Iowa Democrats propose major changes to caucuses in bid to remain first-in-the-nation

Portrait of Brianne Pfannenstiel Brianne Pfannenstiel
Des Moines Register

Iowa Democrats would no longer make presidential picks on caucus night under a proposal that state party officials submitted to the Democratic National Committee Friday in their bid to continue holding first-in-the-nation caucuses.

Under the plan, Iowa Democrats would cast written โ€œpresidential preference cardsโ€ in the weeks leading up to the caucuses โ€”ย either through the mail or at physical drop-off locations โ€”ย and party officials would announce the results on caucus night.

The change would upend decades of tradition andย bring Iowa much closer to a traditional presidential primary electionย โ€” something DNC officials have said they prefer.ย 

Members of the DNCโ€™s powerful Rules and Bylaws Committee have taken aim at Iowaโ€™s caucuses over the last several months, making clear they intend to reorient the presidential nominating calendar to give more emphasis to competitive, diverse states capable of running a smooth nominating contest. Iowa, they say, may not fit that description. ย 

More:'Status quo is not an option,'ย Democrats discuss changes to calendar that could leave Iowa caucuses out

Friday was the deadline for state parties to file written applications showing how they can accommodate those priorities. Iowa was among 20 states and territories that planned to do so. ย 

In their application, which they shared with the Des Moines Register, Iowa Democrats make the case that the state is electorally competitive and holds pockets of diversity. They also argue that they can enact major changes to the caucuses that would make them โ€œmore straightforward, accessible and professional.โ€

โ€œWe're trying to paint a picture that Iowa addresses all of those points,โ€ Iowa Democratic Party Chair Ross Wilburn said in an interview Friday. โ€œThere's a reason that Iowa has been first, and there's a reason Iowa should continue to be first.โ€

More:What's next as Iowa fights to keep its first-in-the-nation caucuses?

Committee leaders will select a subset of applicants to make in-person presentations at meetings in Washingtonย later this month. Then the committee will meet in early August to decide which states will make up the early voting window โ€”ย sealing Iowa Democratsโ€™ fate.

โ€˜An opportunity to reach more Iowans than ever beforeโ€™

Iowa has kicked off the presidential nominating process with its precinct caucuses since 1972. Though the caucusesย haveย adapted and changed through the years, the tradition of Iowans gathering in schools, libraries and living rooms to cast preferences for president has been a steadfast pillar of the process.

Currently, Democratic caucus attendees arrive at a central precinct location at the same time to physically stand in a corner of the room to show their support for a presidential candidate.

Itโ€™s a process that emphasizes organization and enthusiasm, but also isย inherently exclusive. People who work late shifts, lack access to child care or transportation orย have health or mobility problems all face barriers to participation.

For those who can attend a caucus, the process can be complicated and opaque.

Previously:DNC panel strips Iowa of guaranteed first vote for president; state party can still apply for coveted spot

The rules require presidential candidates to earn the support of at least 15% of a precinct's caucus attendees to be considered viable. After a first alignment, caucusgoers who support non-viable candidates are allowed to shift their support to viable candidates during whatโ€™s known as the โ€œrealignmentโ€ period.

The party then puts the resulting numbers into a formula that estimates the percentage of โ€œstate delegate equivalentsโ€ each candidate earns.ย 

The plan Iowa Democrats submitted to the DNC Friday would do away with nearly all of that in favor of a process they say is far simpler.ย 

Rather than casting presidential preferences on caucus night, the state party would open a 14- to 28-day period during which registered Iowa Democrats could request a written โ€œpresidential preference card.โ€

Previously:National Democratic leaders draft proposal to reshape presidential calendar, threatening Iowa caucuses

Democrats would make their one choice for president on that card โ€”ย there would not be any realignment period โ€”ย and return the card in the mail or at established drop-off locations beforeย caucus day. Party officials would tally the results and announce them on caucus night.

โ€œThe proposed changes to the caucus, namely eliminating realignment, will make caucus results an actual tangible number,โ€ Wilburn said. โ€œThis means that press outlets would be able to report that a candidate received a specific number of expressions of support totaling a certain percentage.โ€

The party would still use the existing delegate formula to also announce state delegate equivalents. And it would use caucus night to conduct the business of selecting delegates to move through the convention process.

Wilburn saidย the changes would expand the caucus participation pool dramatically.

โ€œThis is an opportunity to reach more Iowans than ever before,โ€ heย said. โ€œA single parent who may not have access to child care or a worker on the third shift at John Deere will now be able to participate in our caucus process and have their voice heard.โ€

The proposal also calls for the state party to contract with a DNC-approved vendor, the Iowa Secretary of State or Iowa county auditors to process the preference cards and tally results in an effort to "professionalize" the party-run process.ย 

Wilburn said the Iowa Democratic Party solicited input from Democrats across the state, and he said State Central Committee members have been briefed on the proposed changes.

Iowa Republicans will continue to hold first-in-the-nation caucuses without changes.ย 

People gather for the Democratic presidential caucus on Monday, Feb. 3, 2020, in Larchwood, Iowa.

Some Iowa Democrats praise 'pretty good plan'

Some Iowa Democrats were appreciative of the proposedย changes after they were released Friday.ย 

"It's a party-run primary, which I think is great," said Norm Sterzenbach, an Iowa Democratic political operative who ran Beto O'Rourke's 2020 Iowa campaign. "I think it's doing everything that we need to be doing to modernize the system."

John Deeth, a longtime caucus organizer who has become one of the state's most vocal caucus critics, said Friday he thinks the plan is a good one. ย 

"What I would like to see is a true state-run primary election. I would still like to see legislation proposed by Democrats for that," he said. "I also know that unless Democrats take a trifecta (at the Statehouse and governor's office), that legislation isn't going to move. But, given that we're limited probably to reforms that Democrats can do on their own without legislation changes, I think this is a pretty good plan."

Deeth said he has questions about the logistics of the plan, particularly around things like executing a largely absentee ballot program, but he's hopeful about the direction the party is taking.ย 

"I've got a lot of questions about details, but I think this is a lot of progress," he said. "And I hope that I can talk with people about some of these details and try to make it work."

Although the plan makes the caucus process dramatically more accessible, it does eliminate many of the things that Iowans have come to associate with the caucuses.ย 

But Sterzenbach said he believes the proposed changes still foster the kinds of connections that have made the caucuses unique.ย 

Caucus night used to be about fostering conversationsย between neighbors and facilitating deal-making between groups of supporters, he said. But as the caucuses have grown, he arguedย that aspect of the process has dwindled.

"I think what makes Iowa special these days is really about the candidates' interaction with potential caucusgoers," he said. "And it's the ability for Iowans to ask detailed questions and expect detailed answers from their candidates. That's what's special. And that is preserved in the system as long as we are in the early nominating process."

He said that in many ways, he believes this proposed system would enhance that as more people are able to participate.ย 

"So instead of just being able to go and ask tough questions and then have to go to work on caucus night, they can go and ask tough questions and then be able to vote for the candidate they prefer," he said.

Brianne Pfannenstiel is the chief politics reporter for the Register. Reach her at [email protected] or 515-284-8244. Follow her on Twitter at @brianneDMR.