Your roadmap to achieve net zero emissions

Actualize and accelerate your path to net zero with our integrated approach that aligns your priorities and stakeholders while maximizing value. Discover our process for weaving together a tailored, integrated strategy that encompasses a range of low carbon solutions to meet you where you are in your net zero journey – and get you where you need to go.

The Changing Energy Landscape

An evolving energy landscape presents challenges and opportunities for action

Climate change, energy price volatility, stakeholder pressure to decarbonize, transmission challenges, and regulatory opportunities – these trends are affecting the present and future of energy and how organizations address their energy strategy and their path to net zero.

Organizations are no longer passive energy consumers. They are taking matters into their own hands and becoming key decision-makers in acquiring, using, and generating energy. We have identified 3 opportunities that help organizations unlock the full potential of their energy infrastructure:

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Energy flexibility


Become more flexible in how you acquire and use energy and capitalize on opportunities.

Improve the economics of energy use

Earn revenue by reducing consumption during grid stress

Reduce energy bills by shifting energy use to low-price hours

Profit from flexibility

Energy resilience


Secure your operations from grid supply interruptions and market and regulatory risks.

Operational: Stay online during grid disruptions

Economic: Keep energy prices stable amid volatility

Regulatory: Meet stakeholder demands / policy requirements

Evaluate resilience needs

Energy sustainability


Advance your decarbonization journey and meet stakeholder demands.

  Reduce carbon emissions

Enhance brand reputation by addressing climate change

Achieve net zero emissions targets

Decarbonize with renewables

How do you best address these challenges – in a simplified way that delivers maximum impact? Let’s discuss the current landscape and the need for an integrated energy strategy. 

The Need to Simplify 

A complex energy landscape = more complex solutions

With many strong currents and moving parts, the clean energy landscape and available technologies are getting more complex to comprehensively address the unique challenges organizations face today. Various technologies and low carbon solutions are available, along with a myriad of market factors to consider.

Available technologies

On-site and off-site energy solutions

Solutions that reduce operational costs

Solutions that reduce carbon emissions

Solutions that unlock revenue opportunities

Available technologies

Available incentives


Supply chain issues

Regulatory changes

With so many options available, knowing which energy solutions are the best match for your organization can be difficult. Where do you even begin?

Addressing Energy Holistically

Weaving together an integrated strategy

Options to include in your energy portfolio are extensive – and no single option addresses every need you may have. Many reduce carbon emissions. Some reduce operational costs, and others unlock revenue opportunities. It’s important to integrate a variety of solutions to holistically address your challenges and fill gaps. A portfolio of energy solutions should include energy conservation and carbon reduction solutions – but also address energy generation, energy monetization, and energy resilience.

Addressing your energy infrastructure in this manner enables you to:

Addressing energy infrastructure needs comprehensively with an integrated approach makes carbon and energy cost reduction more impactful, so you can reach your energy and net zero emissions goals faster.

Taking a comprehensive view of your energy footprint enables you to maximize all available opportunities, appropriately identify and fill gaps where needed, and drive the most value from your infrastructure.

Integrating solutions together maximizes the benefits of the technologies, enabling them to work together to comprehensively address energy conservation, energy generation, energy monetization, and energy resilience.

A cohesive, holistic roadmap considers all appropriate energy solutions, how they interact with each other, and proper deployment order to maximize energy cost savings and carbon reduction.

Let us navigate through the complexity for you. We’ll customize a tailored roadmap to help you actualize and accelerate your net zero journey.

Building Your Path to Net Zero

How Enel works with you

At Enel North America, we have the right sustainability track record, experience, and expertise to work across products to integrate your strategy in the simplest way possible. We can help you develop a comprehensive energy strategy and roadmap to energy solutions that address sustainability, decarbonization, flexibility, resilience, electrification, and energy management.

Our approach aligns your priorities and your stakeholders while maximizing value:



Development of a customized roadmap to achieve your organization’s goals.

Detailed energy analysis, project scoping, and forecasting

Holistic energy strategy and roadmap development


Our streamlined process minimizes risk and maximizes value from integrating solutions.

Simplified procurement process by working with a single partner

Seamless portfolio integration


Maximize value of your energy portfolio and streamline progress reporting.

Ongoing asset optimization

Renewable energy and GHG emission reporting

Enel North America manages the entire process on your behalf – from weaving together a strategy to execution to optimization.

Why Trust Enel? 

We’re committed to delivering long-lasting value

Maximize your Inflation Reduction Act tax credits

We leverage our expertise to identify the sites best suited for near-term development, matching them with bonus tax credits and depreciation treatment. 

Access the best solar panels on the market

Our 3Sun panels are the future of solar technology, delivering significant efficiency improvements with a record-breaking certified efficiency of 26.5%.

Gain a competitive edge in energy markets

With 20+ years of experience navigating energy market complexity, our expertise helps you capitalize on new opportunities and maximize value from your assets.

Minimize risk with a reliable partner

As part of The Enel Group, we’re backed by $150 billion in annual revenue. We underwrite your revenue streams, providing you peace of mind that you’re covered for the long-run.

Access new revenue streams

We’re shaping the development of the clean energy landscape to unlock more opportunities. In Ontario, we are demonstrating the value of on-site energy resources to support the grid.

Unlock 1 + 1 = 3 opportunities.

With our on-site energy resources, EV charging solutions, and off-site options, we can meet you where you are and co-optimize across your different assets, like we did for UMass Boston.

Why Trust Enel? 

We’re committed to delivering long-lasting value

We leverage our expertise to identify the sites best suited for near-term development, matching them with bonus tax credits and depreciation treatment. 

Our 3Sun panels are the future of solar technology, delivering significant efficiency improvements with a record-breaking certified efficiency of 26.5%.

With 20+ years of experience navigating energy market complexity, our expertise helps you capitalize on new opportunities and maximize value from your assets.

As part of The Enel Group, we’re backed by $150 billion in annual revenue. We underwrite your revenue streams, providing you peace of mind that you’re covered for the long-run.

We’re shaping the development of the clean energy landscape to unlock more opportunities. In Ontario, we are demonstrating the value of on-site energy resources to support the grid.

With our on-site energy resources, EV charging solutions, and off-site options, we can meet you where you are and co-optimize across your different assets, like we did for UMass Boston.

Case Study

Our integrated approach in action

By working with Enel on an integrated energy strategy, Ecobat has boosted savings, resilience and sustainability. Discover how working with Enel has allowed them to find new synergies that maximize value.

Read the case study

Ready to Get Started?

Let’s see what we can achieve together 

Succeeding in today’s complex energy environment requires a holistic approach. Enel can work across energy solutions to integrate your strategy in the simplest way possible. The Inflation Reduction Act has made many solutions more financially advantageous than ever before. Now is the time to address your energy infrastructure and net zero emissions goals holistically to make impactful, meaningful change – and Enel is your partner to help you unlock all available opportunities. 

doorways blue

Simplifying your path to net zero

Energy Solutions
doorway orange

Turning energy ambition into action

Case Studies