Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) FULL MOVIE

  • last year
00:00:00 [Sounds of a dinosaur]
00:00:11 [Sound of a helicopter]
00:00:20 [Sound of a helicopter]
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00:01:18 [Sound of a helicopter]
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00:02:02 [Sound of a helicopter]
00:02:31 [Sound of a helicopter]
00:03:00 [Sound of a helicopter]
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00:04:20 [Sound of a helicopter]
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00:04:47 [Sound of a helicopter]
00:05:16 [Sound of a helicopter]
00:05:30 [Sound of a helicopter]
00:05:57 [Sound of a helicopter]
00:06:24 [Sound of a helicopter]
00:06:44 [Sound of a dinosaur]
00:06:53 [Sound of a dinosaur]
00:06:57 [Sound of a dinosaur]
00:07:07 [Sound of a car]
00:07:36 [Sound of a car]
00:07:51 [Sound of a car]
00:08:20 [Sound of a car]
00:08:27 [Sound of a car]
00:08:54 [Sound of a car]
00:08:58 [Sound of a car]
00:09:03 [Sound of a car]
00:09:32 [Sound of a car]
00:10:01 [Sound of a car]
00:10:03 [Sound of a car]
00:10:16 [Sound of a car]
00:10:21 [Sound of a car]
00:10:43 [Sound of a car]
00:10:52 [Sound of a dog]
00:10:58 That's Daddy over there!
00:11:00 [Sound of a dog]
00:11:02 Hello, you're just in time!
00:11:04 [Sound of a dog]
00:11:09 What on earth is he up to?
00:11:11 That's his latest invention!
00:11:13 Rockets!
00:11:14 Rockets?
00:11:17 Stand back!
00:11:19 Keep clear!
00:11:21 [Sound of a rocket]
00:11:23 [Sound of a car]
00:11:31 [Sound of a dog]
00:11:41 Does he know what he's doing?
00:11:43 Of course he does!
00:11:45 [Sound of a car]
00:12:05 Well, I don't see anything funny.
00:12:07 Somebody should do something about it!
00:12:09 [Sound of a car]
00:12:14 Hold on! Hold on!
00:12:17 Wait! Wait there!
00:12:19 [Sound of a car]
00:12:21 [Sound of a dog]
00:12:23 [Sound of a car]
00:12:28 [Sound of a car]
00:12:30 Oh!
00:12:31 [Sound of a blow]
00:12:33 Thank you!
00:12:34 Well, I should hope so!
00:12:35 You might have gone up in flames!
00:12:37 Madam, I took that into consideration.
00:12:39 This suit is completely flame proof!
00:12:41 Oh dear!
00:12:43 You have just succeeded in ruining my propulsion unit!
00:12:46 But how was I to know that you...
00:12:47 Don't be cross with the lady, Daddy!
00:12:49 She gets a ride in her car!
00:12:51 She was only trying to help!
00:12:52 How very kind!
00:12:53 Her name's Truly!
00:12:54 That's nice!
00:12:55 Do you realize, Mr. Potts, that I nearly knocked down your two children?
00:12:58 Well, we do seem to be accident prone, don't we?
00:13:00 But it wasn't my fault! You see, they came rushing out...
00:13:03 Well, it was very, very nice of you to apologize.
00:13:05 Run along, children!
00:13:06 Goodbye, Truly!
00:13:07 Thanks for the ride!
00:13:08 Just a moment, you two!
00:13:09 Don't you have something to tell your father?
00:13:11 Yes, we have!
00:13:13 Daddy, Mr. Coggins promised us that...
00:13:15 What do you mean about that?
00:13:17 Daddy, we didn't go to school today.
00:13:21 Oh-ho!
00:13:23 Well, it'll give the other children a chance to catch up, won't it?
00:13:26 Run along, children!
00:13:27 Goodbye!
00:13:28 Bye, Truly!
00:13:29 Come on, Edison!
00:13:30 But Mr. Potts!
00:13:31 Good day!
00:13:32 Unstable!
00:13:33 Definitely unstable!
00:13:35 Hey-hey!
00:13:36 Good afternoon, miss!
00:13:43 Sorry I can't stop!
00:13:44 I'm off to India!
00:13:46 Gonna have a cup of tea with the Maharaja!
00:13:48 Cheerio!
00:14:00 (BELL DINGS)
00:14:27 Mr. Potts!
00:14:29 Mr. Potts!
00:14:31 I'm sorry to persist about this, but...
00:14:34 Well, perhaps you simply aren't aware that your children are running about in the road.
00:14:39 And after all, you know it's not a playground.
00:14:41 Would you mind just pressing that switch there?
00:14:43 Switch?
00:14:44 Yes, just behind you.
00:14:45 On the right, the right.
00:14:46 The right?
00:14:47 Thank you.
00:14:50 You really ought to try and exercise more control over them.
00:14:53 Yes, I suppose I could chain them up, couldn't I?
00:14:55 Oh, a nice long chain, of course, if they get plenty of exercise.
00:14:58 Mr. Potts, don't your children go to school?
00:15:01 Oh, I haven't now. You're the truant officer.
00:15:03 No, I'm not the truant officer.
00:15:05 Well, didn't you ever play truant? I mean, just once?
00:15:07 Oh, I most certainly did not.
00:15:09 Hmm. I'll bet you didn't.
00:15:11 Would it be too much to ask what this is, this, um...
00:15:16 Thing?
00:15:17 A little invention of mine. Cleans carpets by suction.
00:15:20 All that to clean carpets?
00:15:22 Away with sweeping and away with brushing and away with dirty carpets.
00:15:27 Hmm.
00:15:32 Is that all you do, Mr. Potts? Invent things?
00:15:35 Is that all I do?
00:15:36 Oh, and what's this gadget?
00:15:38 Well, that's not quite right yet, but eventually I hope to transmit moving pictures by wireless.
00:15:43 Really?
00:15:45 Yes, really. As Marconi...
00:15:46 And this?
00:15:47 This, madam, is a sweep-making machine.
00:15:50 A sweep-making machine.
00:15:52 And is this one of the sweeps?
00:15:57 Yes, it is.
00:15:58 And is this supposed to have all those holes in it?
00:16:01 No. Actually, I think that the problem is...
00:16:04 The boiling point of your sugar is too high.
00:16:06 Oh, we're an expert on sweep-making, are we?
00:16:08 Well, as a matter of fact...
00:16:09 And an expert on child welfare.
00:16:11 I was only trying to help your children.
00:16:13 Well, maybe my children like running wild in the street. Did that ever occur to you?
00:16:16 I do not see any cause to...
00:16:17 In any case, how my children behave is frankly no concern of yours.
00:16:20 I was merely trying...
00:16:21 So, if you'll be so good as to take yourself off in that fancy automobile of yours and go do good somewhere else.
00:16:26 Well, I've never been so...
00:16:28 Spoken to that way before? Well, maybe it's about time.
00:16:30 Good afternoon, madam.
00:16:32 Mind the cane pole.
00:16:34 Vicious. Interfering.
00:16:39 (Beeping)
00:16:40 If women are going to drive motor cars around, they should learn to operate one correctly.
00:16:53 Well, I suppose it wouldn't occur to you to offer to help me.
00:16:56 Get in the car, please.
00:17:04 (Door opens)
00:17:05 Well, for a mechanically minded man, Mr. Potts...
00:17:13 Try switching it on.
00:17:14 Oh.
00:17:15 Hmph!
00:17:19 (Engine starts)
00:17:23 Open the throttle!
00:17:33 And keep it open!
00:17:34 Women!
00:17:38 Confounded woman! Who does she think she is?
00:17:46 Coming in here and telling me how to raise my children.
00:17:50 Do I need somebody to tell me how to raise my children? Do I? Hm?
00:17:54 No. Of course not. Of course not.
00:17:58 Where's my cardigan?
00:18:01 Under your jacket.
00:18:02 Under... Yes.
00:18:04 Self, righteous, busybody?
00:18:07 Well, she won't be bothering us again.
00:18:10 But I liked her.
00:18:11 So did I. She was very pretty.
00:18:14 She certainly was.
00:18:16 Do you think... Do you think your father's a crackpot?
00:18:22 Your cardigan's inside out.
00:18:24 Hm? Oh.
00:18:25 Do you think I'm a lunatic, wasting my time on a lot of silly inventions?
00:18:30 But they aren't silly. They're wonderful.
00:18:32 Nobody else could think of them.
00:18:34 That's right. That is right.
00:18:36 Nobody else could think of them. Yes.
00:18:39 After all, what makes the battle worth the fighting?
00:18:43 What makes the mountain worth the climb?
00:18:46 What makes the questions worth the asking?
00:18:48 The reason worth the ride.
00:18:51 To me, the answer's clear
00:18:57 It's having someone near
00:19:00 Someone dear
00:19:03 Someone to care for
00:19:08 To be there for
00:19:10 I have you too
00:19:12 Someone to do for
00:19:15 Muddle through for
00:19:17 I have you too
00:19:20 Someone to share joy or despair with
00:19:25 Whichever betides you
00:19:27 Life becomes a chore
00:19:31 Unless you're living for
00:19:35 Someone to tend to
00:19:38 Be a friend to
00:19:40 I have you too
00:19:42 Someone to strive for
00:19:45 Do or die for
00:19:47 I have you too
00:19:50 Could be
00:19:52 We three
00:19:54 Get along so famously
00:19:57 'Cause around you two
00:19:59 Have me
00:20:01 And I have you too
00:20:03 Two
00:20:05 Hey!
00:20:16 Hey!
00:20:18 Ooh!
00:20:19 [glass shattering]
00:20:20 [bell ringing]
00:20:35 [beeping]
00:20:36 [swooshing]
00:20:37 [swooshing]
00:20:39 [clicking]
00:20:41 [clicking]
00:20:48 [ding]
00:20:49 [whistling]
00:21:00 [gasping]
00:21:11 Someone to care for
00:21:13 To be there for
00:21:15 I have you too
00:21:18 Someone to do for
00:21:21 Muddle through for
00:21:23 I have you too
00:21:26 Someone to smile once in a while with
00:21:30 Whenever you're lonesome
00:21:33 I've a happy lot
00:21:36 Considering what I've got
00:21:41 But I couldn't do more
00:21:43 Than you do for your poor father
00:21:47 Daddy!
00:21:48 Things go asunder
00:21:51 And I wonder why you bother
00:21:55 Could be
00:21:58 We three
00:22:00 Get along so famously
00:22:03 'Cause we two
00:22:05 Have you
00:22:08 And I have you too
00:22:11 Two
00:22:15 Ah!
00:22:20 Jeremy?
00:22:21 Oh, good!
00:22:23 You know, I smell food.
00:22:26 Bring the bread, will you, Grandpa?
00:22:28 Yes, sir!
00:22:29 And the pepper and salt, please.
00:22:31 Right away, sir!
00:22:32 Oh!
00:22:34 Sausage and egg, my favorite!
00:22:36 How was India?
00:22:37 India?
00:22:38 Oh, one hour too, sir.
00:22:39 I got up this morning
00:22:40 And I shot an elephant in my pajamas.
00:22:42 How we ever got into my pajamas, I shall never know.
00:22:46 You've heard it before.
00:22:47 [laughing]
00:22:49 I wonder how that could have happened.
00:22:59 Daddy, could we ask you something?
00:23:01 It's about Mr. Coggins.
00:23:03 Mr. Coggins?
00:23:04 You see, the junkman wants you to take it away.
00:23:06 But Mr. Coggins says if he asked you first...
00:23:08 Asked me what first?
00:23:10 He's a horrid, mean old man.
00:23:12 Mr. Coggins?
00:23:13 No, the junkman.
00:23:14 He's going to take it away and put it in the furnace.
00:23:16 And burn it all up. It's terrible.
00:23:17 No, you two, what are you going on about?
00:23:19 Our car!
00:23:20 Yes, well, what about it?
00:23:21 Mr. Coggins is selling it to the junkman.
00:23:24 And the junkman's going to put it in the fiery furnace
00:23:27 And squatch it all up so there's nothing left.
00:23:29 Yeah!
00:23:30 Oh.
00:23:31 Well, that's terrible.
00:23:32 That is terrible.
00:23:33 We can't let that happen, Grandpa.
00:23:35 Uh, no.
00:23:37 Definitely not.
00:23:38 I knew you would let them, Daddy.
00:23:40 So we made Mr. Coggins promise we could have it
00:23:42 If you gave him 30 shillings.
00:23:44 Uh, 30 shillings.
00:23:48 You can give Mr. Coggins the money in the morning, Daddy.
00:23:51 Yes, well, I suppose we can work something out somehow.
00:23:56 Hooray!
00:23:58 Uh, are you all finished?
00:23:59 Yes, Daddy.
00:24:01 Well, I think maybe you should go run up to bed.
00:24:04 Good night, Grandpa.
00:24:05 Good night, my boys.
00:24:06 Good night, Grandpa.
00:24:07 Good night, my darling.
00:24:08 God bless you.
00:24:09 Good night, Daddy.
00:24:10 Good night.
00:24:11 Good night, Daddy.
00:24:12 Good night, my...
00:24:13 Yes, well, of course you've done it now, haven't you?
00:24:20 You think Coggins might do a deal so much a week?
00:24:24 Coggins?
00:24:25 What, him down the road?
00:24:26 Sure.
00:24:27 He's so mean, he wouldn't like you
00:24:29 if that pipe of his house was on fire.
00:24:31 Did you hear that?
00:24:34 Did you?
00:24:35 You know what that means, don't you?
00:24:36 I'll be up all night, rain pouring through my bedroom roof.
00:24:39 Grandpa, why don't you sleep in the workshop?
00:24:41 It's nice and warm.
00:24:42 In the workshop?
00:24:44 You promised faithfully to fix my bedroom roof.
00:24:46 I will, Grandpa.
00:24:47 I was just correcting this.
00:24:48 Please, my boy, listen.
00:24:50 It's time you woke up.
00:24:53 Now, when I was your age, I did a day's work for a day's pay.
00:24:56 Polishing the colonel's boots.
00:24:57 I was the smartest batman in the British Army.
00:24:59 So you've been telling me.
00:25:00 When my brivy dear went into action,
00:25:01 the fuzzy wuzzies were so blinded by the shine on his boots,
00:25:04 they couldn't see the fight.
00:25:06 Phew.
00:25:08 Let go.
00:25:15 Get up there.
00:25:17 Move!
00:25:18 You son of a...
00:25:20 [music]
00:25:22 She was right.
00:25:45 No one's sweet with holes in them.
00:25:47 [music]
00:25:49 Oh, Edison, stop that whistling.
00:25:59 Edison, hey, do that again.
00:26:09 [whistling]
00:26:11 Edison, you're a genius.
00:26:19 [whistling]
00:26:21 [music]
00:26:24 The employment office is in the rear.
00:26:36 Thank you.
00:26:37 Oh, uh...
00:26:38 You see, I've, uh...
00:26:41 I've invented these sweets.
00:26:43 Oh, really?
00:26:44 Name?
00:26:45 Uh...
00:26:46 Whistling Sweets.
00:26:47 Mr. Whistling Sweets?
00:26:49 Not Mr. Whistling Sweets.
00:26:52 No, I'm, uh, Potts.
00:26:55 Hmm.
00:26:56 May I, uh, see the managing director?
00:26:59 Lord Scumptious sees no one without an appointment.
00:27:02 Well, uh, how do I get an appointment?
00:27:03 Why, hello, children.
00:27:04 Jeremy, it's Truly.
00:27:06 Hello, Truly.
00:27:07 Good morning, Miss Scrumptious.
00:27:08 How nice to see you.
00:27:10 Good morning, Phillips.
00:27:11 Please tell my father that I'm here.
00:27:13 No, of course, Miss Scrumptious.
00:27:15 Are you here on business, Mr. Potts?
00:27:18 Yes, Miss...
00:27:19 Uh, father?
00:27:22 Truly Scrumptious?
00:27:24 You're, you're his, uh...
00:27:25 His daughter.
00:27:26 Mm-hmm.
00:27:27 Come on, children, let's go.
00:27:29 But daddy, you haven't shown anybody your inventions yet.
00:27:32 Oh, no, I don't think that'll do much good.
00:27:33 Just a moment, Mr. Potts.
00:27:35 Exactly what was it...
00:27:36 You see them.
00:27:37 Oh, oh, those.
00:27:39 But they whistle.
00:27:40 Whistle?
00:27:41 Those, uh, horns.
00:27:43 You just blow through them.
00:27:45 They're very ingenious.
00:27:52 Kind of a larval.
00:27:53 Shh, shh, shh.
00:27:55 Please go in, Miss Scrumptious.
00:27:57 You can come back in three weeks' time.
00:27:59 Show Mr. Potts in, Phillips.
00:28:01 Now?
00:28:02 Now.
00:28:03 But his lordship's...
00:28:04 Oh, very well.
00:28:05 Please follow me.
00:28:07 Maybe I should come back in three weeks.
00:28:09 Oh, daddy!
00:28:11 Go on, daddy.
00:28:12 And don't let him bully you.
00:28:19 Yes.
00:28:21 Mr. Potts, my lord.
00:28:25 Potts? Who's he?
00:28:26 Where's your daughter?
00:28:27 Well, she insisted on Mr. Potts seeing you.
00:28:30 All right, don't just stand there.
00:28:31 What's it all about?
00:28:32 Uh, sweets, sir.
00:28:34 I hardly thought it was nuts and bolts.
00:28:36 Let's have a look.
00:28:37 Yes.
00:28:38 Hurry up, man!
00:28:40 Yes, sir.
00:28:41 If I may be allowed to explain, sir.
00:28:44 You have exactly 20 seconds.
00:28:46 Yes.
00:28:47 Uh, well, the, uh, fundamental novelty of these particular sweets
00:28:49 is their musical quality.
00:28:51 Not only are they remarkably tasty,
00:28:53 but due to the unique positioning of these little holes,
00:28:57 they are capable, when blown through,
00:28:59 of rendering a tuneful whistle.
00:29:02 Place your fingers over the holes and blow thus.
00:29:05 Tasting time, my lord.
00:29:11 Too late? Had your chance?
00:29:13 Muffed it.
00:29:14 Good morning.
00:29:15 Go on, follow him.
00:29:20 My lord?
00:29:22 My lord?
00:29:23 Sir?
00:29:34 Excuse me.
00:29:35 Sir, if I may be allowed to demonstrate,
00:29:37 you see, by blowing air through this hole in the center of the sweets,
00:29:40 you get a wonderful sounding...
00:29:41 Raspberry?
00:29:42 No, no.
00:29:43 It's more like a tooth, really.
00:29:44 Not enough fruit, too much sugar.
00:29:45 Yes, my lord.
00:29:46 Prepare the peppermint.
00:29:47 Beautiful. Would you care to try it, sir?
00:29:48 Under no circumstances.
00:29:49 Prepare the lemon.
00:29:50 He's not doing very well, is he?
00:29:52 You know, another remarkable feature about these little sweets
00:29:55 is that by sucking on them...
00:29:56 Back, straight away.
00:29:57 ...the core children...
00:29:58 Will you get rid of this idiot for me?
00:29:59 ...are in perfect pitch.
00:30:00 Boy, you.
00:30:01 And they also come in strawberry, raspberry, lemon...
00:30:03 Are you still here?
00:30:04 ...and pineapple.
00:30:06 Don't waste your pucker on some old-day sucker.
00:30:18 And don't try a toffee or cream.
00:30:21 If you seek perfection in sugar confection,
00:30:25 well, there's something new on the scene.
00:30:27 A mouthful of cheer, a sweet without peel.
00:30:32 A musical morsel supreme.
00:30:36 Toot, sweets. Toot, sweets.
00:30:41 The candies you whistle, the whistles you eat.
00:30:45 Toot, sweets. Toot, sweets.
00:30:48 The eatable, tweetable treats.
00:30:51 Toot, sweets. Toot, sweets.
00:30:55 The toot of a flute with the flavor of fruit.
00:30:59 Toot, sweets. Toot, sweets.
00:31:02 No longer need candy be-mute.
00:31:05 Don't waste your pucker on some old-day sucker.
00:31:09 And don't try a toffee or cream.
00:31:12 If you seek perfection in sugar confection,
00:31:16 well, there's something new on the scene.
00:31:19 A mouthful of cheer, a sweet without peel.
00:31:23 A musical morsel supreme.
00:31:28 Toot, sweets. Toot, sweets.
00:31:33 A bonbon to blow on a toffee pond.
00:31:37 Toot, sweets. Toot, sweets.
00:31:40 With sweets on board, eat no more cloud.
00:31:44 No, take it away.
00:31:47 Father, please.
00:31:54 He likes it.
00:31:57 He likes it.
00:32:13 The values intrinsic.
00:32:18 Surpass any mystic.
00:32:21 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:24 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:27 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:30 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:33 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:36 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:39 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:42 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:45 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:48 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:51 The sweetness of a toffee pond.
00:32:54 Toot, sweets. Toot, sweets.
00:32:57 Toot, sweets.
00:33:00 (dramatic music)
00:33:03 (tires screeching)
00:33:07 (tires screeching)
00:33:10 (tires screeching)
00:33:13 (dramatic music)
00:33:16 (dramatic music)
00:33:18 (dramatic music)
00:33:21 (dramatic music)
00:33:24 ♪ That savory fight ♪
00:33:47 ♪ That sweep of your life ♪
00:33:51 ♪ Is really the best of the world ♪
00:33:56 ♪ Sweet, toot, sweet ♪
00:34:05 ♪ A bonfire to blow on ♪
00:34:07 ♪ And laugh and be fun ♪
00:34:11 ♪ Sweet, toot, sweet ♪
00:34:14 ♪ The treat that's so sweet ♪
00:34:15 ♪ From a lunch that's sweet ♪
00:34:18 ♪ Is that I think of home ♪
00:34:21 (hands clapping)
00:34:25 (whimsical music)
00:34:33 (dog barking)
00:34:35 (whimsical music)
00:34:38 (dog barking)
00:34:42 - Hey, hey!
00:34:47 (dog barking)
00:34:56 (dramatic music)
00:35:03 (people shouting)
00:35:05 - What's going on?
00:35:09 - You are so wicked!
00:35:10 (people shouting)
00:35:13 - Edison, no!
00:35:23 Edison, Edison!
00:35:24 - Children!
00:35:25 - Edison, Edison!
00:35:27 - He's right here!
00:35:30 - It's entirely normal.
00:35:32 - I said to the police, I said to the front gate!
00:35:34 (man screams)
00:35:37 (glass shatters)
00:35:44 (dog barking)
00:35:47 (woman screams)
00:35:49 - Daddy.
00:36:10 - Now, why aren't you two asleep?
00:36:15 - Don't be sad, Daddy.
00:36:17 It wasn't your fault.
00:36:19 It was all those mean old dogs.
00:36:21 - Children,
00:36:25 about the car.
00:36:28 You see,
00:36:30 30 shillings is pretty hard to come by.
00:36:35 And when I do get any money, I need it for my inventions.
00:36:39 Well, there isn't any left.
00:36:43 - Jeremy and I have been thinking.
00:36:45 - It's our treasure chest.
00:36:47 - These things are enormously valuable.
00:36:50 Look, an ivory tusk.
00:36:52 - That must be worth a fortune.
00:36:54 - And diamonds.
00:36:56 And a golden crown.
00:36:58 - It's probably King Alfred's.
00:37:00 - Of course it needs cleaning up a little.
00:37:02 Take them, Daddy.
00:37:04 You can sell them.
00:37:06 And never mind about the car.
00:37:07 You can spend it all on your inventions.
00:37:12 But thank you, children.
00:37:14 All these wonderful things,
00:37:19 they're very precious.
00:37:21 I'm afraid other people wouldn't appreciate them.
00:37:25 - Why not, Daddy?
00:37:27 - Because other people don't see things the way you do.
00:37:31 Come on, now, let's go to bed.
00:37:33 And don't you worry.
00:37:37 Things are gonna come right somehow.
00:37:42 (gentle music)
00:37:44 ♪ A gentle breeze
00:38:02 ♪ From Hushabye Mountain
00:38:05 ♪ Softly blows
00:38:08 ♪ O'er Lullaby Bay
00:38:11 ♪ It fills the sails
00:38:16 ♪ Of boats that are waiting
00:38:20 ♪ Waiting to sail
00:38:23 ♪ Your worries away
00:38:26 ♪ It isn't far
00:38:37 ♪ To Hushabye Mountain
00:38:40 ♪ And your boat
00:38:44 ♪ Waits down by the key
00:38:47 ♪ The winds of night
00:38:52 ♪ So softly are sighing
00:38:55 ♪ Soon they will fly
00:38:59 ♪ Your troubles to sea
00:39:05 ♪ So close your eyes
00:39:09 ♪ On Hushabye Mountain
00:39:12 ♪ Wave goodbye
00:39:16 ♪ To cares of the day
00:39:19 ♪ Watch your boat
00:39:24 ♪ From Hushabye Mountain
00:39:29 ♪ Sail far away
00:39:34 ♪ From Lullaby Bay
00:39:37 (gentle music)
00:39:55 (birds chirping)
00:39:58 (gentle music)
00:40:01 (gentle music)
00:40:03 (gentle music)
00:40:06 (gentle music)
00:40:08 (gentle music)
00:40:11 (upbeat music)
00:40:19 (upbeat music)
00:40:37 (upbeat music)
00:40:41 (upbeat music)
00:40:44 (upbeat music)
00:40:46 (people chattering)
00:40:50 (people chattering)
00:40:53 (people chattering)
00:40:56 (people chattering)
00:40:59 (people chattering)
00:41:20 - Well then, which one of you lovely ladies and gentlemen
00:41:23 would like a splendid automatic haircut?
00:41:25 - I've stood in this market place for many, many years.
00:41:27 I do not underestimate that men's force.
00:41:30 - Hey now, here you go, there.
00:41:31 Who's for automatic haircuts?
00:41:33 Only front ones at time.
00:41:35 You may have long hair, you may have short hair, sir.
00:41:38 You may have straight hair.
00:41:39 It makes no difference to the Potts Automatic
00:41:41 and Hygienic Electronic Haircutting Machine.
00:41:44 (people chattering)
00:41:47 (people chattering)
00:41:49 - Come on, you can do with an hair cut.
00:41:52 - Come here, give me a straight face.
00:41:54 - Excuse me, sir, you look like a man
00:41:55 who could do with a haircut.
00:41:57 - Oh yeah, go on, go on, sir.
00:41:59 - Oh, okay.
00:42:00 - Why weren't you have a lot of hair?
00:42:02 Would you like an estimate, sir?
00:42:04 (people laughing)
00:42:05 - Go on, get on with it.
00:42:06 - And you just sit tight, sir,
00:42:08 while I lower this hair cutting machine.
00:42:10 There we are, you just relax.
00:42:12 We'll have you finished in a minute.
00:42:13 - You're working all the city here.
00:42:15 - Now you look lovely, sir.
00:42:17 It's gonna be smashing.
00:42:19 - You keep yours, old neck-daisy.
00:42:22 - Yeah, all right, then.
00:42:24 - Yeah, what's going on?
00:42:26 - Oh, sir, it's all right.
00:42:28 - Nothing to worry about, sir,
00:42:29 a little friction to start.
00:42:31 - Yeah, you tickle.
00:42:34 - Oh, you always say that, sir.
00:42:36 (people laughing)
00:42:40 (people laughing)
00:42:43 - Oh, oh, oh, Sybil, here, you're smoking.
00:42:54 - I'm on fire, I'm on fire.
00:42:56 - I'm coming.
00:42:57 - Oh, excuse me.
00:42:59 - You don't want to smoke.
00:43:01 - It's all right, sir.
00:43:03 - Sybil, there.
00:43:05 - Sybil, what you done?
00:43:07 Give me a mirror, let's have a look.
00:43:09 - A mirror?
00:43:10 I guess I'll go home and get you one.
00:43:12 (people laughing)
00:43:15 - Here, give me a mirror.
00:43:17 Where is he?
00:43:18 I'll kill him.
00:43:19 - There he is, mister.
00:43:21 (people laughing)
00:43:24 - I'll smash you, deep down, you'll burn.
00:43:29 (people laughing)
00:43:32 - Ah, you.
00:43:33 (people laughing)
00:43:37 - There he goes, down there.
00:43:39 - Come on, you're too fat to get him.
00:43:42 (people laughing)
00:43:45 - Oi, big one.
00:43:47 (people laughing)
00:43:50 (people laughing)
00:43:53 (bells jingling)
00:43:56 (people laughing)
00:44:05 - There he is, down the line.
00:44:07 (people laughing)
00:44:10 (people laughing)
00:44:13 Oi.
00:44:16 (people laughing)
00:44:19 - Get out of the way, get out of the way.
00:44:25 (people laughing)
00:44:28 (horn honking)
00:44:31 (people laughing)
00:44:33 (upbeat music)
00:44:36 ♪ A gentleman's got a walking stick ♪
00:44:45 ♪ A seaman's got a cap ♪
00:44:47 ♪ And a merry band of wobbly hoods ♪
00:44:49 ♪ They use to quarter staff ♪
00:44:51 ♪ All this many plays inside their caves ♪
00:44:53 ♪ They hide their running swords ♪
00:44:55 ♪ But we make do with old bamboo ♪
00:44:57 ♪ And everyone applauds ♪
00:44:59 ♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ♪
00:45:02 ♪ Old bamboo, the old bamboo ♪
00:45:04 ♪ You better never bother with the old bamboo ♪
00:45:06 ♪ You can have the hat or the long blue shoe ♪
00:45:08 ♪ But you better never bother with the old bamboo ♪
00:45:13 ♪ When hunting on the beautiful den ♪
00:45:15 ♪ You use a sturdy pole ♪
00:45:17 ♪ To protect that man's complexion ♪
00:45:18 ♪ Ladies use a parasol ♪
00:45:20 ♪ It's useful in the underbrush ♪
00:45:22 ♪ To have a hefty spear ♪
00:45:23 ♪ Right, but what we do with the old bamboo ♪
00:45:25 ♪ Makes everybody cheer ♪
00:45:27 ♪ One, two, three, four ♪
00:45:29 ♪ The old bamboo, the old bamboo ♪
00:45:31 ♪ You better never bother with the old bamboo ♪
00:45:33 ♪ You can have the hat or the long blue shoe ♪
00:45:35 ♪ But you better never bother with the old bamboo ♪
00:45:38 ♪ Have a go, mate ♪
00:45:40 ♪ A flyer in an aerial plane ♪
00:45:42 ♪ He steers it with a sting ♪
00:45:43 ♪ He does ♪
00:45:44 ♪ A collier in the pits of Wales ♪
00:45:46 ♪ He leans upon his feet ♪
00:45:47 ♪ That's right ♪
00:45:48 ♪ Now every wheel of a lumber mill ♪
00:45:49 ♪ Revolts around the charm ♪
00:45:51 ♪ Hey, but what we do with the old bamboo ♪
00:45:53 ♪ Makes everyone go dah ♪
00:45:54 ♪ And one, two ♪
00:45:56 ♪ The old bamboo, the old bamboo ♪
00:45:58 ♪ You better never bother with the old bamboo ♪
00:46:00 ♪ You can have the hat or the long blue shoe ♪
00:46:02 ♪ But you better never bother with the old bamboo ♪
00:46:04 (upbeat music)
00:46:09 (upbeat music)
00:46:14 (upbeat music)
00:46:19 (upbeat music)
00:46:24 (upbeat music)
00:46:29 (upbeat music)
00:46:34 (upbeat music)
00:46:39 (upbeat music)
00:46:44 (upbeat music)
00:46:49 (upbeat music)
00:46:54 (upbeat music)
00:46:59 (upbeat music)
00:47:04 (upbeat music)
00:47:09 (upbeat music)
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00:47:54 (upbeat music)
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00:48:04 (upbeat music)
00:48:09 (upbeat music)
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00:48:24 (upbeat music)
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00:48:39 (upbeat music)
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00:48:54 (upbeat music)
00:48:59 (upbeat music)
00:49:04 (upbeat music)
00:49:09 (upbeat music)
00:49:14 (upbeat music)
00:49:19 (upbeat music)
00:49:24 (upbeat music)
00:49:29 (upbeat music)
00:49:34 (upbeat music)
00:49:39 (upbeat music)
00:49:44 (upbeat music)
00:49:49 (upbeat music)
00:49:54 (upbeat music)
00:49:59 (upbeat music)
00:50:04 (upbeat music)
00:50:09 (upbeat music)
00:50:14 (upbeat music)
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00:50:24 (upbeat music)
00:50:29 (upbeat music)
00:50:34 (upbeat music)
00:50:39 (upbeat music)
00:50:44 (upbeat music)
00:50:49 (upbeat music)
00:50:54 - And the big brown bear came lolloping over the mountain.
00:50:59 (upbeat music)
00:51:04 (upbeat music)
00:51:09 (upbeat music)
00:51:14 (upbeat music)
00:51:19 (upbeat music)
00:51:24 (upbeat music)
00:51:29 (upbeat music)
00:51:34 (upbeat music)
00:51:39 (upbeat music)
00:51:44 (upbeat music)
00:51:49 (upbeat music)
00:51:54 (upbeat music)
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00:52:04 (upbeat music)
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00:54:04 (upbeat music)
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01:03:04 (upbeat music)
01:03:09 (upbeat music)
01:03:14 (upbeat music)
01:03:19 (upbeat music)
01:03:24 - Come on, hurry, wait for me!
01:03:26 - Mr. Potts?
01:03:29 - Somebody call.
01:03:30 Oh!
01:03:31 - Oh, oh, I'm sorry.
01:03:34 - That's all right.
01:03:36 - What are you doing?
01:03:37 - Oh, just tinkering.
01:03:40 - Oh.
01:03:41 You know, Mr. Potts, you have two wonderful children.
01:03:46 - Why, thank you.
01:03:48 - I must agree with you there.
01:03:50 - Isn't it beautiful?
01:03:55 - Lovely, just lovely.
01:03:59 - Jeremy, it's not nice to peek.
01:04:05 - I'm not peeking, I'm looking.
01:04:07 - Do you think they like each other?
01:04:09 - Of course they do.
01:04:10 - Do you think they're going to get married?
01:04:12 - Has he kissed her yet?
01:04:13 - Not yet.
01:04:15 - Well, just as soon as he kisses her,
01:04:17 then they'll have to get married.
01:04:19 - Jeremy, what are you doing?
01:04:27 - I'm keeping a lookout for pirates.
01:04:29 - There aren't any pirates around here, are there, Trudy?
01:04:32 - Oh, I'm sure there are, hundreds of them.
01:04:34 - Of course there are.
01:04:36 This is where they bury their treasure, isn't it, Daddy?
01:04:38 - Mm-hmm.
01:04:39 - Tell us a story about pirates, Daddy.
01:04:42 - A story about pirates, huh?
01:04:45 Well, let me see.
01:04:47 - A boat! I can see a boat!
01:04:50 - A boat?
01:04:53 Did you say a boat?
01:04:56 That isn't just any old boat out there.
01:04:58 - No?
01:04:59 - No.
01:05:00 That is a private yacht of the notorious Baron Bomburst.
01:05:04 - Baron Bomburst?
01:05:06 - You have never heard of Baron Bomburst?
01:05:08 Ruler of Bulgaria?
01:05:10 The most evil man in Zavall!
01:05:12 - Oh!
01:05:13 - Yes.
01:05:14 And he has sailed all the way to England
01:05:17 because he has heard of a fantastic motor car
01:05:21 built by that brilliant inventor Karatekus Potts.
01:05:24 - Hooray!
01:05:25 - Yes, hooray.
01:05:27 And he has come to steal the car and take it back to Bulgarianism.
01:05:31 - No!
01:05:32 - Yes.
01:05:33 - Oh, yes!
01:05:40 - That's all.
01:05:41 That's all!
01:05:42 - Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
01:05:43 - I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it!
01:05:46 - But you're actually...
01:05:47 - Are you giving me an argument?
01:05:48 - No, you're not.
01:05:49 - Stand by the boats!
01:05:50 - Stand by the boats!
01:05:51 - And the crabby hooks!
01:05:52 - Stand by the hooks!
01:05:53 - And load the car!
01:05:54 - Oh!
01:05:55 - He's awful!
01:05:57 He's terrible!
01:05:58 - Not only that, he isn't even nice.
01:06:00 - But he can't steal our lovely car!
01:06:02 - You won't let him, will you, Daddy?
01:06:04 Look, they're getting closer!
01:06:05 We've got to get away!
01:06:06 - Stop the car!
01:06:07 - Quickly, Daddy, before they get here!
01:06:09 - Well, now, that's easier said than done.
01:06:12 - But why, Daddy, why?
01:06:14 - Well, I'll tell you.
01:06:15 What none of us have noticed
01:06:17 is while we've been sitting here,
01:06:19 the tide has been coming in.
01:06:22 Now we're completely cut off.
01:06:24 - Oh!
01:06:25 - Oh!
01:06:26 - What are we going to do?
01:06:27 - We have to do it!
01:06:28 - Hurry, Mr. Price!
01:06:29 - Now, don't panic. Everyone stay calm.
01:06:31 - Quickly, Daddy, quickly, hurry up!
01:06:33 - Now, look!
01:06:34 They are completely cut off by the tide!
01:06:37 They belong drowned!
01:06:40 - I have seen it was drowning in here!
01:06:43 - Ah!
01:06:44 - Is there anything I can do to help?
01:06:46 - The throttle! Push the throttle lever!
01:06:48 - Hurry, Daddy, hurry!
01:06:49 - Quickly, Daddy, before they get here!
01:06:51 - Don't have to have one, the other one!
01:06:53 - It's no good, it won't start!
01:06:55 - We're going to have to swim for it!
01:06:57 Come on, Jemima!
01:06:58 - Chief, we must!
01:06:59 - We have to!
01:07:00 Come on, everybody over the side!
01:07:02 - Oh!
01:07:03 - It's going to be okay!
01:07:05 - Everybody, hold on!
01:07:07 - Oh!
01:07:08 - Oh, it's impossible!
01:07:10 - Daddy, I'm lost!
01:07:12 - Oh, it's impossible!
01:07:14 - Oh!
01:07:15 - Oh, this is impossible!
01:07:17 - You built it!
01:07:18 - It's a magic car! You always said it was a magic car!
01:07:21 - I did?
01:07:22 - Yes, look, it's like a boat!
01:07:24 - I knew you could save us!
01:07:25 - Hang on, everybody! We're up!
01:07:27 - We're here!
01:07:29 - Ho!
01:07:31 - A floating car!
01:07:33 What do you think of that, Chancellor?
01:07:35 - Jemima, a car floating, floating on the waterfall!
01:07:39 - Listen, my whole life long, it's never going to see them!
01:07:47 Never, never!
01:07:49 - It's uncategorical!
01:07:52 - A fuel-burning oracle!
01:08:01 - A phantasmagorical machine!
01:08:05 - It's more than spectacular!
01:08:09 To use the vernacular!
01:08:12 - It's wizard!
01:08:13 - It's smashing!
01:08:14 - It's him!
01:08:18 - Oh, Chibi-Yu! Chibi-Pinny! Chibi-Pinny! Chibi-Pinny! Chibi-Pinny! Chibi-Pinny! We love you!
01:08:23 - Oh, Chibi-O! Chibi-Pinny! Chibi-Pinny! Chibi-Pinny! Chibi-Pinny! Chibi-Pinny! Lots of stuff!
01:08:27 - Hi, Chibi-O! Chibi-Pinny! Where we go? I'm Chibi-Chibi, we need Pin!
01:08:31 - Bang, bang! Chibi-Chibi! Bang, bang!
01:08:33 - A fireball! Bang, bang! Bang, bang!
01:08:36 - They're firing at us!
01:08:41 - Oh, are they? We'll show them something!
01:08:54 - Hold the door! Hold the door!
01:08:57 - Go! I want to drive!
01:09:00 - I want to drive! I must have it!
01:09:03 - They are gone!
01:09:24 - Get out of the way!
01:09:26 - Follow the car!
01:09:28 - Follow the car!
01:09:30 - I want to drive! I must have it!
01:09:44 - I want to drive! I must have it!
01:09:48 - I want to drive! I must have it!
01:09:51 - Action stations, everybody! We're going ashore!
01:09:56 - Get out!
01:10:16 - Where are my two spies?
01:10:19 - Ah, there you are!
01:10:21 - Now then, I have a secret mission for you.
01:10:26 - You will go ashore and you will capture that motor car, understand?
01:10:31 - Good.
01:10:32 - But!
01:10:33 - If you fail, I will cut off your heads.
01:10:39 - I want that car!
01:10:46 - I want that car!
01:10:48 - Now then, where are we?
01:11:11 - I have here a map!
01:11:12 - I know where we are!
01:11:14 - Stupid! We are in England!
01:11:16 - And when we are in England, what do we do?
01:11:19 - We play cricket!
01:11:20 - We play cricket? No!
01:11:22 - We dress like Englishmen!
01:11:24 - Aha!
01:11:25 - Remarkable weather we are having for the time of the year!
01:11:33 - Do you not think so, Kasper?
01:11:35 - Indubitably, Basil!
01:11:37 - I'm going to bed.
01:11:39 - You know, Mr. Potts...
01:11:47 - Caractacus.
01:11:49 - It's a pretty silly name, isn't it?
01:11:51 - Oh, I don't think so.
01:11:53 - You know, I really owe you an apology.
01:11:57 - You were more than just a father to those two children.
01:12:00 - Oh, yes. Nursemaid, private tutor, chief cook and bottle washer, everything.
01:12:06 - Except what they really need.
01:12:08 - Well, it's been quite a day.
01:12:20 - Yes, it certainly has.
01:12:22 - Thank you, and say goodbye to the children for me.
01:12:25 - Yes, I will.
01:12:26 - I hope I'll see you again.
01:12:29 - I hope so too. Goodbye.
01:12:31 - Goodbye.
01:12:32 - Goodbye.
01:12:33 [music]
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01:14:28 [music]
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01:14:40 [music]
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01:15:02 [music]
01:15:14 [music]
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01:16:28 [music]
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01:16:50 [music]
01:17:10 [music]
01:17:12 [explosion]
01:17:30 [music]
01:17:36 [music]
01:17:38 [music]
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01:18:02 [music]
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01:28:50 [music]
01:28:54 [music]
01:29:00 [music]
01:29:02 Hello.
01:29:06 Where are we?
01:29:10 Somewhere over the North Sea, I think.
01:29:12 Don't you know where we're going?
01:29:14 No, I don't, but
01:29:16 Ginny does.
01:29:18 I think we're pretty good hands.
01:29:20 [music]
01:29:28 [music]
01:29:30 [music]
01:29:34 [music]
01:29:40 Good morning.
01:29:48 This is your captain speaking.
01:29:50 We hope you had a pleasant trip.
01:29:52 In a few moments, we will be
01:29:54 landing in Bulgaria.
01:29:56 Bulgaria!
01:29:58 Please fasten your seatbelts and
01:30:00 no smoking. Thank you.
01:30:02 Thank you. You're welcome.
01:30:04 [speaking in foreign language]
01:30:12 [speaking in foreign language]
01:30:18 [music]
01:30:22 [music]
01:30:24 [music]
01:30:30 [music]
01:30:38 [music]
01:30:44 [music]
01:30:48 [music]
01:30:50 We have a guest. Welcome him.
01:30:56 [speaking in foreign language]
01:30:58 [speaking in foreign language]
01:31:02 Ah, Professor Potts.
01:31:06 Please, to walk this way.
01:31:08 [speaking in foreign language]
01:31:10 [music]
01:31:14 [music]
01:31:16 [speaking in foreign language]
01:31:28 Excuse me.
01:31:32 [music]
01:31:34 You're early.
01:31:38 [chatter]
01:31:40 [chatter]
01:31:42 [chatter]
01:31:46 [chatter]
01:31:58 Professor Potts!
01:32:04 Bulgaria welcomes
01:32:06 the brilliant Professor Potts.
01:32:08 Inventor
01:32:10 extraordinaire.
01:32:12 Excuse me, sir. There seems to be some sort
01:32:14 of mistake.
01:32:16 You are not Professor Potts,
01:32:18 the inventor!
01:32:20 Executioner!
01:32:22 [chatter]
01:32:24 What would you like me
01:32:28 to invent, sir?
01:32:30 I will show you.
01:32:32 My horse! Get the horse,
01:32:34 for his excellency.
01:32:36 [chatter]
01:32:38 How proud you look on that fine horse.
01:33:04 Ah, the most
01:33:06 beautiful toy you ever bought me,
01:33:08 my darling.
01:33:10 But who is this?
01:33:12 This is Professor Potts from England.
01:33:14 How do you do, madam?
01:33:16 And I think we have a surprise for you,
01:33:18 eh, Professor? Come on.
01:33:20 Adieu!
01:33:22 Well, what do you
01:33:26 think, Professor?
01:33:28 Everything you need.
01:33:30 And these will be your assistants.
01:33:32 Well, this is a
01:33:34 baronial car. Can you make
01:33:36 this car float?
01:33:38 Like amphibial English motor car,
01:33:40 floating in the crusty wave of the water.
01:33:42 Ah, yes, sir. Well, you see, it's not that easy without
01:33:44 my laboratory. Oh, I have
01:33:46 already thought of that.
01:33:48 Here is your laboratory.
01:33:50 [laughs]
01:33:52 If you succeed in making the car
01:33:56 float, I will make
01:33:58 you pre-week counsellor!
01:34:00 [laughs]
01:34:02 But if you fail,
01:34:04 I will stuff your head with sauerkraut
01:34:06 and feed it to the ducks!
01:34:08 Feed it to our whole
01:34:10 scoundrel, horrible!
01:34:12 You have got 24 hours!
01:34:14 24 hours
01:34:16 and work in nosy grindstones.
01:34:18 Oh, God, he is.
01:34:26 Old sense of humour.
01:34:28 Stuff me head with sauerkraut.
01:34:30 [laughs]
01:34:32 The baron never makes jokes.
01:34:34 Look at us. We've been here
01:34:36 for years and years.
01:34:38 I came here to repair the telephone.
01:34:40 That was 24
01:34:42 years ago.
01:34:44 They have terrible tortures.
01:34:46 The thumbs
01:34:48 grow and wrack.
01:34:50 They stretch you
01:34:52 and stretch
01:34:54 you! When I first
01:34:56 came here, I was a midget.
01:34:58 Oh.
01:35:02 I mean.
01:35:04 A floating
01:35:06 car.
01:35:08 I mean, that's impossible.
01:35:10 Nothing's impossible.
01:35:12 No, that's what my sons will always say.
01:35:14 We'll help you.
01:35:16 We'll succeed.
01:35:18 You'll see.
01:35:20 Courage, man. Courage.
01:35:22 Every bursted bubble
01:35:24 is a glory.
01:35:26 Each abysmal failure
01:35:28 makes a point.
01:35:30 Every glowing path
01:35:32 that goes astray
01:35:34 shows you how to find
01:35:36 a better way.
01:35:38 So every time you stumble,
01:35:40 never grumble.
01:35:42 Next time you'll bumble even less.
01:35:44 For up
01:35:46 from the ashes, up
01:35:48 from the ashes,
01:35:50 grow the roses of success.
01:35:52 Grow the roses,
01:35:54 grow the roses,
01:35:56 grow the roses of
01:35:58 success. Oh, yes!
01:36:00 Grow the roses, those
01:36:02 rosy roses,
01:36:04 from the ashes of disaster,
01:36:06 grow the roses of success.
01:36:08 Yes, I know. But he wants it to
01:36:10 float. It will. For every
01:36:12 big mistake you make, be grateful.
01:36:14 Yuck, yuck. That mistake
01:36:16 you'll never make again.
01:36:18 No, sir. Every shiny
01:36:20 dream that fades and
01:36:22 dies generates the steam
01:36:24 for two more tries.
01:36:26 Oh, there's magic in the wake
01:36:28 of a fiasco. Correct!
01:36:30 It gives you that chance to second
01:36:32 guess. Oh, yes!
01:36:34 And up from the ashes,
01:36:36 up from the ashes,
01:36:38 grow the roses of success.
01:36:40 Grow the roses,
01:36:42 grow the roses,
01:36:44 grow the roses
01:36:46 of success.
01:36:48 Grow the roses,
01:36:50 those rosy roses,
01:36:52 from the ashes of disaster,
01:36:54 grow the roses of success.
01:36:56 Disaster didn't stymie Louis
01:37:02 Pastor. No, sir.
01:37:04 Edison took years to see the
01:37:06 light. Right.
01:37:08 Alexander Graham knew failure
01:37:10 well. He took a
01:37:12 lot of notes to ring that
01:37:14 bell. For when it gets
01:37:16 distressing, it's a blessing.
01:37:18 Onward and upward
01:37:20 you must press. Yes, yes!
01:37:22 'Til up from the ashes,
01:37:24 up from the ashes,
01:37:26 grow the roses of
01:37:28 success. Grow the
01:37:30 roses, grow the roses,
01:37:32 grow the roses,
01:37:34 grow the roses,
01:37:36 grow the roses
01:37:38 of success.
01:37:40 Grow the roses,
01:37:42 grow the roses,
01:37:44 those rosy roses,
01:37:46 those rosy roses,
01:37:48 from the ashes of
01:37:50 disaster, grow
01:37:52 the roses
01:37:54 of success.
01:37:56 Start the engines,
01:37:58 start the engines,
01:38:00 start the engines,
01:38:02 lift the anchor,
01:38:04 success!
01:38:08 [explosion]
01:38:10 [music]
01:38:12 [music]
01:38:14 [music]
01:38:16 [music]
01:38:18 [music]
01:38:20 [music]
01:38:22 [music]
01:38:24 Oh, Daddy, we'll never find it.
01:38:26 We must keep looking.
01:38:28 Look! Look, what's that
01:38:30 down there? Ah-ha.
01:38:32 Let's have a look.
01:38:34 [music]
01:38:36 (dramatic music)
01:38:39 - You!
01:38:43 - The zeppelin!
01:38:45 - With my river!
01:38:47 - No, not yet, we haven't.
01:38:48 (dramatic music)
01:38:51 - Hey, hey, hey, hey!
01:39:03 - A tetra!
01:39:04 - Huh?
01:39:05 - No, no, no, no, no, what's happening?
01:39:08 - Remarkable!
01:39:08 - Your Excellency, Your Excellency!
01:39:10 - Oh!
01:39:11 - We are being attacked!
01:39:12 - Attacked?
01:39:13 - By a tetra!
01:39:13 - By a tetra!
01:39:15 - That was a terrible bombard!
01:39:17 - It certainly was.
01:39:19 (men shouting)
01:39:23 - Look here!
01:39:29 - There it goes!
01:39:30 (tetra roars)
01:39:32 - Fire!
01:39:33 - What's the matter with you?
01:39:34 - Do you want to destroy my beautiful car?
01:39:37 - No, they're firing at us!
01:39:39 - Children, they are children!
01:39:41 - Children, children!
01:39:42 - We'd better get away from here.
01:39:44 Now hang on, everybody.
01:39:48 We're coming in to land.
01:39:50 - Your Excellency is landing in the village!
01:39:52 - Landing in the village?
01:39:54 - All aboard!
01:39:55 (dramatic music)
01:39:59 (men shouting)
01:40:02 - And call out the child catcher!
01:40:09 (men shouting)
01:40:11 (men shouting)
01:40:17 - Oh!
01:40:25 Hey, hey, hey!
01:40:26 Let me in!
01:40:29 (helicopter whirring)
01:40:32 - Hooray, hooray!
01:40:41 - Hooray, hooray!
01:40:42 - Hooray, hooray!
01:40:43 - Hooray, hooray!
01:40:44 - Hooray, hooray!
01:40:45 - Isn't he wonderful?
01:40:46 - Aren't you clever, Daddy?
01:40:47 - Yes, he certainly is.
01:40:49 - All right, you all stay here.
01:40:51 I'm going up to that castle.
01:40:52 - We want to come too!
01:40:53 - We want to help you find Grandpa!
01:40:54 - Don't you think we ought to stay together?
01:40:57 - Maybe you're right.
01:40:58 All right, come along.
01:40:59 - Come on, children.
01:41:01 I wonder where we are.
01:41:04 - I don't know.
01:41:06 Come on.
01:41:07 (dramatic music)
01:41:10 - Pardon me, sir.
01:41:13 Uh, the castle?
01:41:15 Uh, le, le chateau?
01:41:17 - Deschloss?
01:41:18 - What's the matter with you?
01:41:23 Come on.
01:41:24 (dramatic music)
01:41:27 (men chattering)
01:41:29 (dog barking)
01:41:56 - What are they staring at?
01:41:59 - I don't know.
01:42:01 It seems to be the children.
01:42:06 - Well, what's the matter with them?
01:42:07 Haven't they seen children before?
01:42:10 - Haven't you noticed?
01:42:13 There aren't any children.
01:42:16 Not one.
01:42:19 (dramatic music)
01:42:25 - What's that?
01:42:26 What's going on?
01:42:27 What's happening?
01:42:29 What's, hey, you!
01:42:30 What's happening?
01:42:31 - I'm blind, I'm blind!
01:42:32 - Who did this?
01:42:33 - Soldiers, soldiers!
01:42:35 (door banging)
01:42:40 - Hey, you there!
01:42:46 Get those children in here!
01:42:48 - Would you mind telling me what's happening?
01:42:49 - Quickly, before the soldiers get here!
01:42:51 - Soldiers?
01:42:52 - Come on, Fraulein, quickly, quickly!
01:42:54 Come along, get inside!
01:42:55 Please don't talk!
01:42:56 - Would you mind telling me what's going on?
01:42:58 - We must get those children out of sight!
01:43:00 - Jeremy!
01:43:01 - Hurry, if the soldiers find them,
01:43:02 they will take them away!
01:43:03 - But why, what for?
01:43:04 - It's the law, nobody's allowed to have children in Bulgaria!
01:43:08 - Not allowed, but what about all these children?
01:43:10 - It's the Baroness, she hates children!
01:43:12 - Who could hate children?
01:43:13 - Quickly, down there, whatever you do, don't make a sound!
01:43:16 (dramatic music)
01:43:20 (horses galloping)
01:43:23 - I want every house in the square
01:43:36 to be searched from top to bottom!
01:43:38 - You're all kept in.
01:43:39 The first section, step out over there and search.
01:43:42 The second section, over there and search, quick!
01:43:44 Section three, over there, quick!
01:43:46 Search, search, search!
01:43:48 - Search, search, search!
01:43:50 - Search everywhere!
01:43:52 (dramatic music)
01:43:55 - Get out, get out!
01:43:57 (dramatic music)
01:44:00 - There are children here somewhere!
01:44:05 I can smell them.
01:44:09 Ah-ha!
01:44:12 Captain!
01:44:16 We've got them.
01:44:17 - Loisaland!
01:44:18 - You two men, break down this door, quick!
01:44:20 - Yes, sir! - Quick!
01:44:21 - Get this door open, quickly!
01:44:24 - All right, I'm coming, I'm coming!
01:44:26 - Open the door, bang the door down!
01:44:28 Quickly!
01:44:29 - You don't want to come into here!
01:44:32 You don't want to! - Search the place!
01:44:33 - Search, search!
01:44:35 - Ah-ha!
01:44:38 They are here somewhere.
01:44:42 I can feel it in my bones.
01:44:45 There are children here somewhere.
01:44:48 - Children in a toy shop?
01:44:50 Such a notion!
01:44:52 I mean, what do you think you're doing?
01:44:54 That's something special for the Baron's birthday.
01:44:56 - Let me tell you, toy maker,
01:45:00 this nose of mine has never failed me.
01:45:04 And if there are children here, my friend,
01:45:09 you will die.
01:45:12 (laughing)
01:45:14 (thudding)
01:45:16 - Ah-ha!
01:45:19 (laughing)
01:45:23 - Quick, open it up!
01:45:24 Get down there and start to set up!
01:45:27 - The Baroness will have your teeth for a necklace
01:45:32 and your eyeballs for earlings.
01:45:36 - Nobody down here, sir.
01:45:37 - Fool, idiot, out of my way!
01:45:42 - You have to know where to look.
01:45:46 Like cockroaches, they get under the floors,
01:45:51 in the cracks in the walls, in the woodwork.
01:45:56 (ominous music)
01:46:01 (gun firing)
01:46:03 (ominous music)
01:46:06 (gun firing)
01:46:08 (ominous music)
01:46:11 (gun firing)
01:46:13 (ominous music)
01:46:16 (gun firing)
01:46:18 (ominous music)
01:46:21 (gun firing)
01:46:23 (ominous music)
01:46:26 (ominous music)
01:46:29 (ominous music)
01:46:32 (ominous music)
01:46:34 - I don't trust a man who makes toys
01:46:38 in a land where children are forbidden.
01:46:43 - Every toy I make is exclusively for His Excellency the Baron.
01:46:47 - Captain, Captain, the flying car!
01:46:49 We've captured the flying car!
01:46:50 - Come on, let's go, pull in, pull in!
01:46:53 (ominous music)
01:46:56 (beeping)
01:46:57 (ominous music)
01:47:00 (tires screeching)
01:47:03 (ominous music)
01:47:06 (tires screeching)
01:47:09 (ominous music)
01:47:12 - Take this car to the castle!
01:47:15 (tires screeching)
01:47:18 - They can't say chitty, Daddy, Daddy, do something!
01:47:21 They can't say chitty away!
01:47:22 - What are you going to do?
01:47:23 - Well, I don't know, but I'm not just gonna stand here.
01:47:25 - Are you mad?
01:47:27 Are you gonna take on the whole
01:47:28 Bulgarian army single-handed?
01:47:30 (tires screeching)
01:47:33 (tires screeching)
01:47:36 (tires screeching)
01:47:38 - What kind of a country is this?
01:47:40 No children.
01:47:42 Everybody terrified out of their lives.
01:47:45 - My friend, take some good advice, huh?
01:47:47 Take your children and your good lady
01:47:49 and get out of Bulgaria.
01:47:51 - And leave Grandpa up in the castle?
01:47:53 Oh no, we came to get him out, that's what we're gonna do.
01:47:56 Just tell me how to get there.
01:47:57 - Look, I'm only a toy maker.
01:47:59 And if I don't finish this in time
01:48:00 for the Baron's birthday tomorrow,
01:48:01 I shall be a dead toy maker.
01:48:04 - All right, I'll go myself.
01:48:06 Tuli, you stay here with the children.
01:48:07 - All right, all right.
01:48:09 (door closes)
01:48:12 You don't know what you're letting yourself in for,
01:48:14 believe me.
01:48:16 Oh.
01:48:17 Here, this one for you, one for you.
01:48:19 - Thank you, thank you, Tony.
01:48:21 - Keep them out of sight, huh, please.
01:48:23 You'll be good children, and you do what Tuli tells you.
01:48:26 - Yes, sir.
01:48:28 - Belle, are you coming?
01:48:31 (door opens)
01:48:34 ♪ (soft music)
01:48:43 Come!
01:48:45 Come!
01:48:47 ♪ (soft music)
01:48:52 (footsteps)
01:48:59 - There isn't a scrap of food in the place.
01:49:01 - I'm so hungry my tummy hurts.
01:49:03 - Mine's making funny noises.
01:49:06 - I simply must find something for you.
01:49:08 Now if you promise me not to move from here
01:49:10 until I come back...
01:49:11 - We promise, don't we, Jemima?
01:49:12 - Yes!
01:49:13 - Now you remember, you stay right here.
01:49:16 ♪ (soft music)
01:49:22 - To get in that way, you would have to be a mouse...
01:49:25 or a magician.
01:49:27 ♪ (dramatic music)
01:49:33 We should go down now, before Zendre sees us.
01:49:36 Come...come.
01:49:39 (men shouting)
01:49:41 - Ah, the flying car!
01:49:44 Ah, at last it's mine!
01:49:47 Ha ha!
01:49:48 Search for the inventor!
01:49:50 (men shouting)
01:49:52 And!
01:49:54 - Fly!
01:49:55 - Fly!
01:49:56 - Fly!
01:49:57 - Fly, fly, fly!
01:49:58 - Oh!
01:49:59 - I command you to fly!
01:50:02 - Oh, what's he doing?
01:50:03 - Over here.
01:50:04 - Hey!
01:50:05 - Now what's this doing here?
01:50:06 - You are the inventor!
01:50:08 Make this car fly!
01:50:09 (men shouting)
01:50:15 - Oh!
01:50:16 - Stay back, everyone!
01:50:17 We are going to fly!
01:50:19 - You who, Bambi?
01:50:21 Wait for me!
01:50:22 - No, every time I want to have a little fun, she turns up!
01:50:26 - Ah, there you are, my darling!
01:50:30 We are going for a fly!
01:50:32 - How exciting!
01:50:34 Oh, how thrilling!
01:50:36 - Come on, hurry up!
01:50:38 - Yes, I'm doing my best, sir.
01:50:40 Now, just a minute.
01:50:41 Here's one that we haven't charged yet.
01:50:43 - Here we go, my beloved.
01:50:44 - Hold on!
01:50:45 (gunshot)
01:50:46 (men screaming)
01:50:47 - Isn't it exciting, my dear?
01:50:49 (Bambi screaming)
01:50:53 Oh!
01:50:54 Ha ha ha ha ha!
01:50:56 You are genius!
01:50:57 My guns!
01:50:58 Bring my guns!
01:50:59 Don't worry, little piece, I'll get you down.
01:51:01 I've been waiting for this for 20 years.
01:51:04 Hold on, my love!
01:51:05 (gunshot)
01:51:06 Are you still there, my love?
01:51:07 Don't move!
01:51:09 (gunshot)
01:51:10 (men screaming)
01:51:13 - Oh, my God, my diamonds!
01:51:24 - Are you all right, my dear?
01:51:26 - I'm all right.
01:51:28 My dumpling.
01:51:30 - Good!
01:51:31 Never mind, I'll get you the next time.
01:51:35 (bells jingling)
01:51:38 ♪ Here we are, children
01:51:51 ♪ Come and get your lollipops
01:51:54 ♪ Lollipops
01:51:58 ♪ Come along, my little ones
01:52:01 ♪ Lollipops
01:52:04 ♪ Ice cream, chocolate, all free today
01:52:08 - Listen.
01:52:09 ♪ Come along, children
01:52:11 ♪ Lollipops
01:52:13 - What's that?
01:52:14 (bells jingling)
01:52:17 ♪ Children, where are you?
01:52:21 ♪ I know you're here somewhere
01:52:27 ♪ I've lots of lollipops
01:52:32 ♪ I've lots of lovely goodies for you
01:52:37 - Jeremy, what is it?
01:52:39 (bells jingling)
01:52:42 ♪ Lollipops
01:52:46 ♪ And all free today
01:52:50 ♪ Cherry pies
01:52:52 ♪ Cream puffs
01:52:54 ♪ Ice cream
01:52:56 ♪ Trickle tarts
01:52:58 ♪ Trickle tarts
01:53:00 ♪ And ice cream
01:53:01 ♪ And all free
01:53:03 ♪ Come along, kiddie winkies
01:53:06 - Come on!
01:53:08 But Jeremy, Trudy said we mustn't leave to stay.
01:53:11 - Yeah, Trudy said as well.
01:53:13 Come on!
01:53:14 (bells jingling)
01:53:17 - Mr. Vance!
01:53:18 - Ginger, come fast!
01:53:21 - Hey, wait!
01:53:22 - Children, come back here!
01:53:27 - Hold it, wait!
01:53:28 Hold on, wait!
01:53:30 - Come along, my little dears!
01:53:32 My little mice, come to me!
01:53:34 What will it be?
01:53:38 Ice cream?
01:53:39 - Yeah, ice cream!
01:53:40 - Strawberry?
01:53:41 - Strawberry!
01:53:42 - Chocolate?
01:53:43 - Yes, chocolate!
01:53:44 - It's all inside.
01:53:45 Come along, my little dears!
01:53:47 It's inside, what a baby!
01:53:49 Come on inside, my little dears!
01:53:51 (screaming)
01:53:53 (laughing)
01:53:55 (bells jingling)
01:53:57 (laughing)
01:53:59 (screaming)
01:54:01 (bells jingling)
01:54:04 (screaming)
01:54:06 (bells jingling)
01:54:09 (screaming)
01:54:11 (screaming)
01:54:13 - Children!
01:54:14 Children!
01:54:16 (screaming)
01:54:19 - Trudy!
01:54:20 (screaming)
01:54:22 What is it, what's happened?
01:54:23 - The children, he took the children!
01:54:27 (dramatic music)
01:54:30 - Your Excellency!
01:54:32 - Help!
01:54:33 Let me out!
01:54:34 - Silence!
01:54:35 (dramatic music)
01:54:39 - Children, your Highness.
01:54:50 Foreign children.
01:54:52 Unique specimens.
01:54:55 - You're sure they can't get out?
01:54:57 - No, your Highness.
01:54:59 Perhaps your Highness would care to examine
01:55:05 nasty little creatures, very, very treacherous foreign.
01:55:10 (screaming)
01:55:14 - Just you wait till our daddy hears about this.
01:55:16 - He'll come and he'll blow up the whole castle!
01:55:19 (screaming)
01:55:20 - Take them away to the tower!
01:55:22 - To the tower!
01:55:23 - To the tower!
01:55:24 - To the tower!
01:55:25 - Nasty, horrid, mean old blade!
01:55:27 - And very ugly!
01:55:29 - Oh, she's going, she's going!
01:55:32 (screaming)
01:55:34 (dramatic music)
01:55:37 (dramatic music)
01:55:40 - 200 feet above us through that solid rock
01:56:02 is the castle of Baron Bomburst.
01:56:06 (dramatic music)
01:56:10 (water splashing)
01:56:13 (dramatic music)
01:56:16 - These are our children, hmm?
01:56:38 12 years we have hidden them here.
01:56:41 Look at them, huh?
01:56:43 They don't know what a tree looks like
01:56:45 or what it is to run or to laugh in the sunshine,
01:56:47 do you, eh?
01:56:48 (whistling)
01:56:51 - Food!
01:56:52 - It's a good one!
01:56:53 - Here, spread for everyone!
01:56:55 - Look at them, like little rats,
01:56:57 they run up and down the sewers
01:56:59 stealing food from the kitchens.
01:57:01 - Potatoes, here, catch!
01:57:03 - Son, son!
01:57:07 - I'm looking for my children.
01:57:09 I think they're up there in the castle with their grandfather.
01:57:12 Have you seen anything of them?
01:57:13 - No, sir.
01:57:14 - A little boy and girl?
01:57:16 - Yes.
01:57:17 - They're locked up in the tower.
01:57:19 - And the grandfather?
01:57:20 - He's in the dungeon under the castle.
01:57:22 - Sir, have you come to help us?
01:57:25 Are you going to take us out of here?
01:57:35 What's your name, son?
01:57:37 - Peter, sir.
01:57:38 - Well, Peter, you shouldn't be afraid,
01:57:42 even in a terrible place like this,
01:57:45 because there's always hope.
01:57:47 That's what I always tell my children
01:57:51 when they're afraid.
01:57:53 ♪ A gentle breeze
01:58:00 ♪ From Hushabye Mountain
01:58:04 ♪ Softly blows
01:58:07 ♪ O'er Lullaby Bay
01:58:11 ♪ It fills the sails
01:58:15 ♪ Of boats that are waiting
01:58:19 ♪ Waiting to sail
01:58:22 ♪ Yoke
01:58:24 ♪ So close your eyes
01:58:31 ♪ On Hushabye Mountain
01:58:35 ♪ Wave goodbye
01:58:39 ♪ To cares of the day
01:58:43 ♪ And watch your boat
01:58:47 ♪ From Hushabye Mountain
01:58:52 ♪ Sail far away
01:58:57 ♪ From Hushabye Bay
01:59:03 - Is that the only advice you have to offer, my friend?
01:59:11 - It's a beautiful dream, Caractacus,
01:59:13 but I don't see how it's going to help them.
01:59:16 - You know what we're going to do.
01:59:19 We're going to get up into that castle.
01:59:20 - It is impossible!
01:59:22 - Well, we'll see.
01:59:23 Now, everybody listen to me!
01:59:26 You want to get out of here, don't you?
01:59:28 - Yeah!
01:59:30 - Tomorrow is Baron Bumburst's birthday, yes?
01:59:33 - Boo!
01:59:36 - Well, we're going to give him a birthday party he'll never forget.
01:59:40 How about everybody gather around here? I have an idea.
01:59:43 Yes, come in closer.
01:59:45 Quiet.
01:59:49 [Band plays "Happy Birthday"]
01:59:53 - ♪ Happy birthday to me
02:00:00 ♪ Happy birthday to me
02:00:03 ♪ Happy birthday, dear Bambi
02:00:06 - Oh, don't do it.
02:00:09 What a picture!
02:00:12 Such memories it brings back.
02:00:14 Oh, ich kann dich fressen, meine süße Zuckerpuppe!
02:00:17 - My little dumpling!
02:00:19 - My liebling!
02:00:21 - ♪ You're my little churchy face
02:00:25 ♪ My koochie-koochie-woochie little churchy face
02:00:29 ♪ Every time I look at you
02:00:33 ♪ I sigh
02:00:36 - ♪ And you're my little teddy bear
02:00:41 ♪ My lovey-lovey-dovey little teddy bear
02:00:45 - Boo!
02:00:47 - ♪ You're the apfelstrudel over mine eyes
02:00:52 - ♪ Your churchy-woochie nose
02:00:56 ♪ Your churchy-woochie eyes
02:00:58 ♪ They set my heart aflutter
02:01:02 - ♪ Your oochie-koochie lace
02:01:04 ♪ Your oochie-koochie gaze
02:01:06 ♪ Wilts me down like melting butter
02:01:14 - ♪ You're my little churchy face
02:01:18 - ♪ And you're my teddy bear
02:01:22 - ♪ Together we're a churchy-woochie-woochie-koochie pair
02:01:28 - ♪ Whatever you may ask becomes my heavy task
02:01:33 ♪ I only live to serve you
02:01:37 - ♪ I never will define what magic is
02:01:42 - ♪ I never will define what magic is
02:01:47 - ♪ I never will define what magic is
02:01:53 - ♪ I only live to serve you
02:01:56 - ♪ I never will define what magic made you mine
02:02:00 - ♪ I only know I don't deserve you
02:02:07 - [gasps]
02:02:09 - [laughing]
02:02:15 - [gasps]
02:02:16 - ♪ You are my little churchy face
02:02:20 - ♪ And you're my teddy bear
02:02:24 - ♪ Together we're a churchy-woochie-woochie-koochie
02:02:29 - ♪ Churchy-woochie-woochie-koochie
02:02:33 - ♪ Churchy-woochie-woochie-koochie pair
02:02:41 [upbeat music]
02:02:44 ♪ ♪
02:02:51 [upbeat music continues]
02:02:54 ♪ ♪
02:03:01 [upbeat music continues]
02:03:04 ♪ ♪
02:03:11 [upbeat music continues]
02:03:14 ♪ ♪
02:03:24 [upbeat music continues]
02:03:27 ♪ ♪
02:03:32 - Oh, what a rotten birthday party.
02:03:34 - Never mind, my little boy.
02:03:37 I have a surprise for you.
02:03:39 - Surprises? Oh, I love surprises.
02:03:43 [laughing]
02:03:45 [knocking]
02:03:46 - Sit down quickly.
02:03:48 Summon the toy maker.
02:03:51 - Summon the toy maker!
02:03:54 - Come on, come on, hurry up! Don't waste time!
02:04:00 [laughing]
02:04:05 - Your Excellency, may I be permitted to wish you
02:04:08 all you wish yourself on this happy occasion?
02:04:10 - Never mind all that. What have you made me for my birthday, huh?
02:04:14 - What have I made you? Such a toy.
02:04:17 Such a work of mechanical perfection.
02:04:19 - Well, well, well, well, where is it? Bring it in!
02:04:23 - Right away. I'll get it for you.
02:04:25 Bring in the darn birthday present!
02:04:27 [drum roll]
02:04:29 [upbeat music]
02:04:34 [crowd murmuring]
02:04:37 - Here, here, here.
02:04:39 This year, Your Excellency, I have surpassed even myself.
02:04:43 Put it down there, please.
02:04:45 Careful, careful with it!
02:04:48 For months I have been working night and day,
02:04:50 perfecting every little detail to bring you this!
02:04:55 [crowd gasping]
02:04:59 - Dolls? Dolls?
02:05:02 I have hundreds of dolls! No dolls!
02:05:07 - But this is not just an ordinary doll, Your Excellency.
02:05:13 [crowd murmuring]
02:05:17 [upbeat music]
02:05:25 ♪ What do you see? You people gazing at me ♪
02:05:33 ♪ You see a doll on a music box that's wound by a key ♪
02:05:41 ♪ How can you tell I'm under a spell? ♪
02:05:48 ♪ I'm waiting for love's first kiss ♪
02:05:56 ♪ You cannot see how much I long to be free ♪
02:06:04 ♪ Turning around on this music box that's wound by a key ♪
02:06:12 ♪ Yearning, yearning ♪
02:06:20 ♪ While I'm turning around and around ♪
02:06:27 [music continues]
02:06:33 [crowd cheering]
02:06:39 [music stops]
02:06:44 [children laughing]
02:06:49 [crowd cheering]
02:06:54 [crowd awing]
02:06:59 [music resumes]
02:07:04 [children laughing]
02:07:09 [music continues]
02:07:14 [children laughing]
02:07:19 [music continues]
02:07:24 [children laughing]
02:07:29 [music continues]
02:07:34 [children laughing]
02:07:39 [music continues]
02:07:44 [children laughing]
02:07:49 [music continues]
02:07:54 [children laughing]
02:07:59 [music continues]
02:08:04 [children laughing]
02:08:09 [music continues]
02:08:14 [children laughing]
02:08:19 [children laughing]
02:08:24 [children laughing]
02:08:29 [music stops]
02:08:32 [snoring]
02:08:38 [music resumes]
02:08:44 [children laughing]
02:08:49 [music continues]
02:08:54 ♪ What do you see? ♪
02:08:56 ♪ You people gazing at me ♪
02:09:00 ♪ You'll see a doll on a music box that's wound by a key ♪
02:09:09 ♪ How can you tell I'm under a spell? ♪
02:09:17 ♪ I'm waiting for love's first kiss ♪
02:09:22 ♪ You're the answer to my wishes ♪
02:09:26 ♪ You cannot see how much I love to be free ♪
02:09:31 ♪ Though I may seem presumptuous ♪
02:09:33 ♪ Turning around on this music box that's wound by a key ♪
02:09:40 ♪ Yearning ♪
02:09:42 ♪ My heart beats so unruly ♪
02:09:45 ♪ Yearning ♪
02:09:46 ♪ Because I love you truly ♪
02:09:49 ♪ While I'm ♪
02:09:50 ♪ Honest, truly ♪
02:09:52 ♪ I'm turning around and around ♪
02:09:56 [music stops]
02:10:03 [crowd cheering]
02:10:06 Just a minute!
02:10:09 [snoring]
02:10:37 [snoring]
02:10:39 [music resumes]
02:10:46 [crowd laughing]
02:10:53 [crowd laughing]
02:11:02 [music resumes]
02:11:17 [crowd laughing]
02:11:29 [crowd laughing]
02:11:50 Oh, I'm so happy!
02:11:52 I could jump for joy!
02:11:54 [screaming]
02:12:02 Come on! Come on! Come on! Follow me!
02:12:05 Children!
02:12:07 [screaming]
02:12:09 [crowd laughing]
02:12:12 [whistle blowing]
02:12:14 [screaming]
02:12:20 Let me down!
02:12:22 [screaming]
02:12:37 Call the cavalry!
02:12:39 [screaming]
02:12:48 Jeremy!
02:12:49 Jemima!
02:12:50 Jeremy!
02:12:51 Jemima!
02:12:52 Jeremy!
02:12:53 Jemima!
02:12:54 It's truly Jemima!
02:12:56 Where are you?
02:12:57 Don't worry!
02:12:58 We'll get you out of here in a second!
02:13:00 [music stops]
02:13:01 [music resumes]
02:13:04 [crowd cheering]
02:13:07 [music resumes]
02:13:10 [crowd cheering]
02:13:13 [music stops]
02:13:14 [crowd cheering]
02:13:15 [music resumes]
02:13:18 [music stops]
02:13:19 Don't worry! We'll get you out of here in a minute!
02:13:21 Here! Here! Quick!
02:13:23 Children, are you all right?
02:13:26 [children shouting]
02:13:28 [crickets chirping]
02:13:31 We found them! They're in there!
02:13:33 Come on! Help me break the door down!
02:13:35 Children! Get away from the door!
02:13:38 [door creaking]
02:13:44 Children!
02:13:45 Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
02:13:47 [crowd cheering]
02:13:50 [music resumes]
02:13:53 [crowd cheering]
02:13:56 [music resumes]
02:13:59 [crowd cheering]
02:14:02 [music resumes]
02:14:05 [crowd cheering]
02:14:08 [music stops]
02:14:09 [music resumes]
02:14:13 [music resumes]
02:14:16 [music resumes]
02:14:19 [music resumes]
02:14:22 [music stops]
02:14:23 [music resumes]
02:14:28 [music resumes]
02:14:29 [crowd cheering]
02:14:31 [music resumes]
02:14:33 Oh! Let me down!
02:14:36 [crowd cheering]
02:14:38 [crowd cheering]
02:14:42 My feet! Shana, you fool!
02:14:44 My back is broken!
02:14:46 We must escape through the cellars.
02:14:48 Well, well, come on. Hurry up.
02:14:50 [music resumes]
02:14:52 Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
02:14:54 -Yahoo! -You stay here.
02:14:56 Daddy! Wait for me!
02:14:58 [music resumes]
02:15:01 [crowd cheering]
02:15:05 Where are all these children coming from?
02:15:08 I thought we had passed a law against children.
02:15:10 -Quick, this way! -Where are we going?
02:15:12 Quickly, we'll go down here.
02:15:14 -Oh, no, no! I'll get my clothes dirty! -Don't argue!
02:15:18 [music resumes]
02:15:20 [music resumes]
02:15:22 [music resumes]
02:15:24 [screaming]
02:15:27 Oh, my crown! I lost my crown!
02:15:31 Never mind, my little pumpkin.
02:15:34 [music resumes]
02:15:36 [music resumes]
02:15:41 Here.
02:15:43 [music resumes]
02:15:45 Attack!
02:15:47 -Come on, Daddy, let's go! -Look, there's J.T.!
02:15:50 J.T.! The machine!
02:15:53 [music resumes]
02:15:57 Go, Nella! I'll get you!
02:16:00 Charge!
02:16:02 [music resumes]
02:16:04 [music resumes]
02:16:08 [screaming]
02:16:11 Hello? What's the trouble?
02:16:14 What's that doing here?
02:16:16 -It's Redwall! -Redwall!
02:16:19 -Correct! He's directing us! -Are you all right?
02:16:22 [music resumes]
02:16:25 [music resumes]
02:16:27 [music resumes]
02:16:34 [screaming]
02:16:37 [music resumes]
02:16:40 [music resumes]
02:16:45 [crowd murmuring]
02:16:49 [groans]
02:16:52 Stand back from the propellers. Keep clear.
02:16:55 [crowd murmuring]
02:16:59 [crowd murmuring]
02:17:04 [crowd murmuring]
02:17:09 And so, after that, Bulgaria became a free country.
02:17:13 And all the children laughed and played in the sunshine,
02:17:16 and they were very, very happy.
02:17:18 And Chitty flew high over the mountains back to England.
02:17:23 Everybody safe and sound.
02:17:25 And Daddy and Tully were married!
02:17:27 -And lived happily ever after! -Yes!
02:17:30 Is that how the story ends?
02:17:33 [music playing]
02:17:36 It's getting late. We better get back.
02:17:39 [music playing]
02:17:43 [helicopter whirring]
02:17:46 [music playing]
02:17:49 [helicopter whirring]
02:17:52 [music playing]
02:17:55 [music playing]
02:17:58 [music playing]
02:18:01 [helicopter whirring]
02:18:04 [music playing]
02:18:07 Well...
02:18:09 Goodbye, Jeremy. Goodbye, Jemima.
02:18:11 -Goodbye, Tully. -Will we see you again?
02:18:13 Oh, I expect so.
02:18:15 -Goodbye. -Goodbye.
02:18:17 [music playing]
02:18:20 Tully!
02:18:22 [music playing]
02:18:24 I'm sorry about the children. I hoped they didn't embarrass you.
02:18:27 -In what way? -Why, that silly joke about us getting married.
02:18:30 -Well, you know what kids are like. -Oh, yes, I understand.
02:18:32 I mean, I don't think they realize how ridiculous that would be.
02:18:35 Ridiculous?
02:18:37 Well, yes. I mean, you live in that big house,
02:18:40 and your father and the factory and all, it's a different world, truly.
02:18:44 You know, if I said something like that, you'd call me a snob.
02:18:48 -Well, look, I didn't mean to-- -Goodbye.
02:18:51 [music playing]
02:18:54 [music playing]
02:18:56 Well, don't you want to ride up front?
02:18:59 Well, that was a fine picnic, wasn't it?
02:19:11 - Shall we have another one tomorrow? - We truly should!
02:19:19 Well, Miss Scruff just has a lot of social business, you know.
02:19:24 Are we ever going to see Truly again, Daddy?
02:19:28 Well, we'll see.
02:19:32 - Look! That's Lord Scrooge's car! - I believe it is.
02:19:43 - I wonder what it's doing here. - I don't know.
02:19:46 Come on.
02:19:48 - Excuse me. - Good afternoon.
02:19:51 - Good afternoon. - Are you...
02:19:53 - Charge! - Number one battery, prepare to fire!
02:19:56 - Number two cavalry, fire! - Boom! Boom! Boom!
02:20:00 - That's my dash cavalry. - Yes, sir.
02:20:03 And I am my second infantry battalion, attacking you from the rear.
02:20:06 Attacking from the rear? That's dashed unethical.
02:20:09 Artillery, prepare to open fire. Fire!
02:20:13 - Number one battalion, prepare to advance! - What's going on here?
02:20:17 There you are, young partisan. We've been waiting for you.
02:20:20 - I'm fit! - What's that you're after?
02:20:22 You're a cad, Potts.
02:20:24 - Someone might tell me what's going on. - That's you being old bungee, son.
02:20:28 Bungee? Bungee Potts. Best baffin' I ever had, weren't you, Potts?
02:20:31 - Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. - You mean you were...
02:20:33 My boy. Allow me to introduce to you my brigadier.
02:20:37 - You're brigand, Potts. - Yes, sir.
02:20:39 - I'll have some more tea. - Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
02:20:41 As for you, young man, there's a very good chance you may be very rich.
02:20:44 Very rich? What do you mean?
02:20:46 Confined in sweets of yours. Useless for humans.
02:20:50 Wonderful for dogs. Wolf sweets, that's what they'll call 'em.
02:20:53 - Wolf sweets? - Canine candies. Dogs love 'em. Make a fortune.
02:20:57 - Daddy, Daddy! - You've done it, Daddy! You've done it!
02:21:00 - Have I? - It's the posh life for us all now, my boy.
02:21:03 - We're all going to be rich! Hurray! - You mean to tell me I invented something that actually works?
02:21:07 - Yes, sir! - You'll be offering a contract, Miss. Dainty. Sign here, please.
02:21:11 - Later. Don't go away. I'll be right back. - But what about the contract?
02:21:17 - Daddy, where are you going? - Daddy!
02:21:21 - What's the matter with the fella? - Well, he's a bit of an eccentric, sir.
02:21:25 A genius, of course. But definitely an eccentric.
02:21:30 Can't imagine where he gets it from.
02:21:33 Julie! You'll never believe it!
02:21:41 I just got home and your father was at my house!
02:21:44 I know, I know. They told me at the house.
02:21:47 - We're rich! - Oh!
02:21:49 You know more than that. I have succeeded.
02:21:52 I always knew you would.
02:21:55 You know something else? The kids were right.
02:21:58 There's nothing so ridiculous about the idea of getting married.
02:22:01 Well, whoever said there was?
02:22:04 - Well, Mr. Potts. - What's the matter?
02:22:14 Now you'll have to marry me.
02:22:17 - So dreams can come true. - Yes, they can.
02:22:25 - Yes, they can. But you have to be practical, too. - What?
02:22:29 You have to face the facts.
02:22:32 A man has to see things as they really are.
02:22:35 After all, a man with responsibilities can't walk around with his head in the clouds all the time.
02:22:40 A man should keep his head in the clouds.
02:22:43 A man should keep his feet solidly on the ground.
02:22:46 All men should have his dreams.
02:22:49 But a man has to learn to put those dreams to some practical use.
02:22:53 Not just sit around and think about them all the time.
02:22:57 Oh, you pretty chitty bang bang Chitty chitty bang bang we love you
02:23:08 And our pretty chitty bang bang Chitty chitty bang bang loves us, too
02:23:13 High, low, anywhere we go On chitty chitty we depend
02:23:17 Bang bang chitty chitty bang bang Our fine four-fendered friend
02:23:21 Bang bang chitty chitty bang bang Our fine four-fendered friend
02:23:25 It's uncategorical A fuel-burning oracle
02:23:32 A phantasmagorical machine
02:23:36 It's more than spectacular To use the vernacular
02:23:41 This wizard is smashing his king
02:23:47 Oh, chitty chitty pretty chitty bang bang Chitty chitty bang bang we love you
02:23:51 And chitty chitty pretty chitty bang bang Chitty chitty bang bang what we'll do
02:23:55 Near chitty far chitty inner world to follow What happy time we'll spend
02:23:59 Bang bang chitty chitty bang bang Our fine four-fendered friend
02:24:03 Bang bang chitty chitty bang bang Our fine four-fendered friend
02:24:08 Bang bang chitty chitty bang bang Our fine four-fendered chitty friend
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02:25:28 [BLANK_AUDIO]