South Dakota Minority Leader Heinert passes on run for Governor, joining private sector after term

Senate Minority Leader Troy Heinert passes on Governor candidacy, joining private sector after term
Published: Dec. 16, 2021 at 4:56 PM CST
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SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) -Democratic South Dakota Senate Minority Leader Troy Heinert is announcing plans to join the private sector after serving his term in the legislature, passing on a run for Governor.

Heinert accepted a position as Executive Director of the Intertribal Buffalo Council.

“I’m termed out of the Senate anyway, I wasn’t going to run for the House. So it was: run for Governor, US Senator, or the US House. This position came before me, I really believe in its mission and its cause. We have 76 member Tribes clear across the country. We help restore buffalo back to tribal lands. We’re shipping Yellowstone buffalo that have been in quarantine for three years. It’s no small feat to get a live buffalo out of Yellowstone,” said Heinert.

While serving his final term representing District 26, Heinert has his eye on several topics.

“I think we’re going to see considerable talk about marijuana. I actually hope that that the legislature realizes that the people of this state voted and we should develop a program that’s, you know, accessible, attainable, and responsible. That’s the way the process is supposed to work,” said Heinert.

“Inflation has risen about 6.8%. A 6% increase to education and communities for providers to state employees, though it sounds big, may not have the punch that we’re looking for. So, maybe there’s some movement,” said Heinert.

He is optimistic about how the Infrastructure Bill, recently passed by Congress, could affect his constituents.

“It has huge implications for counties like I represent. The six counties that I represent, that are small in population but large in landmass with lower tax bases, and lots of county roads going every direction, which has huge implications, as well as money for tribes. Our tribal partners need infrastructure as well. And so I’m excited that we’re going to have some of those conversations,” said Heinert.

He intends to continue to follow and assist in matters of concern and growth for the area he calls home.

“So I’m really excited. Though I won’t be in the legislature. I’ll still be involved,” said Heinert.

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