Part 107 Test Prep Course

In-Depth Content Taught by Actual Practitioners 

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Why our course?

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Dronegenuity has been working to connect pilots with jobs around the country since 2014, developing a unique focus on the exact types of topics that must be understood to be a safe and competent drone pilot. We leveraged our expertise when creating the course in order to quickly elevate you from a beginner to an expert, who is eager and ready to tackle the exam.

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Access to the Drongenuity Pilot Network

Once you’ve finished our Part 107 Prep Course and received your license, you’ll get welcomed into our network of thousands of drone pilots for job opportunities. We work hard every day to pair qualified pilots with job opportunities in their area, and by completing the Dronegenuity Part 107 Prep Course, we know you’re serious about safety and getting the job done! Let us set you up for success!

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FAA Practice Questions “Plus”

Our course comes with practice exams and end-of-section quizzes, with real exam questions coming straight from the FAA. Beyond that, we developed a proprietary set of questions to tackle the really complex issues that students tend to struggle with, just to make absolutely sure that you’re confident and competent on exam day.

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Money-Back Guarantee

If you’re having an off day and don’t pass the Part 107 Exam on your first shot, we’ll refund you your test center fee AND your Dronegenuity course fee. Yes, we’re that confident in our course, and yes, we stand by our word.

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Lifetime Access

Once you pass your FAA Aeronautical Knowledge Test (aka Part 107 exam), you’ll need to pass a recurrent FAA knowledge test every two years. By purchasing our course, you get lifetime access to the content, which you can subsequently use every two years to pass your recurrent exam.

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Accurate Information

This is a high growth industry, and the FAA is doing its best to keep up. As such, rules, regulations, and best practices may change over time. Our team ensures that we closely track any industry changes and update the course to reflect those changes, to ensure you’re getting the most up-to-date and accurate information at all times.

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Flexible Learning

We offer you the opportunity to learn however you learn best. Prefer reading over listening? No problem! Want to really challenge yourself in the practice questions? Feel free to follow-along and try to solve the problems “real time”, or just pause the video and see if you can solve it before we explain the solution! Already an expert in one topic? You can take the lectures in whichever order you prefer, eliminating any wasted time if you already know what you’re doing.

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Unlimited Support

We stand by our students who enroll in this course – we know breaking into the drone industry can be complicated, and we want to help you along the way. Send us an email to get outstanding support for any questions, concerns, or general feedback that you have – we’ll do everything in our power to get everything cleared up.

Curriculum Preview

  • Introduction

    We'll cover some introductory information to get you acquainted with the drone industry, as well as detailed information on how you can best move through the course content.

  • Drone Rules and FAA Regulations

    This is an essential section that will cover many of the facts and figures that you'll need to understand in order to not only excel on the Part 107 Exam, but also as an sUAS pilot. For example, how high you can fly , how fast you can fly, the maximum gross weight of your aircraft, etc.

  • National Airspace System

    Understanding the National Airspace System is a key step towards passing the Part 107 Exam. This section will dive into the different classes of airspace that a remote pilot has to fly in using explanatory visual content.

  • Reading Sectional Charts

    Sectional charts tend to challenge students who aren't already familiar with the maps used in the aviation industry. We get it - these things are complicated! Have no fear though - after a thorough explanation of everything you'll need to know for the exam, we'll take an in-depth look at a number of great examples to really build up your confidence in preparation for the test. By the time you finish our course, this will be the section you most look forward to on the Part 107 Exam!

  • Airport Operations

    The Part 107 Exam will have quite a few questions related to standard airport operations. While remote pilots usually won't be allowed to operate around airports in controlled airspace, they still need to understand those operations to ensure that they can safely operate their sUAS around airports and manned aircraft pilots.

  • Weather

    Understanding weather is as important for remote pilots as it is for manned aircraft pilots. If we had a nickel for every pilot who told us how his or her remote aircraft was swept up in a wind gust and lost forever, we'd have...quite a few nickels (seriously, it happens).

  • Radio Communications

    Radio communications comes up plenty on the Part 107 Exam, in ways you might not expect. For example, did you know that remote pilots are not required to use a radio during flight? Regardless, the FAA wants you to have a strong understanding of the different radio frequencies used around airports, as well as the phonetic alphabet, and many other topics to strengthen your situational awareness when flying.

  • The Pilot Mindset

    Human error is the number one cause of accidents in aviation. Years of studies have shown that educating pilots on the risks of operating an aircraft without the appropriate mindset reduces the chance of human error, which increases flight safety. This section will cover the psychological approach to flying, and provide multiple frameworks that you can use to exercise the best judgement in a given scenario.

  • Drone Flight Operations

    This section explains topics related to the actual flight of your remote unmanned aircraft. We will cover loading & performance, emergency procedures, hazardous operations, aircraft maintenance & inspection, and more.

  • Practice Tests, Cram Sheet & FAA Exam

    At this point in the course, you should have covered all of the material for the Part 107 Exam. You didn't think we'd just throw you into the exam without some solid practice, did you? This section is dedicated to getting you in "test taking mode", with practice exams and other supplemental material to get you ready to confidently ace the Part 107 Exam! If you don't, and we see that you've put in an honest effort and consistently scored over 85% on our final exams, we'll refund your money as stated above.


Do I need a Part 107 license?

If you fly a drone for commercial purposes anywhere in the U.S., you must have your Part 107 license from the FAA. The key word here is commercial – basically, if you’re making money from drones, you need the license. All of our in-network Dronegenuity pilots have their Part 107 license because they perform various tasks like residential real estate photographycommercial real estate photography, construction progress tracking, 3D modeling, etc. We’ll cover the specific regulations in the course, but that should be enough to inform you as to whether the course is required for your purposes.

Am I even eligible for a Part 107 license?

Most likely, yes! You need to be at least 16 years old, by physically and mentally fit to fly a drone, and be able to speak, read, and write English. That’s basically it! If you meet these requirements and pass the FAA’s Aeronautical Knowledge Test (aka Part 107 Exam), then you will be able to apply for your license.

How long does the course take from start to finish?

That’s entirely up to you! Most folks looking to break into the commercial drone industry are interested in doing so on a part-time basis while maintaining their day job. If that sounds like you, you’re probably looking at around 10-20 hours of dedicated study time, usually taking about 2-3 weeks. That being said, if you’re coming in with some existing knowledge of aviation or the drone industry in general, you could theoretically cut that time down significantly – everybody’s circumstances are different! However you decide to move through the course, just make sure that you’re fresh before you sit for the exam – if you review this material and have an extended break before sitting for the exam, I would highly recommend re-reviewing everything to reinforce your understanding.

Do you have somebody I can reach out to with questions or suggestions?

Absolutely! We are constantly seeking to add value for our clients and our thousands of Dronegenuity pilots, so if there’s absolutely anything unclear about the material, or just something you wish had been done differently, please don’t hesitate to shoot us an email you’re your questions or suggestions. We really do value your feedback, and will constantly work to exceed your expectations. Contact us at: [email protected]

Do you offer in-person training as well?

We sure do – our most satisfied clients are usually those who pair the online Part 107 Prep Course with an in-person course. It really helps to put the online course in perspective, and give you a sense of confidence with drones so that you can more comfortably ease into the industry. Contact us if you’re interested in scheduling a live, in-person, course with one of our pilot instructors near you!

Do you work with corporations?

Absolutely, we’re always happy to provide our services to organizations looking for drone training (for fun or for work). Just fill out the quick contact form below, and we’ll reach out to you to get everything squared away.

Interested in in-person training? Let's get in touch!