© 2025 DomainTools
DomainTools® and DomainTools™ are owned by DomainTools, all rights reserved.
DomainTools is the gold-standard Internet intelligence data source. We provide more data, more frequently, and with more full-Internet risk context than anyone.
Access the insights you need to assess risk and make the right decisions through our Iris platform or scale your process with our APIs.
Near real-time Internet infrastructure detection, monitoring, and enforcement platform and API.
Robust API including Whois, DNS, SSL certificate, and risk scoring elements to enrich indicators at scale.
Investigative platform and API with domain intelligence, risk scoring, and industry-leading passive DNS data.
DomainTools offers SOC teams advanced domain risk analytics, integrating fresh DNS, Whois data, and x.509 certificates for proactive defensive strategies. With 23+ years of historical records, DomainTools is the gold standard in SOC enhancement.
Watch our on-demand demo or connect with us and see why DomainTools Iris is the most trusted source of Internet intelligence.
Use Cases
DomainTools is a critical layer and essential piece in the security stack of elite enterprises and performance-driven security teams.
Power your optimal program below and see where Iris fits and can help you do more.
Why is DomainTools the trusted source for Internet intelligence?
Built on
of engineering experience and threat knowledge
Access to
of open-source data points
Reaches into
of the full Internet