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Military Avionics Systems
Military Avionics Systems
Military Avionics Systems
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Military Avionics Systems

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Ian Moir and Allan Seabridge

Military avionics is a complex and technically challenging field which requires a high level of competence from all those involved in the aircraft design and maintenance. As the various systems on board an aircraft evolve to become more and more inter-dependent and integrated, it is becoming increasingly important for designers to have a holistic view and knowledge of aircraft systems in order to produce an effective design for their individual components and effectively combine the systems involved.

This book introduces the military roles expected of aircraft types and describes the avionics systems required to fulfil these roles. These range from technology and architectures through to navigations systems, sensors, computing architectures and the human-machine interface. It enables students to put together combinations of systems in order to perform specific military roles.

  • Sister volume to the authors’ previous successful title ‘Civil Avionics Systems’
  • Covers a wide range of military aircraft roles and systems applications
  • Offers clear and concise system descriptions
  • Includes case studies and examples from current projects
  • Features full colour illustrations detailing aircraft display systems

Military Avionics Systems will appeal to practitioners in the aerospace industry across many disciplines such as aerospace engineers, designers, pilots, aircrew, maintenance engineers, ground crew, navigation experts, weapons developers and instrumentation developers. It also provides a valuable reference source to students in the fields of systems and aerospace engineering and avionics.

Release dateFeb 12, 2019
Military Avionics Systems

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    Book preview

    Military Avionics Systems - Ian Moir

    Series Preface

    The field of aerospace is wide ranging and covers a variety of products, disciplines and domains, not merely in engineering but in many related supporting activities. These combine to enable the aerospace industry to produce exciting and technologically challenging products. A wealth of knowledge is contained by practitioners and professionals in the aerospace fields that is of benefit to other practitioners in the industry, and to those entering the industry from University.

    The Aerospace Series aims to be a practical and topical series of books aimed at engineering professionals, operators, users and allied professions such as commercial and legal executives in the aerospace industry. The range of topics spans design and development, manufacture, operation and support of aircraft as well as infrastructure operations, and developments in research and technology. The intention is to provide a source of relevant information that will be of interest and benefit to all those people working in aerospace.

    Ian Moir and Allan Seabridge


    This book has taken a long time to prepare and we would not have completed it without the help and support of colleagues and organisations who gave their time and provided information with enthusiasm.

    We would especially like to thank Malcolm Jukes, Kevin Burke and Keith Atkin who reviewed a number of chapters, and to Leon Skorczewski who bravely reviewed the entire manuscript and provided valuable comments.

    The following organisations kindly provided information and images:


    Brilliant Technology

    Cambridge Display Technology

    Eurofighter GmbH

    Federation of American Scientists for UAV pictures and Nimrod R Mk 1


    Honeywell Aerospace Yeovil

    InfraRed 1

    Kaiser Electronics


    Korry Electronics

    L-3 WESCAM

    Lockheed Martin

    Lockheed Martin Fire Control

    Martin Baker

    Microvision Inc

    Northrop Grumman Corporation


    Rockwell Collins

    Royal Aeronautical Society

    SAAB Avitronics

    Smiths Group

    Texas Instruments


    Thales Optronics


    Special thanks to Marc Abshire, Randy Anderson, Myrna Buddemeyer, Ron Colman, Francesca De Florio, Joan Ferguson, Alleace Gibbs, Charlotte Haensel-Hohenhausen, Karen Hager, Dexter Henson, Clive Marrison, Katelyn Mileshosky, Ian Milne, Marianne Murphy, Shelley Northcott, Beth Seen, Kevin Skelton and Greg Siegel for their kind help in securing high quality images for inclusion in the book.

    Aircraft pictures were obtained from the US Department of Defence Air Force Link website at B-2 Spirit – US Air Force Photo by Tech Sgt Cecilio Ricardo; B-1B Lancer – US Air Force Photo by Senior Airman Michel B. Keller; A-10 Thunderbolt – US Air Force Photo by Senior Airman Stephen Otero; T-38 Talon US Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt Steve Thurow; C-5 US Air Force Photo by Master Sgt Clancy Pence, C-17 US Air Force Photo by Airman 1st Class Aldric Bowers; Predator US Air Force Photo by Master Sgt Deb Smith, Global Hawk by George Rohlmaller; E-JSTARS US Air Photo by Staff Sgt Shane Cuomo; F-117A Nighthawk US Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt Aaron D Allmon II; B-2 Spirit Bomber US Air Force Photo by Master Sgt Val Gempis;

    VP-45 US Navy Squadron is acknowledged for the photograph of a MX-20 turret on P-3 aircraft.

    We would like to thank the staff at John Wiley who took on this project part way through its progress and guided us to a satisfactory conclusion.

    About the Authors

    After 20 years in the Royal Air Force, Ian Moir went on to Smiths Industries in the UK where he was involved in a number of advanced projects. Since retiring from Smiths he is now in demand as a highly respected consultant. Ian has a broad and detailed experience working in aircraft avionics systems in both military and civil aircraft. From the RAF Tornado and Apache helicopter to the Boeing 777, Ian’s work has kept him at the forefront of new system developments and integrated systems implementations. He has a special interest in fostering training and education in aerospace engineering.

    Allan Seabridge is the Chief Flight Systems Engineer at BAE SYSTEMS at Warton in Lancashire in the UK. In over 30 years in the aerospace industry his work has included avionics on the Nimrod MRA 4 and Joint Strike Fighter as well as a the development of a range of flight and avionics systems on a wide range of fast jets, training aircraft and ground and maritime surveillance projects. Spending much of his time between Europe and the US, Allan is fully aware of systems developments worldwide. He is also keen to encourage a further understanding of integrated engineering systems.


    Evolution of Avionics

    Avionics is a word coined in the late 1930s to provide a generic name for the increasingly diverse functions being provided by AVIation electrONICS. World War II and subsequent Cold War years provided the stimulus for much scientific research and technology development which, in turn, led to enormous growth in the avionic content of military aircraft. Today, avionics systems account for up to 50% of the fly-away cost of an airborne military platform and are key components of manned aircraft, unmanned aircraft, missiles and weapons. It is the military avionics of an aircraft that allow it to perform defensive, offensive and surveillance missions.

    A brief chronology of military avionics development illustrates the advances that have been made from the first airborne radio experiments in 1910 and the first autopilot experiments a few years later. The 1930s saw the introduction of the first electronic aids to assure good operational reliability such as blind flying panels, radio ranging, non-directional beacons, ground-based surveillance radar, and the single-axis autopilot. The 1940s saw developments in VHF communications, identification friend or foe (IFF), gyro compass, attitude and heading reference systems, airborne intercept radar, early electronic warfare systems, military long-range precision radio navigation aids, and the two-axis autopilot. Many of these development were stimulated by events leading up to World War II and during the war years.

    The 1950s saw the introduction of tactical air navigation (TACAN), airborne intercept radar with tracking capability and Doppler radar, medium pulse repetition frequency (PRF) airborne intercept radar, digital mission computers and inertial navigation systems. The 1960s saw the introduction of integrated electronic warfare systems, fully automated weapon release, terrain-following radar, automatic terrain following, the head-up display laser target marketing technology and the early digital mission computer.

    Over the years, as specialist military operational roles and missions have evolved, they have often driven the development of role-specific platforms and avionics. Looking across the range of today’s airborne military platforms, it is possible to identify categories of avionics at system, subsystem and equipment levels that perform functions common to all platforms, or indeed perform unique mission-specific functions.

    Technology improvements in domestic markets have driven development in both commercial and military systems, and the modern military aircraft is likely to contain avionic systems that have gained benefit from domestic computing applications, especially in the IT world, and from the commercial aircraft field. This has brought its own challenges in qualifying such development for use in the harsh military environment, and the challenge of meeting the rapid turnround of technology which leads to early obsolescence.

    Avionics as a Total System

    An avionics system is a collection of subsystems that display the typical characteristics of any system as shown in Figure I.1. The total system may be considered to comprise a number of major subsystems, each of which interacts to provide the overall system function. Major subsystems themselves may be divided into minor subsystems or equipment which in turn need to operate and interact to support the overall system. Each of these minor subsystems is supported by components or modules whose correct functional operation supports the overall system. The overall effect may be likened to a pyramid where the total system depends upon all the lower tiers.

    Avionics systems may be represented at a number of different levels as described below:

    A major military task force may comprise a large number of differing cooperating platforms, each of which contributes to the successful accomplishment of the task force mission. Within this context an individual strike aircraft or surveillance platform avionics system may represent one component of many within the task force.

    At the individual platform or aircraft level, a collection of subsystems and components or modules operate to support the successful completion of the primary role of the platform, be it reconnaissance, strike, support or surveillance.

    The individual equipment that supports the overall system of the platform is a collection of units or modules, control panels and displays, each of which has to operate correctly to support subsystem and overall system operation.

    Finally, the electronic modules that form the individual components of the aircraft avionics systems may be regarded as systems within their own right, with their own performance requirements and hardware and software elements.

    Figure I.1 Avionics as a ‘system of systems’.

    Figure I.2 Product breakdown structure of a military aircraft system.

    In general within this book, most discussion is centred upon the aircraft-level avionics system and upon the major subsystems and minor subsystems or equipment that support it. Passing reference to the higher-level system is made during brief coverage of network centric operations. In some cases the detailed operation of some components such as data buses is addressed in order that the reader may understand the contribution that these elements have made to advances in the overall integration of platform avionics assets.

    The product breakdown structure of a military aircraft system is shown in Figure I.2.

    Increasing Complexity of Functional Integration

    As avionics systems have evolved, particularly over the past two or three decades, the level of functional integration has increased dramatically. The nature of this increase and the accompanying increase in complexity is portrayed in Figure I.3.

    In the early stages, the major avionics subsystems such as radar, communications, navigation and identification (CNI), displays, weapons and the platform vehicle could be considered as discrete subsystems, the function of which could be easily understood. The performance requirements could be relatively easily specified and captured, and, although there were information interchanges between them, each could stand alone and the boundaries of each subsystem was ‘hard’ in the sense that it was unlikely to be affected by the performance of a neighbouring subsystem.

    Figure I.3 Increase in functional integration over time.

    As time progressed, the functionality of each subsystem increased and some boundaries blurred and functions began to overlap. Also, the number of subsystems began to increase owing to the imposition of more complex mission requirements and because of the technology developments that furnished new sensors. Improved data processing and higher bandwidth data buses also contributed to providing much higher data processing capabilities and the means to allow the whole system to become more integrated.

    Further technology developments added another spiral to this trend, resulting in greater functionality, further increasing integration and with a blurring of functional boundaries as subsystems became able to share ever greater quantities of data. This evolution has been a continual process, although it is portrayed in three stages in Figure I.3 for reasons of simplicity.

    The outcome of this evolution has been to increase: performance; sensor types; functionality; cost; integration; complexity; supportability (reuse); software programs in terms of executable code; memory requirements; throughput; reliability; data handling; data links; and obsolescence.

    The result has been to decrease: size; weight; power consumption; and technology windows.

    Organisation of the Book

    This book is organised to help the reader to comprehend the overarching avionics systems issues but also to focus on specific functional areas. Figure I.4 shows how the various chapters relate to the various different major functional subsystems.

    The book provides a military avionics overview aimed at students and practitioners in the field of military avionics.

    Chapter 1 lists and describes the roles that military air forces typically need to perform. It is the understanding of these roles that defines the requirements for a particular suite of avionics, sensors and weapons for different platforms.

    Chapter 2 examines the technology that has led to different types of system architecture. This technology has resulted in sophisticated information processing structures to transfer high volumes of data at high rates, and has resulted in greatly increased functional integration.

    The subject of radar is covered in Chapter 3 which describes radar basic principles, while Chapter 4 explains some of the advanced features that characterise different types of radar used for specific tasks.

    Chapter 5 deals with electrooptical (EO) sensors and their use in passive search, detection and tracking applications. This includes a description of the integration of EO sensor applications in turrets and pods, as well as personal night vision goggles.

    Chapter 6 looks at the sensitive, and often highly classified, field of electronic warfare and the gathering of intelligence by aircraft using sophisticated receiving equipment and processing techniques.

    Figure I.4 Military avionics functional subsystems.

    Chapter 7 is concerned with communications and identification; this describes the mechanisms by which an aircraft is identified to other stakeholders such as air traffic control and to friendly forces, as well as the different form of communications available for speech and encrypted data.

    Chapter 8 covers the subject of navigation and the means by which pilots are able to navigate precisely to their engagement zones, understand their location during and after an engagement and return safely to home base. This makes maximum use of military and civilian navigation aids, using state-of-the-art on-board systems.

    Chapter 9 addresses the subject of weapons carriage and guidance to give an understanding of the integrated weapon system. Individual weapons types are described, together with the systems required to ensure that they can be aimed and released to maximum effect.

    Chapter 10 deals with the vehicle management system; those systems that provide the platform with power, energy and management of basic platform control functions. Although provided as a separate control system today, it is inevitable that these functions will be absorbed into mission system processing in the future.

    Chapter 11 covers part of the human-machine interface – the displays in the cockpit and the mission crew areas that enable the crew to prosecute the operational mission. This chapter deals with the technology of displays and provides numerous examples of display systems in military applications.

    The authors believe that this volume will complete the set of companion volumes that describe the aircraft general, avionic and mission systems, as well as the way in which they are developed. This series provides a guide to the interested public, to students and to practitioners in the aerospace field. It should be recognised that this book, like its companion volumes, only scratches the surface of a series of complex topics. Within the book we have provided a comprehensive bibliography as a guide to specialised volumes dealing in detail with the topics outlined here, and it is to be hoped that the reader will continue to read on to understand aviation electronic systems.


    Military Roles

    1.1 Introduction

    The military were quick to seize upon the opportunities offered to them by an ability to leave the ground and gain an advantage of height. The initial attempts to make use of this advantage were by using tethered balloons as observation posts, and then as positions from which to direct artillery. The advent of a moving and powered platform allowed guns and, later, bombs to be carried, which led to air war between aircraft, and upon ground troops. Thus, fairly early in the history of the aircraft the main military roles of observation, interception and ground attack had been firmly established. These initial roles increased in sophistication and led to the development of more capable aircraft weapons, aircrew and tactics.

    Today the military are called upon to perform a wide variety of aviation roles using fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft. The roles largely define the type of aircraft because of the specialist nature of the task; however, there are a number of aircraft types that have been designed as multirole aircraft, or designed to change roles during the prosecution of a mission, the so-called swing-role type.

    The military roles that are in place today have emerged over many years of aerial combat experience. The long development timescales of the complex military aircraft have resulted in many types remaining in service long after their original introduction. Consequently, aircraft have adopted new roles as a result of role-fit weapons or mid-life updates. Many of the roles, particularly the intelligence gathering roles, have persisted after combat into the post-war stabilisation period and peacekeeping operations.

    The flexibility of weapons and methods of carrying weapons and the adaptability of sensors and avionic systems are what enables this situation to persist. Although many of the ‘traditional’ roles still exist, there are signs that the changing nature of conflict may lead to new roles or alternative solutions.

    To a large extent these new roles and alternative solutions are being driven by advances in the technology of sensors and avionics. Ever more sensitive and effective sensor systems are capable of detecting targets, the use of stealth techniques increases the effectiveness of delivery platforms and the increased capability of on-board computing systems is extending and speeding up the processing of data. The existence of these advances in the hands of enemies spurs on further development.

    Figure 1.1 Typical battlefield scenario and the major players.

    This chapter will describe the roles that are required in the military defence environment. Some examples of avionic architectures will be described, along with examples of the types of aircraft in service today that perform the various roles. Other chapters in this book will deal with the detail of a number of military avionic systems.

    1.2 Air Superiority

    1.2.1 Role Description

    The primary aim of this role is to deny to an enemy the airspace over the battlefield, thus allowing ground attack aircraft a free rein in destroying ground targets and assisting ground forces, secure in the knowledge that the airborne threat has been suppressed.

    The air superiority aircraft is typically designed to enable the pilot to respond rapidly to a deployment call, climb to intercept or loiter on combat air patrol (CAP) and then to engage enemy targets, preferably beyond visual range. The aircraft should also have the capability to engage in close combat, or dogfight, with other aircraft should this prove to be necessary. For this to be successful, an extremely agile machine is necessary with ‘carefree handling’ capability.

    The systems must allow for accurate navigation, accurate identification of targets, prioritisation of targets, accurate weapon aiming capability and the ability to join the tactical communications network.

    A typical mission profile is shown in Figure 1.2.

    1.2.2 Key Performance Characteristics

    The air superiority aircraft is usually a highly manoeuvrable aircraft with a high Mach number capability and rapid climb rate. Many fighters are equipped with afterburning to allow Mach 2 capability, a power to weight ratio greater than 1, allowing acceleration in a climb, and the ability to climb to beyond 60 000 ft. Some types are designed to operate from carriers and will be equipped for catapult launch and for steep approaches and arrestor wire decelerations.

    Figure 1.2 Air superiority mission profile.

    Many modern fighters are unstable and have full authority flight control systems that are designed to allow the pilot to execute manoeuvres to envelope limits without fear of losing control or damaging the aircraft. This is known as ‘carefree handling’ capability.

    1.2.3 Crew Complement

    Usually single pilot, but some types employ a pilot and a rear-seat air electronics officer or navigator depending on the role. Trainers or conversion aircraft will have two seats for instructor and student.

    1.2.4 Systems Architecture

    A typical air superiority platform architecture is shown in Figure 1.3. Typical air superiority systems are listed in Table 1.1.

    Figure 1.3 Typical air superiority platform architecture.

    Table 1.1 Typical air superiority systems

    Figure 1.4 Air superiority aircraft types.

    1.2.5 Air Superiority – Aircraft Types

    The various types of air superiority aircraft are as follows (Figure 1.4):

    McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom;

    English Electric Lightning;

    Eurofighter Typhoon;

    Panavia Tornado F-3;

    Dassault Rafale;

    Dassault Mirage 2000;

    SAAB Gripen;




    Mig-21 Fishbed;

    Mig-23 Flogger;


    1.3 Ground Attack

    1.3.1 Role Description

    The ground attack role has been developed to assist the tactical situation on the battlefield. The pilot must be able to identify the right target among the ground clutter and multiplicity of targets and friendly units on the battlefield. The ability to designate targets by laser has enabled precision bombing to be adopted by the use of laser-guided bombs or ‘smart’ bombs. The role must enable fixed targets such as buildings, radar installations and missile sites, as well as mobile targets such as tanks, guns, convoys, ships and troop formations, to be detected, positively identified and engaged.

    This role includes close air support (CAS), where support is given to ground forces, often under their direction, where weapons will be deployed in close proximity to friendly forces.

    1.3.2 Key Performance Characteristics

    Depending on the target and the on-going military situation, the ground attack role may be performed by either fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft. A fixed-wing aircraft usually needs very fast, low-level performance with good ride qualities. It should also be reasonably agile to perform attack manoeuvres and take evasive action. Rotary-wing aircraft benefit from extreme low-level nap of the earth penetration, and the ability to loiter in natural ground cover – popping up when required to deliver a weapon.

    Figure 1.5 Ground attack mission profile.

    Figure 1.6 Typical ground attack platform architecture.

    1.3.3 Crew Complement

    This role is usually conducted by two crew members, a pilot and a crew member to operate the sensors and weapons systems. The advent of smart weapons or cooperative target designation means that the mission can be conducted by a single crew, often a role designated to a fighter aircraft as a secondary role.

    1.3.4 Systems Architecture

    A typical ground attack platform architecture is shown in Figure 1.6. Typical ground attack systems are listed in Table 1.2.

    1.3.5 Ground Attack – Aircraft Types

    The various types of ground attack aircraft are as follows (Figure 1.7):

    Sepecat Jaguar;

    Panavia Tornado GR4;

    Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt;


    Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer.

    1.4 Strategic Bomber

    1.4.1 Role Description

    The role of the strategic bomber is to penetrate deep into enemy territory and to carry out strikes that will weaken defences and undermine the morale of the troops. The strategic bomber was usually a very high-flying aircraft capable of carrying a large load of bombs which were released in a ‘carpet bombing’ pattern. The modern aircraft may choose to fly low and fast and rely on stealth to evade enemy radar defences. Different weapons may also be employed such as Cruise missiles and joint direct attack munition (JDAM).

    Table 1.2 Typical ground attack systems

    Figure 1.7 Ground attack aircraft types.

    Figure 1.8 Strategic bomber mission profile.

    1.4.2 Key Performance Characteristics

    Strategic bomber aircraft attributes include high altitude cruise, long range and high payload capacity.

    1.4.3 Crew Complement

    The crew includes pilots, a navigator, an engineer and specialist mission crew. For very long missions a relief crew may be provided.

    1.4.4 Systems Architecture

    A typical strategic bomber platform architecture is shown in Figure 1.9. Typical strategic bomber systems are listed in Table 1.3.

    Figure 1.9 Typical strategic bomber platform architecture.

    Table 1.3 Typical strategic bomber systems

    1.4.5 Strategic Bomber – Aircraft Types

    The various types of strategic bomber aircraft are as follows (Figure 1.10):

    Boeing B-52;

    AVRO Vulcan;

    Northrop B-2;

    Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire;

    Tupolev TU-160 Blackjack;

    General Dynamics F-111.

    Figure 1.10 Strategic bomber aircraft types.

    1.5 Maritime Patrol

    Over 60% of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans – a natural resource that is exploited by many means: as a medium for transportation of cargo, as a source of food, as a means of deploying naval assets such as capital ships and submarines and for movement of men and materiel. It is also used for pleasure and for criminal purposes such as the smuggling of drugs, liquor, tobacco and illegal aliens. It is not surprising, therefore, that surveillance of the ocean’s surface is of importance to military and paramilitary forces.

    The most practical way of carrying out surveillance or reconnaissance is by air, and the flexibility of the fixed-wing aircraft with its comparatively high speed, long range and excellent detection capability from high altitude made it an excellent complement to surface vessels in carrying out naval or policing duties.

    Over 90 years of development have led to the emergence of the maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) as one of the most complex of systems aircraft with a demanding role embracing a broad spectrum of tactical and strategic tasks, as well as support for civilian and humanitarian activities.

    The general MPA specification that has evolved calls for the ability to transit at high speed to a distant patrol area of interest, and then to remain in that area for a long time, carrying out searches for surface, subsurface or both types of activity. Operational requirements typically ask for an ability to fly over 800 miles to an area, remain on task for over 7 h, return to base and have sufficient fuel remaining to carry out a bad weather diversion. To perform such a task requires an aircraft weighing up to 100 t, a crew of 12 or more and a suite of electronic sensors and communication systems.

    1.5.1 Role Description

    The typical tasks that an MPA is called upon to perform include:

    Anti-surface unit warfare (ASuW)



    Strike against surface vessels;

    Tactical support of maritime strike aircraft;

    Over-the-horizon targeting for friendly vessels;

    Intelligence collection;

    Communications relay;

    Limited airborne early warning capability.

    Anti-submarine warfare (ASW)

    Close air support to task forces and convoys;

    Open ocean searches;

    Extended tracking of submerged targets;

    Deterrence of hostile submarines;

    Cooperation with friendly submarines;

    Intelligence collection.

    Search and rescue (SAR)

    Location of survivors;

    Dropping of survival equipment;

    Scene-of-action commander for rescue operations;

    Escort to rescue helicopters;

    Cooperation with rescue services;

    Escort of aircraft in difficulties.

    Exclusive economic zone protection

    Oil rig surveillance;

    Fishery protection;

    Pollution detection and dispersal.

    Customs and excise cooperation

    Anti-illegal immigration;

    Anti-gun running;

    Anti-terrorist operations;

    Anti-drug smuggling.

    1.5.2 Anti-surface Unit Warfare (ASuW) Role

    MPAs take part in all aspects of the war at sea. In the role of anti-surface unit warfare, the MPA may carry out autonomous strikes against surface targets using free-fall bombs or stand-off weapons. Alternatively, it may be used to search, identify and shadow surface forces, remaining in contact but out of range of a surface ship’s weapons for long periods of time. This can be performed overtly using the integral radar of the MPA to detect, classify and track targets, or covertly using passive electronic support measure systems to detect the ship’s radars while remaining outside the ship’s maximum radar detection range.

    Frequently it is necessary to shadow naval forces for days using a number of MPAs, each handing over the task to a relief aircraft at the end of its endurance on task. If there is then a requirement for specialist strike aircraft to carry out attacks against the ships under surveillance, then a cooperative attack is planned. The MPA can guide the attacking force accurately to suitable attack positions using its own radar, while the attacking aircraft can approach covertly under any defensive radar screen, only being detected by the air defence radar of the target at very short range. During the attack the MPA can carry out jamming of radar and communications to distract the surface ship’s defensive tactics.

    The MPA can also use similar tactics to cooperate with attack helicopters, or to provide over-the-horizon targeting for surface missiles launched from friendly naval ships.

    1.5.3 Anti-submarine Warfare (ASW) Role

    Traditionally, submarines have waged strategic warfare by effectively blockading enemy countries, preventing military supplies, reinforcements and essential food and medical supplies from arriving by sea. The counter to the submarine campaigns was to regulate shipping by organising it into strictly disciplined convoys and concentrating naval forces to protect the convoys. However, as submarines became more effective and became organised into ‘wolf packs’, the escort ships found themselves outperformed and sometimes out-numbered.

    Furthermore, as detection ranges from improved sensors increased, surface ships did not have the speed necessary to exploit the detections and to supply a secure cordon around the enemy.

    The use of the aircraft in general reconnaissance of the sea surface was a natural evolution of its role in war. However, it was not until significant performance improvements in sensors, weapons, aircraft range and endurance and communications that the MPA could play its full part in integrated close support of surface forces.

    The MPA can often put itself at risk of friendly fire when joining a force. An unexpected aircraft contact in the war situation of jammed communications and strict emission control policies is often seen as a potential threat. As a result, complex joining procedures are adopted before closing within range of the defensive missile engagement zone of a friendly force.

    While on task, the tactics of the MPA are likely to involve searching at low altitude using a constant radar policy to force down submarines that may have closed the force and are attempting to get periscope ranging for an attack solution. The maritime radar is optimised to detect small contacts against a backgound of reflections or ‘clutter’ from the sea. Although the submarine will prefer to operate submerged, there are situations in which it must expose itself above the surface. For example, there are surface-to-surface anti-ship missiles that may require the submarine to surface partially in order to fire the missile, providing opportunities for detection by the MPA radar, leading to engagement by mines, torpedo or anti-ship missile.

    Sonobuoys are also used to create barriers across a perceived threat axis, allowing the MPA to listen to noises that are characteristic of different submarine types. The experienced acoustic operator can distinguish between different types and between different operating states, and can detect noises from a submarine at rest on the sea bottom. Electronic support measures are used to detect the slightest transmission from an extended communications mast, and the maritime radar can detect a fleeting extension of a communications mast or a diesel air inlet mast. A contact is confirmed by overflying the contact and using the magnetic anomaly detector to distinguish a metallic mass from a shoal of fish or other natural phenomena.

    The MPA crew work closely together with their individual sensors, while the tactical commander uses fused sensor data to view the whole surface picture. The MPA works closely with other assets to detect, locate, track and prosecute an attack over many days or weeks of continuous operation. Search patterns similar to those described in the next section are routinely used to conduct an efficient open ocean search.

    1.5.4 Search and Rescue (SAR) Role

    Search and rescue is the public and humanitarian aspect of military maritime patrol. The extension of the lifeboat service has grown from the original requirement for the military to provide a rescue capability for military aircrew who are forced to make emergency landings in the sea. The task fell to maritime patrol aircraft, rather than a specialist aircraft, for economic reasons, particularly in peacetime when the number of available aircraft is low. The requirements for an effective SAR aircraft have much in common with a maritime patrol aircraft and include:

    Long range and endurance;

    High transit speed and long loiter time;

    All-weather operations capability;

    Precise navigation system;

    Comprehensive communications;

    Extensive sensor suite;

    Good visual platform;

    Large crew complement;

    Displays for tactical control for scene-of-action command;

    Ability to carry large quantities of air-dropped survival equipment.

    A military base may keep at least one aircraft and crew on SAR standby 24 h a day, 365 days of the year. The aircraft is normally capable of taking to the air in response to a call for assistance within 2 h. As soon as the SAR aircraft is airborne, a new aircraft and crew are readied to provide cover for any subsequent calls for help. Datum Searches

    Where the distressed person or vessel has been able to pass a message to an emergency service, it is likely that a reasonably accurate datum is available and a number of datum search patterns can be used. Some example patterns are shown in Figure 1.11.

    If a very accurate position is obtained and the searching aircraft is able to arrive on the scene quickly after the incident, it is possible that the cloverleaf search pattern can be used. This is often the case when military aircrew are forced to eject from their aircraft which has been tracked by a surveillance radar. The fact that the SAR aircraft has arrived shortly after the ejection means that the survivors will not have drifted far from the last known position.

    Figure 1.11 Search pattern examples.

    However, if the SAR aircraft is delayed and the position of the datum is not so accurately defined, then there will be a need for the MPA to search out to a greater range. A more suitable search pattern would be the expanding square search, covering an area calculated by the SAR crew to enclose any inaccuracies in position or drift as a result of prevailing weather conditions. If the survivors are equipped with a personal locator beacon (PLB), then the aircraft will use its direction finding (DF) and homing systems to fly straight to the survivor’s position. Area Searches

    It often happens that notification of an incident is received hours or even days after its occurrence. This usually happens when an aircraft or ship fails to make its scheduled position report. In these circumstances the SAR aircraft is likely to have to search a very large area for survivors or wreckage. Frequently the MPA would be one of a number of cooperating aircraft, helicopters, lifeboats, naval vessels and surface ships involved in the search. The procedure used for organisation, command and control are well tried and tested, and subject to international agreement and standardisation. Specific SAR radio frequencies are available, as are call signs and communication procedures that allow effective integration of civilian and military resources.

    The tactics employed by an MPA to search a very large area depend on all the factors described above. If the incident involves a missing military aircraft, the MPA will normally make a number of medium- to high-altitude passes over the area allocated for search. This is firstly to establish a shipping density using radar, and secondly to determine whether any survivors are using PLBs. In the event that no PLB signals are received, the MPA will descend to an altitude suitable for visual and radar search. The type of search will frequently be creeping line ahead (CLA), with track spacing determined by the calculation 1.5 × estimated visibility. Where the track spacing is very short, in poor visibility, for example, the MPA will have difficulty in maintaining the integrity of the search because of the tight turning circles at the end of each loop. A modified creeping line ahead pattern can be used to compensate for this. Scene-of-Action Commander

    One aspect of the SAR operation where a modern MPA excels is as a scene-of-action commander (SAC). A typical example of this was the Piper Alpha oil platform disaster in the North Sea. A serious explosion and fire occurred and rescue forces were mobilised. There was no shortage of ships and helicopters to carry out rescue work, but, owing to poor visibility, burning oil on the sea surface and poor communications, there was a distinct danger of the rescue craft hampering or colliding with each other. A Nimrod MR2 from RAF Kinloss was directed to the scene and was able to establish firm control of all rescue forces using radar to deconflict the various helicopters, direct firefighting ships and keep the rescue control centre fully informed of developments. Each ship and helicopter was electronically tagged and displayed on the tactical display, while the area around the rig was divided into small search boxes and allocated to specific ships or helicopters.

    1.5.5 Exclusive Economic Zone Protection Oil and Gas Rig Patrols

    Many countries have a requirement to police their territorial waters, particularly those declared to be an economic exclusion zone (EEZ) and containing vital national resources such as oil, natural gas and fishing grounds. This task requires regular patrols over large areas of coastal waters by specialist aircraft cooperating with surface vessels to ensure the security of oil and gas installations which may be potential targets for terrorist action. Anti-pollution

    There is a requirement for early detection of pollution of the sea, whether by accidental discharge from ships or installations, or by illegal washing of tanks and bilges by merchant vessels. This is an ideal task for aerial surveillance with specially designed sideways looking radar (SLAR) and electrooptical devices using ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) techniques to detect and measure the density and area of oil slicks at sea. Fishery Protection

    Fishing represents an increasingly important element of national economies, and there has been a growing tendency for fishing fleets to ignore international agreements for control and licensing of fishing within territorial waters. If a nation is to protect its own fishing rights, it must be capable of demonstrating a capability of detecting and apprehending any vessels fishing illegally within its EEZ. To achieve the very large-scale surveillance task effectively and in an acceptable timeframe dictates the use of an aircraft. There are obvious difficulties if an illegal fishing vessel detected by a fixed-wing aircraft needs to be arrested and brought before a court of law.

    Current tactics involve very close cooperation between aircraft and surface vessels, with the aircraft locating the offender, and the ships performing the arrest. However, there is often a delay of some hours before the surface ship can transit to the offender’s position, who will no doubt have got rid of any evidence of illegal fishing and possible even have sailed out of the area. It is, therefore, incumbent on the EEZ patrol aircraft to obtain sufficient evidence to allow a reliable case to be brought before an international court, if the offender escapes immediate arrest.

    To have a good chance of winning a case in court, the aircraft must catch the offender in the act and obtain high-quality photography of the time and position at which each offence took place. The film needs to have a superimposed image of latitude, longitude, date and time to be used as secure evidence. Customs and Excise Cooperation

    Customs and excise operations are usually inshore, and a large military MPA may not be best suited to this kind of role. An alternative is a small twin-turboprop aircraft fitted with a minimum sensor set operating from a civilian airfield by a police or customs crew. This type of aircraft would not normally be armed, its role being surveillance and recording. However, the long-range aircraft will be called upon if a target vessel needs to be tracked over the high seas.

    Figure 1.12 Maritime patrol aircraft mission profile.

    1.5.6 Key Performance Characteristics

    The key performance characteristics are:

    Long endurance;

    Long range.

    1.5.7 Crew Complement

    The flight deck crew consists of two pilots who may alternate the roles of flying pilot and second officer throughout a long-duration mission in order to maintain vigilance. Some types may carry an engineer who will operate the general systems and usually acts as a monitor for height. On types expected to perform very long-duration missions, for example, with air-to-air refuelling this may be in excess of 20 h, a supernumerary pilot may be carried.

    The mission crew will be sized to operate the sensors and conduct the tactical mission. Crew sizes for a long-range maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft may exceed 10.

    1.5.8 Systems Architecture

    A typical maritime patrol aircraft platform architecture is shown in Figure 1.13. Typical MPA systems are listed in Table 1.4.

    1.5.9 MPA Aircraft Types

    The various types of MPA aircraft are as follows (Figure 1.14):


    BAE SYSTEMS Nimrod MR2;


    Lockheed P-3C;

    Lockheed S-3 Viking;

    Dassault Atlantic;

    Tupolev Tu-20;

    Westland Sea King.

    Figure 1.13 Typical maritime patrol aircraft platform architecture.

    Table 1.4 Typical MPA systems

    Figure 1.14 Maritime patrol aircraft types.

    1.6 Battlefield Surveillance

    Detailed knowledge of the tactical scenario on the battlefield is of importance to military commanders and planners who need real-time intelligence of enemy and friendly force disposition, size and movement. Many commercial aircraft types have been converted to perform this role to complement specifically designed military types. The aircraft are equipped with a radar located on the upper or lower surface of the airframe that is designed to look obliquely at the ground. The aircraft flies a fixed pattern at a distance outside the range of enemy defences and detects fixed and moving contacts. These contacts are confirmed by using intelligence from other sensors or from remote intelligence databases to build up a picture of the battlefield and the disposition of enemy and friendly forces. The mission crew operate as a team to build up a surface picture, and can operate as an airborne command centre to direct operations such as air or ground strikes.

    1.6.1 Role Description

    A battlefield surveillance mission profile is shown in Figure 1.15.

    1.6.2 Key Performance Characteristics

    The key performance characteristics are high altitude, long range and a stable platform often based on a commercial airliner airframe.

    Figure 1.15 Battlefield surveillance mission profile.

    1.6.3 Crew Complement

    The flight deck crew consists of two pilots who may alternate the roles of flying pilot and second officer throughout a long-duration mission in order to maintain vigilance. Some types may carry an engineer who will operate the general systems and usually acts as a monitor for height. On types expected to perform very long-duration missions, for example, with air-to-air refuelling this may be in excess of 20 h, a supernumerary pilot may be carried.

    The mission crew will be sized to operate the sensors and conduct the tactical mission. Crew sizes for a long-range, long-duration mission may exceed 10.

    1.6.4 Systems Architecture

    A typical battlefield surveillance platform architecture is shown in Figure 1.16. Typical battlefield surveillance systems are listed in Table 1.5.

    1.6.5 Battlefield Surveillance Aircraft Types

    The various types of battlefield surveillance aircraft are shown in Figure 1.17.

    Figure 1.16 Typical battlefield surveillance platform architecture.

    Table 1.5 Typical battlefield surveillance systems

    1.7 Airborne Early Warning

    1.7.1 Role Description

    Early detection and warning of airborne attack is important to give air superiority and defensive forces sufficient time to prepare a sound defence. It is also important to alert ground and naval forces of impending attack to allow for suitable defence, evasion or countermeasures action.

    Figure 1.17 Battlefield surveillance aircraft types.

    Figure 1.18 Airborne early warning mission profile.

    Operating from high altitude gives the airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft an advantage of detecting hostile aircraft at longer range than surface radar, which gives vital seconds for ground defence forces.

    1.7.2 Key Performance Characteristics

    A long-range, long-endurance aircraft enables a patrol pattern to be set up to cover a widesector area from which attack is most likely. A radar with a 360° scan, and a capability to look down and look up, provides detection of incoming low-level and high-altitude attack. The radar will usually be integrated with an interrogator to enable friendly aircraft to be positively identified. The aircraft will also act as an airborne command post,

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