

Coalition formed after Denver coffee shop sign flap plans summit to address issue of gentrification

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Editor's Note: Denver7 360 stories explore multiple sides of the topics that matter most Coloradans, bringing in different perspectives so you can make up your own mind about the issues. To comment on this or other 360 stories, email us at [email protected]. See more 360 stories here.

DENVER — Two months since its flash point and the issue of gentrification in Denver has grown even hotter. Another summit to address the complications of our changing city has been planned by a new coalition formed out of the Ink Coffee Shop flap. You'll recall in November, the Five Points coffee shop put a sign outside that said, "Happily Gentrifying the Neighborhood Since 2014." The owners said it was a joke in poor taste that obviously backfired. What it did succeed at was starting a conversation.

Denver7 is taking a 360 look at the sticky issue of gentrification.

That short-sighted marketing sign is a symbol of a cultural shift in Denver that has been brewing for some time. Economic and population growth pour new money into neighborhoods like Five Points, driving up rents and driving out longtime residents.

It's the classic conflict of a growing city: Do you embrace commercial growth that brings redevelopment and more money for better schools and roads or do you protect the natives with strong cultural ties who give communities their identities?

We know there are a lot of opinions on this story in your city and community. We're listening to you, Colorado.

Let us know on our Facebook page how gentrification has impacted you. Also if you ever have an idea for a Denver7 360 topic, we want to hear from you.  Email us at [email protected]