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The European Union, its Member States and Europeans across the continent are mobilised in support of people fleeing the war in Ukraine. We are working on all fronts to support Ukraine with assistance, humanitarian aid and civil protection. This specific initiative wants to support researchers of Ukraine by providing them with an overview of all existing actions at European and national levels.


This information is also available in:

Ukrainian | українська

Find useful information in Slovakia

Kto pomôže Ukrajine?:

Liga za ľudské práva a Mareena:

Official website of the Slovak Government:

Police of the Slovak Republic - phone 158 or 112

Medical Emergency Service - phone 155 or 112

Rescue Service - phone 150 or 112

Hotline of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic for Ukrainian speaking individuals

+421 513 816 111

+421 259 765 111

Hotline for psychological help in Ukrainian (8:00-22:00): 0800 500 888

Kto pomôže Ukrajine? (Хто допоможе Україні?):

Liga za ľudské práva a Mareena:




Member States and Associated countries

The Commission and EU Member States work together at all levels to channel humanitarian and civil protection support to Ukraine and neighbouring countries. Below you can find an overview of the most useful information per country: