May 17, 2016 - 5:00pm PDT to May 19, 2016 - 4:30pm PDT
Austin, TX

Join EFF at OSCON, O'Reilly's blockbuster open source event at the Austin Convention Center. Stop by the EFF booth #231-8 (in the rear left of the expo hall past Github) to learn about the latest in the digital civil liberties movement. You can even donate to get some great swag or become an official member at special reduced levels while you're there! There has never been a more important time to ensure that our rights have a defender. We hope to see you there.

EFF supporters have free access to visit us in the Expo Hall! Just use the code OSCON16XPO while registering. This pass includes all sponsored content as well as OSCON Events.

About OSCON:

"For those who have not been to OSCON, it's a great technical conference covering the whole spectrum of open source, including Linux, MySQL, the LAMP stack, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails, middleware, applications, cloud computing, and more. OSCON always has great keynotes, tutorials, and evening Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. As with many conferences, a lot of the meat takes place in hallway conversations and impromptu sessions." —Zack Urlocker, InfoWorld