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Darknet Exposure Ratings On Demand

Calculate risk using darknet intelligence to determine exposure
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Darknet Exposure Ratings On Demand

Quantifiably Measure and Improve Darknet Exposure

DarkOwl’s proprietary DARKINT Scores allow organizations to measure and identify darknet exposure with precise calculations. DARKINT Scores are an aggregated measurement of an organization’s exposure across the darknet using multiple variables such domains and email domains.

Discrete Data Points

On Demand

Secure and Flexible


Our data forms a critical additive dataset that helps paint the overall risk picture of any organization or domain’s cyber risk. Our solutions can increase the efficiency and accuracy by which cyber risk is quantified. DarkOwl enables efficient and quick scoring of enterprises and organizations of their exposure in the darknet, and ongoing monitoring of that exposure. Indications suggest that these DarkOwl Scores correlate very well to cyber risk.


DARKINT Scores are the first metric to comprehensively measure a company domain based purely on dark web intelligence.

DARKINT Scores can be leveraged via API or the Vision SaaS UI and are delivered and updated in real-time.

Sources informing DARKINT Scores include I2P, Tor, darknet marketplaces, Open FTP, underground forums, ZeroNet, Data Breaches, IRC, high-risk paste sites, and more.

GDPR Compliant
DARKINT Scores can be generated with privacy-compliant data points, and require only a company’s website and/or email domain to calculate.

See why DarkOwl is the Leader in Darknet Data

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DarkOwl is a Denver-based company that provides the world’s largest index of darknet content and the tools to efficiently find leaked or otherwise compromised sensitive data. We shorten the timeframe to detection of compromised data on the darknet, empowering organizations to swiftly detect security gaps and mitigate damage prior to misuse of their data.