About: autonomous weapons

LEAK: European Defence Fund to fund next-gen helicopters, cargo planes

Est. 4min

The European Commission wants to invest in the development of key technologies for next-generation conventional warfare, especially involving artificial intelligence in autonomous and unmanned systems, according to an internal draft document, seen by Euractiv.

Global Europe 30-08-2019

Defence ministers discussed artificial intelligence, killer robots, climate threat

Est. 5min

EU defence ministers discussed artificial intelligence, autonomous weapons – also called “killer robots” –, hybrid threats and conflicts stemming from climate change, EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini told the press after an informal Council meeting in Helsinki on Thursday (29 August).

Technology 22-08-2019

Amazon, Microsoft, ‘putting world at risk of killer AI’, Dutch NGO warns

Est. 4min

Amazon, Microsoft and Intel are among leading tech companies putting the world at risk through killer robot development, according to a report that surveyed major players from the sector about their stance on lethal autonomous weapons.

European Defence Fund agreed amid ethics concerns

Est. 6min

EU institutions reached a partial political agreement on the European Defence Fund (EDF) this week but decisions on the two major issues - budget and funding eligibility - had to be postponed as the file remains plagued by controversy.

Technology 12-09-2018

EU lawmakers call for global ban on ‘killer robots’

Est. 3min

The European Union took a stance against "killer robots" on Wednesday when the European Parliament passed a resolution calling for an international ban on the development, production and use of weapons that kill without a human deciding to fire.

Autonomous weapons, AI are future of defence but require ethical debate, says expert

Est. 9min

Should a computer be allowed to take decisions over life and death? As artificial intelligence is playing an increasing role, many issues still need to be discussed in parliament and by the general public, Ulrike Franke told EURACTIV about the ongoing autonomous weapons debate and the future of warfare.

Technology 29-08-2018

UN talks: Can the EU stop the charge of the killer robots?

Est. 4min

UN talks continue this week to try and turn the screw on lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) or what has been termed "killer robots".