Auto Engine Components

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Technology is Redefining Intake Manifold Performance

Advanced techniques and innovations are helping refine processes, allowing for greater customization while improving engine performance and reliability.

Cam Bearing Breakdown

While the proper bearing material and bearing selection are important factors, the right alignment of the bearing in the cam tunnel is also critical.

Update on Cylinder Sleeves

Proper installation may be the most critical factor regarding sleeves, and it’s important to sleeve manufacturers to help engine builders achieve a proper installation.

Addressing Cap Walk in Performance Engines

Detecting cap walk early can be a life saver, so we break down five common causes of cap walk, along with strategies to prevent main caps from wandering off their mark.

main caps
Making Billet Blocks

Engine builders looking to move the needle on a certain engine platform might decide to design and develop their own billet block.

billet blocks from AMS
New Technology Keeps Rocker Arms Rockin’

Manufacturers are utilizing new technology and engineering techniques to continually make rocker arm systems better, and more specific to certain applications.

rocker arms
All About Valves

Valve manufacturers are constantly refining valve design and performance to provide solutions builders need.

Stress Testing Modern Valve Springs for Success

Valve springs face fatigue stress from repeated compression and expansion, as well as harmonic vibration, which highlights the importance of their precise design and construction.

valve springs
Diagnosing Common Lifter Issues

Lifters play a crucial role in an engine’s valvetrain, so understand what to look for to keep your engines running without issues.

Change Your Camshaft Mentality

In today’s camshaft design and selection process, you have to see your engine as a system and often end with the camshaft, not start with it.

The Relationship Between Timing Components and Oil

Various timing components can often get wrongfully blamed when problems arise, but one of the biggest culprits can be oil or the lack of it.

timing components
The Newest in Nitrous

Nitrous is not new to the game of performance engines, but it continues to make a big impact and every year the technology keeps pushing the needle further.
