Upcoming events

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    This year, the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the  Regions will be jointly hosting the kick-off event of the European Cybersecurity Month.

  • Hearing

    The Territorial Agenda (TA) 2030 is an inter-governmental declaration with no direct legal, financial or institutional implementation instrument. The application of the Territorial Agenda 2030 relies on informal multilevel cooperation between Member States, sub-national authorities, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Investment Bank and other relevant players.

    The TA 2030 envisages a stocktaking in 2024 including a review of the governance system and implementation progress. This review has slowly started during the Spanish EU Presidency in 2023 and  continues with the Belgian Presidency. As the focus is expected to be on governance and implementation, civil society organisations and the EESC have to play a more active role in the governance of the TA 2030 and contribute to the priorities that have been set. 

  • Competitiveness is a key priority of both the Hungarian Presidency and the new von der Leyen Commission for the next political cycle. The issue will be addressed with our members and members' organisations at the extraordinary Group meeting on 8 October in Budapest. The debate will focus on the agri-food and industrial sectors.

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    Conference of the Workers' Group

    Conference organised by the Workers' Group in Budapest on the occasion of Hungary's presidency of the Council of the EU .

  • Competitiveness and convergence: Can we ensure them both?  How civil society can contribute?"

    Convergence and competitiveness are key for the next EC mandate. Convergence via cohesion policy is developing constantly. Europe must become highly competitive compared to its counterparts and cohesion policy can help towards this direction. Civil society can be a catalyst in these twin challenges. Chambers, SMEs, businesses, universities, unions and NGOs need to make the transition and become more competitive, effective and productive. They will help the European economy and help eliminate economic and social disparities.

  • The event will be held in-person only and will be webstreamed. For in-person participation prior registration is required. Please register by 8 October noon via our registration page.

  • The fifth meeting of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform (CSP) is scheduled to be held on 15 October 2024 in Brussels.

    The meeting will focus on assessing progress in the implementation of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA), with a strong emphasis on its impact in the Areas of Democracy, Rule of Law, Anti-Corruption, and Human Rights.


  • Rural Pact debate #6

    This event will explore how circular economy and bioeconomy can drive sustainable agri-food systems development across both rural and urban areas in the EU, through the presentation of innovative approaches that support the balanced development of rural and urban communities

  • This years' meeting of the EESC's Western Balkans Follow-up Committee outside of Brussels will take place on 15 October 2024 in the Europe House in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and will include a hearing with the social partners and civil society organisations (CSOs).

    The goal of the hearing is to listen to the views on the role of civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as to hear their concerns, and to convey these messages to the political authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the EU.