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Widow Woman
Widow Woman
Widow Woman
Audiobook6 hours

Widow Woman

Written by Parris Afton Bonds

Narrated by Luke Smith

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

80s Romance Reboot

Parris Afton Bonds is the New York Times Bestselling Author of more than 50 novels - most of them are historical fiction and historical romance. Join Parris as she reboots her classic romance novels as audiobooks.

Many of these spicy romances were originally published in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. The days of heaving bosoms, throbbing loins, and ripped bodices. He wanted to take her, and she wanted to be taken; but she wasn't going to tell him that!

Travel back in time to the days of big hair, big shoulders, and big libidos.


She had gone from small-town girl to international model, then home to New Mexico. Now she was the sheriff, but she was also something more: the Widow Woman, untouchable and unapproachable.


swore to make a dent in the Widow Woman's heart, but he was hiding a secret that could rip their budding love and the entire town apart.

Passions ran high beneath the New Mexico sun, but none higher than Cade and Cassie's love, a love that would survive against all odds.

PublisherMotina Books
Release dateJul 1, 2013

Parris Afton Bonds

I am dancing on sunshine that you are visiting my little part of Parris's paradise. I write for the reckless of heart. Not surprisingly, I identify with my novels' characters, both the protagonists AND antagonists. I suffer with their angsts and bewilderments and rejoice in their joys and triumphs. And I believe that if we heroically hold fast to our own vision for ourselves in our journey's confrontations and challenges, then Life WILL manifest our dreams and goals and visions, as it does for my characters in my novels. ~~~~~~~~ Declared by ABC's Nightline as one of the three-best-selling authors of romantic fiction, the award winning Parris Afton Bonds has been featured in major newspapers and magazines as well as published in more than a dozen languages. The mother of five sons and the author of over forty published novels, she donates her time to teaching creative writing to both grade school children and female inmates. She is co-founder and first vice president of Romance Writers of America, as well as, cofounder of Southwest Writers Workshop. The Parris Award was established in her name by the Southwest Writers Workshop to honor a published writer who has given outstandingly of time and talent to other writers. Prestigious recipients of the Parris Award include Tony Hillerman and the Pulitzer nominee Norman Zollinger.

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