these years while getting a sweet deal to boot. My favorite part is when she refuses to sell a Tiffany lamp to a neighbor she has feuded with for years. If you've ever quarreled with a neighbor you probably understand why even the fear of God can't force her to mend that fence.

    The fun ends quickly when it becomes clear that Faith actually has Alzheimer's disease. Her husband and son have been dead for years, and her daughter ran away with the family ring when she was a teenager. Suddenly Faith is seeing them all again as dementia clouds her mind and various items spark a memory. My favorite quote is, "'Without our memories, who are we John Jasper?' Faith's gaze wandered again. 'I'd rather not have some of my memories, and God knows it's been a small bit of grace not to remember them for long stretches of time. But good or bad, they're mine, they're who I am.'"

    It was sad to read this story and consider dealing with memory loss, but the joy of the story is assessing the true value of the items we gather to make our homes.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's the day before the dawning of the 21st Century and Faith Bass Darling is convinced she must rid herself of all her possessions. This is the story of a disfunctional family and their neighbors that is at times sad, heartwarming, and funny. I'll be recommending this book to my friends. I'm looking forward from more from this author.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I thought this book was going to be a fun light read. It definitely wasn't that. In the beginning I didn't think I was going to like the book, but I think I just needed to get over my misconception that this wasn't going to be a fun read yet a more meaningful one.

    This book covers dementia, family secrets, and tragedies. If you happen to read this book just remember it's not light-hearted and give it a chance and you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This novel gives a glimpse into the mind of someone with dementia and it's heart-breaking. The story also raises interesting questions about memory and possessions. What makes up a person? is it the things we surround ourselves with? is it our current thoughts? is it our memories? what happens to the person and how they're defined with one or more of those categories are radically shifted?

    Worth the read, thanks LT!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I thought this story was going to be a quirky and lighthearted Southern tale but it was actually a much darker story of love and loss. Watching as Faith Bass Darling slowly melts away in the course of one day, as her daughter struggles to find herself, as John Jasper tries to reconcile himself to his past is more sad than anything else. The book was very well-written and the characters appealing, and I loved the way the mansion and its contents take on a life of their own throughout the narrative. This book is a great read, but ultimately a little too sad for me without sufficient redemption in the end to make it five stars.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was blown away by this book. I received a free copy from the publisher through NetGalley and, somewhat reluctantly, began to read what I thought to be another piece of silly Southern chick-lit packed with half-baked absurdities.

    Wrong. There are more issues to confront and questions to consider than items for sale in the celebrated yard sale.

    Read this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Faith Bass Darling’s Last Garage Sale by Lynda Rutledge is a story about the items we own and the obligations they hold us to.

    The story is told through the voices of four main characters - Faith; Claudia, Faith’s adult daughter; John Jasper, Faith’s son’s childhood friend; Father George, the town’s Episcopal priest. There are a few secondary characters who flesh out the story and help the reader to understand another side of what the past and the present.

    The story jumps between present day, December 31, 1999 in Bass, TX and the past, mostly the months around the time when Faith’s son and husband died, in 1977. Faith wakes up early in the morning on December 31, 1999 after she hears the voice of God telling her to sell all her things, all her family things, everything she has held near and dear her entire life, sell them all in a garage sale because today will be the last day of her life. She proceeds with this task, coming out of her house for the first time in years. The neighbors are talking, deciding she is definitely crazy but also don’t pass up a chance to buy a Tiffany lamp for a dollar. Claudia Darling arrives back in town on this day, the first time being back after she ran away 20 years ago. She has her own skeletons in the closet to contend with and work to find freedom from. John Jasper, his own life story has been interwoven with the Darling family for years. A tragic accident starts the ball rolling for his life to change and he spends years trying to overcome the guilt and bad memories. Even though Faith is Baptist, is turns to Father George in times of despair. On this last day of the year she calls her to help her and he feels unfit to help since he’s not sure he’s believed in the word of God for a very long time. In the process of helping her, he is healed from this through.

    I would recommend Faith Bass Darling’s Last Garage Sale if you are looking for a book about family, history, growing old, and letting go of the things that possess us so you can live a more free life.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    While the world braces for computer chaos on the eve before Y2K, Faith Bass Darling has a different priority. She is the sole occupant of the family mansion in Bass, Texas. On December 31, 1999 she decides she will die the next day. To prepare, seventy-year-old Faith dons her best white summer dress and matching sun hat. She pays teenage boys to carry her belongings out onto the big wrap-around porch and front lawn. Tiffany lamps, an antique French clock, and an heirloom wedding ring from 1870 are some of the “bargains” she tags for a garage sale. Her Alzheimer disease hides any memory of the care given to these heirlooms by generations of her family.

    Faith’s life is told in a series of flashbacks. Her family losses are moving and sensitively told. Her garage sale and bargain-pricing of invaluable items show that she puts no stock in worldly possessions. What ultimately matters to Faith Bass Darling is freedom from her mind, which she constantly struggles to keep intact.

    Ironic and interesting are the sections titled “Provenance” where the author values and explains the history behind the “priceless” items Faith sells for a pittance. The book draws a line between rich and poor and is an important message that wealth doesn’t necessarily bring happiness. Well-written and original, Faith Bass Darling’s Last Garage Sale is a debut deserving of your attention.

    The Amazon Vine Program provided the advance release copy for my unbiased opinion.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale is a fun, quick read. It tells the story of a woman's life in a small Texas town and the people in her orbit. Many of the minor characters (especially the sheriff and the Episcopal priest) were at least as well developed and interesting as Faith herself, if not more so. While the final culmination of the book is rather predictable, it is a pleasant journey.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Set over one 24 hour period on the last day of 1999 and filled with family, dysfunctional, estranged, and tragic, eccentric and endearing characters, and a kooky, appealing premise, this novel is as fun and entertaining as the whole Texas outdoors. Faith Bass Darling, of the founding Bass' of Bass, Texas, hears God instruct her to have a garage sale of all her belongs (many of which are beyond priceless) because this is her last day on Earth. Faith is the richest woman in town, estranged from her only surviving child, she hasn't left her home in years and, as only she and her doctor know, is suffering from Alzheimer's. And a garage sale of the family heirloom antiques she has guarded so carefully during her lifetime is just not in Faith's usual character.

    Local antiques dealer Bobbie Ann, who, while coveting all of the things that Faith is giving away, vaguely telling people to pay what they can for each priceless antique, knows that something isn't right and she calls her old friend Claudia Jean, Faith's daughter, who blew out of town long ago and never looked back. Claudia comes home to save the only thing she cared about but she may be too late. As the sale goes on and Faith slides in and out of reality, flashbacks and the appearance of other characters flesh out the back story of how Faith came to be a lonely old lady who doesn't leave her antique-filled house.

    Rutledge has told this completely charming tale with a deft and light touch. The surface is chatty and thoroughly enjoyable but there is also a depth here and a more than passing acquaintance with the darker realities of life: racism, classism, aging, and a family at the mercy of a hateful person. Much like Faith's dragging all her possessions out of the house to be displayed on her formerly immaculate, perfect lawn, the tale of the darker undercurrents is slowly exposed to the view of the reader, showing that Faith's maintaining of appearances throughout the whole of her life was just that, a maintaining that masked harder truths.

    Told from multiple perpectives, the story reveals itself slowly, creating a perfect narrative tension. Both addled but still strong and imposing Faith and self-focused for her own emotional protection Claudia Jean are sympathetic characters and the reader roots for them both even when they seem to be at cross-purposes. There is a Texas-sized load of humor here so readers can still smile through outrage and sadness. Each chapter starts with the provenance of one of the antiques that reflects the action in the coming chapter. These provenances are fascinating as they don't always match the story of the piece as Faith knows it, just as life under the surface has been so different than proper pearls and gloves would have suggested.

    A wonderful, pleasing read that caused more than its share of grins from me, this has hidden depths to it and will stay with the reader long after the covers are closed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "Without our memories, who are we?". Memories and possessions are at the heart of this bittersweet and remarkable debut novel. Faith Bass Darling is a very proud woman who is fighting the debilitating effects of Alzheimers. Her daughter Claudia, John Jasper Jackson the deputy, Bobbie Blankenship the antique dealer, and Father George Fallow try to assist and protect Faith from her sad decline while dealing with their own past memories, present temptations and the fraility of the human spirit. Faith's family history is told through the provenance of the family's heirlooms. A priceless elephant clock is integral to Faith who finds solace in it when faced with absolute panic over losing her mental faculties. Well written and endearing story of past regrets and a lesson that our lives are too short to fritter away.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this book and am amazed that it is Lynda Rutledge's first book! It is a pleasure to read and is so rich with complexity. Set in a fictional town close to the hill county, Bass, Texas, covers December 31, 1999 and the following day.If you remember that time, some people were worried about the world coming to end and computers not working. Because of the cover, I thought it would be a light and funny book but it turned out to be so much more.

    Faith Bass Darling, a 74 year old widow, had stayed indoors for thirty years until that day. She hired a group of boys to start pulling things (precious antiques) out of her house onto her front porch and yard. She said that she had made a deal with God in the early morning. The deal is revealed later on.

    Dozens of Tiffany Lamps, a special mechanical clock in the form of an elephant that swung its truck, and many other precious antiques too numerous to mention were now for sale. There are pages to give you about the history of her antiques and just like the antiques and the family's relationship with them. Each family member was connected with at least one of the antiques in the story. Faith had a son who was killed in an accident and a daughter who took off some time ago, to she just doesn't know where.

    As the day progresses, Faith Bass Darling, who is a victim of Alzheimer's disease reminds herself of who she is and where she lives and has moments of blankness. Her daughter, Claudia just happens to return home on that particular day with a purpose in mind. We learn of their past history of Faith, Claudia and Mike, the deceased son and Faith's past husband, Claude. I must say that I keep calling him a scoundrel, as I read about him. An Episcopal Father George Fallow who is going through a self-realization about his religious feelings or the lack of them and, John Jasper Johnson, a very handsome officer also are also very important to this story.

    The author leads us back and forth from the past to the present so expertly and she employs humor, wit, and drama so expertly. None of it is forced. Her characters are so richly developed that they seemed real. It all flows so freely, so much better than any garage sale that I every dared to hold.

    I highly recommend this book to everyone who ponders about life and those who are just interested in the history of antiques.

    I received this book as a part of the Amazon Vine program and that in no way influenced my review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What a fun book... it was filled with different characters and situations that you couldn't even dream up. Dealing with health problems that come with age, regular or not, is always hard and it was nice to read how the town chips in and helps with one of the oldest families of the town. sometimes the situation of the valuable antiques going at a yard sale for 20.00 made me nervous it was still an enjoyable read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale was not what I expected it to be. Fortunately it turned out much better than expected! Set in a small town in Texas, the book is full of old southern charm... and old southern money. The trouble is... what happens when the one person who has that wealth no longer wants it? She has a garage sale. The story varies from amusing, to funny, to poignant, to racially charged. It goes into depths I never imagined it would go and was a great read. In fact, I took advantage of a rare free day to read it through cover to cover!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Faith, Claudia, John Jasper, and Father George Fallow spent the last 20 years reliving and regretting the previous 20 yrs. Faith is falling deeper and deeper into Alzheimers disease, constantly reliving the past and at the same time preparing for her death the she is certain will occur before the end of the day.
    As each character remembers their story and connection to each other, a beautiful story emerges. It keeps you from putting the book down, needing to know how it will all end.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a book about mansions, both the kind that rich people live in and the kind that we build in our heads. It is about the values, both monetary and otherwise, that we assign to these mansions and to their contents.

    Faith Bass Darling one morning before dawn starts dragging a century's worth of her family's accumulated possessions out of the carved front doors of her Queen Anne mansion, down the front-porch steps, and onto the lawn to sell--Tiffany lamps for $1, paperbacks stuffed with money for pennies--because God told her to.

    In the process Faith confronts the questions of life, challenging her minister, her daughter, a former maid, her son's best friend, and the local antiques dealer to find their own answers as well: What is real and true? How do we know? What is valuable? What gives a thing or idea value? What matters?

    It is the last day of 1999, the end of a decade, a century, a millennium, and Faith believes it is the last day of her life. As the yard sale progresses, Rutledge uses the provenance of the yard-sale items and Faith's failing memory to reveal the Bass family's history and to frame her questions about verity and value. Faith is finally figuring out what to let go of and what to grab onto and hold tight, and her yard sale becomes a catalyst for the rest of the characters to grapple with the same problem.

    Rutledge understands old money, small Southern towns, Friday-night football, race relations, and the dynamics between haves and have-nots. She writes equally well from the perspectives of all of her characters--white, Black, Hispanic, old, young, moneyed, and not. She's a fine hand with the English language, and this book contains some wonderful lines. This is an amazing first novel, obviously a labor of love.

    For this review, the publisher provided, free of charge, an uncorrected proof via LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program.

Book preview

Faith Bass Darling's Last Garage Sale - Lynda Rutledge


Faith Bass Darling’s


Lynda Rutledge


Published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons

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Copyright © 2012 by Lynda Rutledge

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Rutledge, Lynda.

Faith Bass Darling’s last garage sale / Lynda Rutledge.

p. cm.

ISBN 978-1-101-58060-8

1. Garage sales—Fiction. 2. Self-realization in women—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3619.U476726F35 2012 2011047682


Book design by Meighan Cavanaugh

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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To Dad,

for leaving me the rolltop

In my Father’s house are many mansions. . . .

—JOHN 14:2

What is this self? It is the sum of everything we remember.



December 31, 1999

January 1, 2000





10˝ x 12˝ gilded automaton elephant clock with moving trunk • Bronze casting signed by J. Caffieri • Clockworks signed by C. Balthazar

Circa 1772 Value: priceless

In 1772, a time instrument in the shape of an Asian elephant with a mechanical trunk, whimsically combining the current fascination with the Orient and the new status symbol of clocks, was fashioned for the Countess Marie-Jeanne du Barry, a courtesan of Louis XV’s royal court.

In 1792, during the French Revolution, in which the Countess du Barry would lose her head and have no more use for status symbols or the time of day, the clock was stolen by a seamstress who traded it to a traveling peddler who in turn sold it on the streets of London.

Over the two centuries that followed, it rode in a steamer trunk to America; survived a fire in Manhattan’s Five Points slum; surfaced in a Washington, D.C., haberdashery; was loaded into a wagon as a dowry headed for Tennessee; looted by a Civil War carpetbagger and traded for bordello favors; confiscated in a raid; packed on a train to Texas with a mail-order bride; acquired as a defaulted loan’s collateral by a storefront bank in a new Texas railroad town; set in the master bedroom of a new mansion by the bank’s founder; moved into the bedroom of a great-grandchild named Faith Ann to help her sleep through the night; moved into the bedroom of Faith’s daughter to help her sleep through the night; and there it stayed. Until the last day in the Year of Our Lord 1999 . . .

December 31, 1999


On the last day of the millennium, after a midnight revelation from God, Faith Bass Darling had a garage sale.

Considering she hadn’t spoken to the Almighty in twenty years, and considering she was the richest old lady in town, this was more than a bit surprising. At straight-up midnight, though, she’d bolted upright in her four-poster bed, certain she’d heard her name called like soft lightning. Yet the skies were calm and the stars big and bright. Figuring it was just one of her moments, Faith had gone back to sleep. A few seconds later she heard it again. But once again she shrugged it off and drifted warily back to sleep.

The third time she heard it, she landed in her bare feet on her hardwood floor with the sound of the gentle thunderbolt still in her ears. And this time she found herself moving through her dark and silent turn-of-the-century mansion, the biggest and oldest in Bass, Texas, gazing at all the antiques in all the rooms of the place where she had lived her entire life. She turned on a room full of Tiffany lamps. She fingered the Queen Anne highboy and Victorian wingbacks. She wandered past the player piano, the Spode china service, the grandfather clock in the foyer, the rolltop in the library, opening every drawer, every closet, every cubbyhole, every cupboard, every nook, every cranny in sight.

She continued this until dawn the next morning, whereupon she surprised all her neighbors on Old Waco Road, the tiny old town’s lone strip of mansions built when cotton was king and oil was still gushing, by appearing from behind her big carved doors and hanging a handmade garage sale sign around the neck of her peeling lawn-jockey hitching post. And then—after a last long, strong drag off her first Lucky Strike filter of the day and a flourished stubbing-out of the butt on the lawn jockey’s head—she began dragging the contents of a century of conspicuous consumption onto her long, sloping lawn.

Because she knew what this was about. This was about dying. This was about dying and killing Claude. It was the beginning of times; it was the end of times. And for seventy-year-old Faith Bass Darling, it was about time.


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With a rather unladylike grunt, Faith Darling set down the elephant clock on her mansion’s wraparound front porch. Then, straightening her sun hat and cocking her jaw in the warm early-morning breeze, she stepped down onto the porch’s top step and called the nice, helpful teenage neighbor boys over to her. She had promised to show them the money if they would get started pulling things out of the big house. And so she would. Digging into her sundress’s pockets, she came up with a fistful of $20 gold double eagles and held them out to the boys.

Hesitantly, they each took one of the gold coins.

Something wrong? the old woman asked.

The boys looked at each other. Until finally one of them, her paperboy—young Eddie was his name—spoke up: Ma’am, do you have any, like, real money?

That almost made her smile. This is more real than you’ve ever seen, young man.

Still, ma’am. You can’t stick these in a Coke machine.

No, I suppose you can’t, she agreed. Wait a moment. She went back inside to find her purse. Entering the kitchen, she didn’t seem at all concerned with the condition of the room. There were stacks everywhere. Piles of magazines and newspapers she never quite remembered to throw away covered the counters, the floor, even the appliances. A tower of phone books she never quite remembered to clear away stood under the wall phone by the side door. Dozens of Imperial sugar bags, Campbell’s soup cans, Heinz ketchup bottles, and Lipton tea tins she never quite remembered she had enough of surrounded the kitchen sink, the only thing in the room that was clean and devoid of clutter, and it sparkled as if it were cleaned every hour of every day.

Faith found her purse perched on months of mail—junk mail flyers, catalogs, and letters she never quite remembered to read—and retrieved some paper money from it.

As she set her purse back on the pile she glanced at the letter on top, almost recalling something important about it. Stamped across its envelope were the words URGENT and OFFICIAL in red ink. But then the window air-conditioner unit whomped on, rattling and rumbling, cranky as always. So she leaned over and whapped it a good one, the motor hushing as did her thoughts about the letter.

Oh, wait, she thought, I need a cash box for the sale. Grabbing her ornate sterling silverware case from behind the stacks of soup, she emptied the silver onto the counter, half the pieces tumbling to the tile floor, and headed back to the waiting boys.

As she stepped down her front porch steps to where they stood, Faith looked away for a moment. When she looked back, the boys were gone.

And so was the sale. . . .

*  *  *

Faith finds herself walking down the hospital hallway with her doctor.

Blank spells getting worse? he is asking.

Yes, Faith admits, and I’m seeing people I shouldn’t be seeing, least ways as long as I’m still around.

It’s called ‘sundowning,’ Mrs. Darling, the doctor says. Try to stay away from visual clutter that can trigger it.

She frowns. You’re not Dr. Friddell.

He is smiling his irritating doctor smile. I’m Dr. Peabody, remember? Dr. Friddell’s been dead ten years now.

I never liked either of you, she tells him. Always so damn nice. Makes me cranky. And you both have such bad toupees.

His smile grows and so does his toupee. Your memories can feel like a shuffling deck of cards as they fade, but reports show some people are happy.

Is a celery stalk happy? she asks. Doesn’t a body’s soul need a memory? If not, what’s all this living for? And if heaven is for the dead, where do you go when you aren’t here but you aren’t dead? Tell me that!

Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you, he says, his toupee slowly turning into a black cowboy hat as they float through the long-term care center’s doors. Just like these nice folks.

Faith sees someone she knows—Harold Frudigger, Rotary Club member and Baptist deacon—sitting, staring, twiddling his thumbs. Then she sees his robe and pajama bottoms are open and it’s not his thumbs he is twiddling. Horrified, reeling from the twiddling, the care center, the future lying in wait for her, Faith stumbles back out the doors.

I won’t be dead before I die . . . I won’t . . .

*  *  *

Mrs. Darling?

Holy shit—you think she’s about to croak? whispered one of the boys.

Why, that nice young Eddie, my paperboy, is standing in front of me, Faith realized as she came back to herself. . . . Where am I?

Mrs. Darling?

Dizzy, she looked around: visual clutter. How long have you been waiting, Eddie? she asked, as dignified as possible.

A couple of minutes, ma’am. Want me to call my daddy?

She stared at him hard, suddenly remembering that his daddy was her doctor, young Dr. Peabody who replaced dead Dr. Friddell. No, son, she answered. He already knows.

Here’s some paper money for you. She held out her hand with the dollar bills in it. And you keep those gold coins. In twenty years, you’ll thank me. She noticed something under her arm: her silverware box. She opened it. There was nothing in it. And the sun was hitting her in the face. Better get my sun hat, she murmured.

It’s on your head, Mom, her son, Michael, said.

Faith’s eyes filled up with the beautiful boy, her heart in her throat. Michael?

I said, your hat’s on your head, ma’am. And my name’s Billy, said Eddie’s older brother, the football player.

Ah, yes, Faith realized. Michael isn’t here. She swallowed. Remembering wasn’t part of the deal today, she reminded God.

Ma’am? What was part of the deal? she heard the nice young man Billy ask her. You mean you want us to finish bringing out those chairs? We could also come back later. I could get some of my football buddies and pull out the rest real quick.

That’d be nice. Now go on with you. She waved them away, and with them, the old sadness.

Hey, lady!

Faith looked around. A remarkably rotund woman with two ruffian boys was standing by the big armoire, calling to her.

How much you want for this hutch, lady? I got cash!

With her silverware case–cash box clutched under her arm, Faith Darling raised her chin, straightened her hat, and went to make her first sale of the day.

*  *  *

Directly across the street, Faith Darling’s longtime neighbor Maude Quattlebaum looked out her front window and saw what looked like a wingback chair floating on its own across that brick walkway down from the Darlings’ big front porch.

Normally, of course, she wouldn’t be noticing what her neighbors were doing, especially this early in the morning. She wasn’t one of those nosy neighbors. But she’d woken up in a sweat and there wasn’t any going back to sleep. (Hot as H-E-double-chopsticks for December. Everybody’s jabbering about it being that Y2K end-of-the-world millennium silliness, but this is Texas, for pity’s sake.) So she’d popped in her hearing aid, then headed for the kitchen. And just as she’d taken her first swig of her morning Dr Pepper, she glanced through the front window’s venetian blinds and coughed it right up her nose at the sight of the floating wingback chair. When the chair dropped with a plop, who does she see but Faith Darling herself, all dressed up in a starched white summer dress with a matching sun hat, no less, giving commands to the teenage boy lugging the thing.

What the devil is that woman up to? Maude wondered. The Darling place had been so quiet for so long, seeing any sign of life over there was a bit of a shock. Lord only knew the last time she saw her longtime neighbor poke her nose out of those big carved doors. Nothing but a stream of home delivery people and errand boys and cleaning ladies for years now. And lately that fancy yard of hers had gotten so unkempt as to be the topic of neighborly concern. Maude sniffed: Faith Darling always was wound as tight as a clock, all prim, proper, and neat as a pin. Everybody knew she hadn’t been right since Claude up and died way back when. Of course, Maude reminded herself, the woman definitely had her trials. Lost that fine son of hers in that awful accident with his daddy and that colored boy. And that daughter of hers was a ring-tailed-tooter even back when Maude had the child in Sunday school, nothing but a pill until the day she ran off. But that didn’t make the woman special. Don’t we all have troubles? Maude muttered into the venetian blinds she was spreading to get a better view.

But then Maude saw the homemade Sale sign hanging around Faith’s peeling old lawn-jockey hitching post by the curb.


And that sent her scooting straight across the street in her slippers. I’m eighty-two years old! she griped. I’m too old to be putting up with such foolishness around here!

Holding up the hem of her bathrobe, Maude stepped onto the mansion’s big front lawn. Faith Darling, have you lost all good sense? she called across the yard. Do you know what kind of people this will bring to the neighborhood?

Faith turned to see her old neighbor heading up the brick walkway in her fuzzy slippers and pink chenille bathrobe. She shot her a sour-milk stare. What are you talking about, Maude?

Only riffraff shop at yard sales—looky-there! That scruffy little urchin just snatched something—I saw you, child! Maude shrieked at a little girl with a mess of yellow hair in a dirty T-shirt and unlaced sneakers, running the opposite way with a pair of small red cowboy boots. Where’s that urchin’s mama? Those dirt-road kids just run wild day and night. And look at that boy! She wagged a finger at one of the young helpers. Put that box down right now, young man!

Faith propped her hands on her hips, already having quite enough of Maude Quattlebaum, still the most irritating woman she’d ever had the displeasure of knowing. Leave the boy alone, Maude. He’s been helping me bring the furniture out, if it’s any of your business.

Maude harrumphed, already having quite enough of Faith Bass Darling, still the most infuriating woman she’d ever had the displeasure of knowing. She took a closer look at the boy. And lo and behold, it was Dr. Peabody’s youngest child, Eddie, her paperboy. No wonder she didn’t get her paper this morning. When she turned back, Faith was giving her that arched-eyebrow look she hadn’t missed a bit all these years—a mixture of holier-than-thou Bass and high-and-mighty Darling. She hated that look. But a yard sale, Faith! Maude said, offering up her best Quattlebaum glare. How could you sell your beautiful things? Have you lost your mind?!

As we speak, Maude.

As we speak? Maude’s eyebrows scrunched up. Now, what did that mean?

And considering this is my last day on earth, Maude, I don’t much care to waste any more of it talking to you, Faith added, walking away.

Well! Maude exclaimed, her hearing aid missing the last day part. There’s no reason to be snippy!

I need a cigarette, Faith suddenly said, stopping in her tracks to pat her pockets. As Maude stared, Faith pulled out a pack of filterless Lucky Strikes and a fancy brass and silver lighter, tapped out a cigarette like some field hand, placed it between her lips, lit it and sucked on the foul thing as she flipped the lighter shut with a click—all in one motion. Like she’d done it all her life.

And that just made Maude throw her hands toward heaven. Claude was the smoker. Faith didn’t smoke—no proper Baptist woman smoked. Sweet Baby Jesus, Faith, wailed Maude, what is going o . . . ? But instead of finishing her wail, she all but swallowed her tongue. Because that’s when she saw another boy come bumbling down the front steps almost dropping the most gorgeous lamp she ever laid eyes on. And Maude started to wonder whether maybe the world was coming to an end, because she never thought she’d live to see the day.

You’re selling your Tiffanys?

Without another word, Maude scooted right back home to fetch her purse.

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Faith blinked.

Her nose was inches from a closed bedroom door and her sun hat was half off her head.

Oh, for heaven’s sake—

She wobbled back a step. Hadn’t she just been arguing with her neighbor Maude? But here she was upstairs in front of the master bedroom door—a room she hadn’t entered in twenty years. Dizzy, she reached to steady herself and found her silverware box stuffed under her arm. With money in it.

Then Faith remembered: The Sale.

Setting her jaw and straightening her hat, she quickly backed farther away from the insulting door. She would not go in that room. Oh no, no, that wasn’t part of the deal. And a deal is a deal, she said loud enough for Midnight Voices to hear, because not even the Lord God Almighty would ask her to do such a thing. Then she rushed through her mental checklist, a litany she always repeated after coming back from one of her moments:

My name is Faith Bass Darling . . . I live at 101 Old Waco Road in Bass, Texas . . . Today is December 31, 1999 . . . My great-grandparents were James Tyler Bass and Belle Bass . . . My parents were James Bass III and Pamela Bass . . .

There. Fine now, she thought, glancing uneasily at the door. This was just a coincidence. And coincidences happen—that’s why they’re called coincidences. After all, it’s not like this was the first time she’d found herself somewhere unexpected. It used to upset her, all this jumping around like a Mexican jumping bean. But it was happening so often she tried to look at such times as, well, surprises. And everybody likes surprises, she groused, letting out a tight-lipped little sigh as she turned toward the stairs.

Faith descended the grand staircase as fast as her old bones allowed, striding through the front doors, down her front steps, and back to the mansion’s contents spread from the porch to the curb and back again—armoires, oriental rugs, sideboards, secretaries, china cabinets, chest o’drawers, bookcases, love seats, highboys, lowboys, daybeds, night beds, and on and on.

Finally coming to a stop beside a leather wingback chair to catch her breath, she straightened her sun hat, her sundress, and her resolve. Then, with barely a thought, she passed a massive mahogany dining table completely covered with dozens of antique Tiffany lamps, stopping only to kick a dusty unmarked box aside so she could straighten a sterling-silver tea service on a French maple sideboard.

On some level, Faith knew these antiques had surrounded her throughout her life and that they’d been her only companions for two long decades. But at that moment, standing among her incredibly expensive worldly possessions, as garage sale customers began screeching to a halt by her curb, they were not much different than the broken tricycles and wobbly couches for sale at the other garage sales across town. Faith couldn’t remember that she’d once sold the family bank just for the privilege of continuing to own these antiques. She couldn’t remember that a century of Bass ancestors had bought, cherished, and handed down these antiques to her. Or that she’d spent her entire life preserving every piece as if they still embodied her family’s very souls.

Not even the dusty box at her feet meant anything to her. When the sight of it should have sparked fireworks. Inside were her white baptism Bible, her baby-blue graduation Bible, and the big, black red-letter Bible she’d read every day and twice on Sundays—all now piled in with dozens more, once cherished by pious Bass ancestors. One day twenty years ago, on the day she’d shut the mansion doors on everything, including God, she had stalked through the mansion finding and stuffing every last one of them into this box.

A tiny memory, no more than an echo, forced her to glance at the box, but Faith stuck out her chin and waited for it to fade, as she’d learned how to do. Squinting at the things spread across her yard, things not meant to be hit by the light of day, the scene turned surreal, material mirages dancing on her yellow-dead winter lawn . . . and for the slightest of heart-pausing moments, she almost remembered how she felt about every last possession surrounding her. Almost. It had all come at her like a flooding river, right to the edge of her awareness. And then just washed away.

Faith let out her breath, which she only now realized she’d been holding. Her hand went to her heart, sensing something more momentous happening now, her memories moving like a train more than a river, some having taken the last train, never to return.

But the memories she’d wish most to take a last train—the ones that would be a true mercy to never recall again—wouldn’t board: that she’d had a husband until she watched him die, that she had a son killed by an antique gun too old to shoot, that she had a daughter who’d run off with the family’s heirloom ring, and that she’d believed in a God who disappeared when she needed one the most. A lifetime of fading memories were now bouncing back and forth as half-forgotten echoes—but not those memories. Sooner or later, those always returned clear as a damn bell.

Mercifully, for the present moment Faith was not remembering them. Instead, she held herself completely still, waiting for the familiar touch of darn dizziness to disappear. When it did, she sighed slightly, dabbing at the sweat beads on her upper lip. Then she put her hands on her hips and turned back to her God Almighty–inspired sale, the thundering whispered notion she’d heard at midnight still echoing in her ears just like the "still,

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