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Updated: 12:58 EDT

Bikini bottoms to avoid and the style that's NOT flattering. Our fashion expert reveals

IT'S a shocking statistic that reveals medical sexism is still a dangerous issue in this country: while men are more prone to heart attacks, women have a higher risk of dying from one.

Donald Trump tried his best to hide it. But as he walked out into the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee for his first appearance since Saturday's attempt on his life, his body betrayed him.

Until her death in May, aged 92, few knew that the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Alice Munro, harboured a dark secret that ripped apart her own family.

Here, trauma coach Caroline Strawson, author of a new book, How To Heal After Narcissistic Abuse, describes six red flags that indicate you could well have a narcissist in your life.

I doubt many of us know much about the process of getting a vital diagnosis. We don't consider the highly qualified doctors we're unlikely ever to meet, but on whose skill our lives depend.

Sir Keir Starmer has described the immigration figures as 'shockingly high' - but it's already clear that the new government has no serious plan or even interest in curtailing migration.

'When you grow up here, the blood in your veins is a different temperature, it boils all day long,' says Lior Shelef. He has seen more than half a dozen conflicts here, on Israel's border with Lebanon

In her latest agony aunt column, best-selling author Jane Green gives advice to a woman who has been shamed by her friends after sharing her family's favorite dinner tradition with them.


For my husband's 60th birthday, I arranged a family holiday to the Cote d'Azur. My in-laws wanted to know all the ins and outs. I started to feel more than a little exasperated.

If Lucy Letby is guilty, then there is a strong case for executing her. Her supposed crimes are so cruel and grievous. It is hard to see any argument against the death penalty, if she is guilty.

Bethan Galliers was delighted to be at the theatre with friends for a play she'd wanted to see for ages. But within minutes her enjoyment was interrupted by a coughing fit - her own.

Five half-naked men simulating sex acts in a grotty, neon-lit lavatory. No, this is not the scene in some seedy Berlin brothel, but the UK entry to the 2024 Eurovision song contest.

A colleague tells me that when she was 30 she went on a date with a man of her age. When she asked him where he lived, he replied he lived at home with his mother, and she gave him a quizzical look.

The definitive guide to England's 6,000 GP practices: From number of patients and doctors

The Mail has painstakingly trawled through all of the data, creating an in-depth table that allows you to search for your surgery and see how it fares. It looks at face-to-face appointments, same-day access and how many consultations are carried out with an actual GP.

I lost three stone on Ozempic - but there are risks everyone should know about, writes

In early 2023, two days after I first pricked myself with Ozempic, I opened my eyes and immediately felt that something was strange. Thwacking my alarm clock into silence, I lay there for five minutes, trying to figure out what it was. I felt very mildly nauseous, but it was not severe - if it had happened on a normal day, it wouldn't have stopped me from doing anything. So it wasn't that.

LIZ JONES'S DIARY: It's always daunting moving into a new house on your own, but I was

I took ownership of the keys to the vicarage on Wednesday. My car was packed to the rafters, mainly with Diptyque candles, Iittala glassware - the essential stuff. Nic followed on behind with a vacuum cleaner, my carpet cleaner and Mini Puppy.

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Eating a bowl of fresh strawberries is such a simple, healthy pleasure. Or rather, it was until a recent alarming report revealed them to be top of the 'dirty dozen' fruit and vegetables on sale in our supermarkets. Analysing the latest government data, The Pesticide Action Network UK found that 95% of strawberries, organic or not, contain PFAS pesticides - also known, appetite-crushingly, as 'forever chemicals' because once consumed, there's no getting rid of them. PFASs - Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances - have been linked to health issues including cancer, high cholesterol, reduced kidney function, thyroid disease, low fertility, repressed immune system and low birth weight in babies. It's disturbing news - especially as the other 'dirty' 11 include favourites like grapes (61% of samples contained PFASs), cherries (56%) spinach (42%), tomatoes (38%), peaches and nectarines (38%), cucumber (22%), apricots (20%), beans (15%), spices (8%), cabbage (7%), and lettuce (7%).

My son Max is sophisticated, witty and thoughtful and I am constantly surprised by his insights. But there are five crucial words missing from that sentence: for a 12 year old...

Actress Fay Ripley made headlines when she said tha she would breastfeed her grandchildren. Some people were shocked, thinking it is impossible, but grandmothers can breastfeed.

Having children is becoming a luxury. The only people who can afford to have big families these days are either very wealthy or happy to milk the welfare state for every last penny.

How unnecessary of Prince Harry to evoke Diana when he controversially accepted the Pat Tillman Award - named after an American war hero who died in Afghanistan.

It was the terrifying possibility that haunted Holly Willoughby every day for nine months: What if Gavin Plumb walks free? But yesterday Gavin Plumb was finally sentenced to life in prison.

Exposed: The sexual assault epidemic in NHS hospitals with 33 rapes and assaults every

Recounting her traumatic experience at a hospital in the East Midlands four years ago Pauline (who's asked to use a pseudonym) says: 'The incident makes me very wary and frightened of going into hospital again.' Her ordeal is upsetting and distressing, but far from unusual: figures show there are thousands of sexual attacks and violations - so called 'sexual safety incidents'- in UK healthcare settings every year. In an examination of UK NHS hospitals published last year, Jo Phoenix, a professor of criminology at Reading University, found shockingly high levels of sexual abuse, with 33 rapes and sexual assaults committed in hospitals in England and Wales every week, according to data extracted from police records over a 46-month period. The vast majority of victims were female.

The eight most important ways to reduce your cancer risk: Top experts' advice as half of

Young people don't need to worry about getting cancer, or do they? Although cancer is a disease mainly affecting older people, research suggests a growing number of younger people are now developing cancers years before they should. The number of under-50s diagnosed with cancer increased by nearly 80 per cent between 1990 and 2019 according to a major study published in BMJ Oncology. The number of deaths in younger patients rose by 28 per cent. The Princess of Wales (pictured left) was just 42 when she was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. Campaigner Dame Deborah James (right) died of bowel cancer in 2022 at the age of 40 - 31 years younger than the average age for developing the disease, which is 71 in England and Wales. Girls Aloud star Sarah Harding died of breast cancer in 2021 at 39. The growing trend of 'early onset' cases (as diagnoses in the under-50s are known) is alarming experts. But what's driving it?

We all know the British summer is often a wash-out… but this year? With endless rain and a definite chill in the air, there's been no chance of a healthy glow - so it's a bottle of fake tan to the rescue.

The long school summer holiday is bliss for children, but less so for parents who may have to fork out thousands to cover activities and childcare. Here's six ways to reduce your costs

My father offered to pay for our son to go to university - in front of him. I'm not sure my father is aware of the cost these days and I'm convinced he couldn't afford it. VICKY REYNAL advises

I've always liked an age gap, but until recently had never dated someone 20 years my senior. I'm 34 and met Pete last year after we were introduced by a new friend after I'd moved to Edinburgh.

If your old everyday summer dress is looking a bit tired, now's the time to future proof your everyday dress: step away from the florals and try a graphic, possibly monochrome print instead.

I do wonder what Sir Keir Starmer's majority would have been if he'd said one of his first acts would be to release thousands of convicted prisoners.

One of the very few downsides of my job is that, much as I would dearly love to, I can't switch off social media.

Far from being sheepish about not being a household name, RELX and its bosses revel in their anonymity. But this firm is one of the true unsung heroes of the FTSE 100.

The country holds its breath in hope as England play Spain in the Euro 2024 final. While the squad have not missed a penalty this tournament, the team are likely to be scoring an own goal at home.

As I write this, I've just scrolled through some photos of my garden taken in July 2022. The images show a parched plot suffering from lack of water during the driest July since 1935.

In the wake of their cataclysmic Election defeat, a significant number of Tory MPs have become inflicted by what can best be described as George The Third Syndrome.

Will Lady Starmer wear Samantha Cameron's fashion brand Cefinn? After all, no one knows more about the wardrobe demands of a Downing Street wife.

R.F. writes: I forwarded a certificate to Cauta Capital for redemption of a £20,000 bond which I bought in 2018. Interest was also due, but I have received nothing.


It would be fair to say that there's been quite a lot of drama in my life recently. When I say drama, what I really mean is trauma.

I honestly want to know. Is your life like this? Are you really p***ed off, angry, exhausted, sick of being treated badly? It cannot just be me.

Dear Bel, How can I avoid feeling fearful about the future? Why am I so full of gloom, when the election is over and we have no choice but to accept the result? Why this feeling of helpless despair?


Paul Barresi says he is still haunted by the expression on Amber Heard's face as she gave her infamous testimony in 2022 claiming that her former partner Johnny Depp sexually assaulted her.

How unnecessary of Prince Harry to evoke Diana when he controversially accepted the Pat Tillman Award - named after an American war hero who died in Afghanistan.


Urged by his proud father to identify himself to the ecstatic crowd, Barron Trump rose to acknowledge the applause.As he punched the air, his barely smiling face remained inscrutable.


Casting her vote in France's knife-edge parliamentary elections last weekend with her husband, former president Nicolas Sarkozy, felt like a return to the glory days for Carla Bruni.

I am 76 and my partner, who is 74, has Parkinson's and dementia plus other medical issues.

You may scoff, but deciding what your little one is going to be called is the first big parenting decision you'll make. And the impact a person's may can have on their life is not to be underestimated.

When Sir Keir Starmer entered No 10 for the first time last Friday, clouds hung over London. The grim weather matched the mood of many Tory voters, who, viewed the future with dread.

It seems impossible to walk into a cafe nowadays without coming across a gluten-free cake or customer - despite only one per cent of Britons being thought to suffer from coeliac disease.


Beloved broadcaster David Hamilton - one of the great voices of BBC Radio 1 and Radio 2, and a successful TV presenter for Thames TV and others - has a very amiable reputation.

The news of the sad and untimely death of Dr Michael Mosley last month prompted an outpouring of grief from around the world. Thousands stepped forward to sing the Mail columnist's praises.

Eliot and I had been seeing each other for a month and a half and I thought it was time to commit, finally commit, to having a Brazilian wax.

Phil was perfectly polite and gentlemanly, but he barely asked me any questions about myself. For the first hour, he talked about the leaseholds on all the properties he owns.

You know you're getting old when you find yourself listening to Radio 2 and you think it's Radio 1. That was the joke 50 years ago when DJs were transferred from 'Ray-de-O One!' to pipe-and-slippers Radio 2.

For those of us with a family history of breast cancer, new tests pose an interesting conundrum. Should we fork out for one of these 'liquid biopsies', still a long way from being available on the NHS?

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Getting out on a long walk or taking part in outdoor activities without having to wrap up warm against the elements is one of summer's great pleasures. But with rising temperatures predicted for later this month and the holiday season on the horizon, it's a good time for us all to remember the very real dangers of heatstroke. Far from being simply a matter of feeling hot, it's a massively underestimated condition that can quickly cause irreversible damage to our organs and kill.

As a new MP back in 2005, I received an invitation from Cherie Blair to drop by. It was my first glimpse into what life in No 10 was like for a Prime Minister's wife - and I was astounded.

Insiders say Jill Biden remains the only person who can really influence the floundering octogenarian president, as Democrats try to avert defeat in November.

No one expected Alec Baldwin to turn up at pre-trial hearings on Monday, but just before 8am he stepped out of a Chevrolet and headed into the First Judicial District Court of New Mexico in Santa Fe.

Most women, whether they want to become a mother or not, are aware of the ticking of their biological clock. For some it is easily ignored, but for many it starts to sound louder at 35 and deafening by 40.

Many Tories are chipper given that their party has suffered the biggest defeat in its history. They point out that no party has achieved power with so small a percentage of the vote as Labour

A few years ago, after breaking my arm and undergoing extensive rehabilitation, I realised the importance of physical health and how the things you do with your body also enhance your happiness.

Labour's vote share in this week's election was only 34 per cent, in the lowest turnout for 20 years. Which means that more than 80 per cent of the electorate did not vote Labour.

Jay Slater: The county lines connection. FRED KELLY reveals the growing links between

As night falls, the Papagayo Beach Club descends into a cauldron of noise and narcotics. This is the jewel in the somewhat sordid crown of Veronicas Strip, a collection of neon-lit bars adjacent to the resort of Playa de las Americas in Tenerife. Every night this week - in what we might call the post A-level party season - hundreds of British teenagers filled its chaotic dancefloor, on what for many was their first holiday without their families. When the Mail visited Papagayo, the self-proclaimed 'Icon of the Canary Islands' was full to bursting. But as the ear-shattering dance music blared, no one seemed to care or even remember that less than three weeks ago, the missing teenager Jay Slater had been doing exactly the same thing.


Daniel Cleaver is back again, apparently still trying to win the singleton's heart in the forthcoming fourth film in the series, Mad About The Boy. See our exclusive photos...

The Conservative party is now the political equivalent of Monty Python's Norwegian Blue parrot, writes Dan Hodges. There is no unification of the Right without Farage.

This was the dawn of a 'seismic' new political era, so we were told. And the opening remarks at the inaugural meeting of the Reform parliamentary party? 'Farage! You're a racist!'

I've stayed in thousands of British hotels and this is my favourite, by the Hotel

There are hotels - and, then, there are hotel resorts (or resort hotels), offering everything you might possibly want without leaving the compound and then a bit more besides.

I have a Dignitas fund, a savings pot to cover the cost - which is about £10,000 - of a trip to the clinic in Switzerland where people go to end their lives That may shock you, especially as I'm not dying.

It's easy to believe in 'besties for life' when you're 15 and share a Taylor Swift obsession. By midlife, however, maintaining friendships is much harder.

I noticed something interesting at the victory of Bridget Phillipson MP. Her supporters greeted it with clenched-fist salutes, as if she was off to fight in the Spanish Civil War.

Nick Robinson will not thank me for reminding readers that just before the result of the 2010 Labour leadership election was announced, he said that David Miliband was about to emerge victorious.

It is 14 years since I stood chatting to a nervous politician on the eve of taking power. The Tories' coalition talks had ended and David Cameron became the youngest PM for two centuries.

When it comes to affairs, men can be lazy and predictable, so often transferring their affections to someone close at hand; if it's not the PA or the nanny, it could be their wife's best friend.

Peter was in his car when his daughter Freya* called him, saying memories had 'come up'. Since receiving therapy for anxiety, Freya had said she remembered her grandfather raping her as a child.


In the pre-internet age, it might never have occurred to Gavin Plumb to recruit accomplices for his kidnap and rape plot. It is not the sort of job someone could have placed an advert in the local paper for.

Once in a generation the British people get sick to the back teeth with the Tories. Today, they are likely to suffer a rout, but the most successful political party in history will be back.

Since the age of 11, I've stayed up all night to hear the election results. My parents talked so often about Labour's great figures that they felt like distant members of the family.

Expensive perfume, a designer purse and a £200 gift experience. These are just some of the luxury items on the present list I was expected to buy from for a girl who's at school with my daughter.

Five years ago people put their trust in the Tories. And that faith was not repaid. Brexit was not delivered. At least, not in the way Boris promised. Immigration spiralled further out of control.

In her latest agony aunt column, best-selling author Jane Green gives candid advice to a woman who is struggling to come to terms with her own survival of a terminal diagnosis.

At the time of Starmer and Rayner's meeting, lockdown restrictions were in place - indeed, a similar gathering helped to trigger the defenestration of Boris Johnson .

Since Rishi Sunak called the election, Labour has been relentless in repeating the soundbite it hopes will carry it into power: 'The Tories crashed the economy.'

AMANDA PLATELL: It took a real hero's mum to call Harry out for abandoning his family and

The mother of an American war hero who was posthumously awarded both the Silver Star and Purple Heart fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan is appalled that Prince Harry is to receive an honour in her son's name. Harry was nominated for the Pat Tillman Award for Service by the ESPY and will be garlanded with it at a glittering ceremony in Los Angeles later this month. His supposed qualification is his brief war record - he was an accomplished Apache helicopter pilot in Afghanistan - and his role in creating the Invictus Games for injured veterans and service personnel.

Taiwan dominates production of the computer chips powering the AI revolution. But what would happen to YOUR investments and pension if the Chinese invade?

Ofcom has a voluntary Automatic Compensation Scheme in which you're entitled to £9.76 per day compensation until the service is resumed if it's been down for more than two full working days.

My husband and I made a travel insurance claim worth over £7,500 in May last year, but it has not been resolved. Despite many emails between us and our insurer, we're still getting the runaround.

On the eve of the 1997 general election, I was talking to a group of Pony Club mums in the village where I lived. All of them 'followed the hunt' and were proud supporters of country pursuits.

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: If you thought the U.S. election was bonkers, imagine what they think

We've been amused and horrifed in equal measure by the U.S. Presidential contest and Joe Biden 's meltdown during last week's debate. But what do the Americans make of our own general election? Time to check in with this column's TV affiliate Eye-Witness News, in Palm Beach, Florida .

Fermented foods have never been so fashionable. Demand for kimchi, kefir and sauerkraut has soared in recent years, thanks to their reportedly beneficial impact on gut health.

Laura Bennett was working from home one morning in November 2022 when she started to feel slightly off-colour - tired, struggling to concentrate and feeling detached.

An injection of a compound found in toothpastes may treat bone fractures caused by osteoporosis, a condition that makes bones prone to breaking.

The past has a way of catching up with criminals, particularly those whose victims are children. But in the case of beach volleyball star Steven van de Velde, fate has had an odd way of showing it.

Being in hospital is miserable. You're unwell and often in pain, but you're also probably lonely and bored. As doctors, we know that how patients feel plays a vital role in how their bodies heal.

Weight loss drugs have been hailed by everyone from politicians to Hollywood's finest. Oprah Winfrey said their advent 'feels like relief, like redemption, like a gift'.

Plucked from his world of piano-playing, Stephen de Bastion was one of 1,070 Hungarian men suddenly called up to provide forced labour on the Russian front, after Hungary joined the Second World War.

In January 2023, my wife began a regular monthly investment into her Hargreaves Lansdown share account. Last October, Hargreaves Lansdown asked about the source of the funds.

Wood created three businesses that were all FTSE 350 companies in their time and prides himself on having always paid his taxes in his home country.

After developing menopausal symptoms aged 49, I was put on HRT patches and stayed on them until I turned 65. My hot flushes have worsened. What could be causing it?

The idea of going to Glastonbury has never really appealed to me. I'm sure it's great fun if you're into clammy sleeping bags, warm beer, chemical toilets and middle-aged women in sequins, but, I'm not.

This country's Left-wing elite are not supposed to gloat before Labour win - as they expect to do. This is why you should take careful note of the outburst by a rich and famous actor called David Tennant.

Biden couldn't rise to the occasion, or even work out where he was. He's toast. Dead Man barely walking. But the Democrats' problem is how to get rid of him.

With mesmerising blue-grey eyes and sensuous lips, Vivian MacKerrell was one of the best-looking students to enroll at the Royal Central School Of Speech and Drama in the autumn of 1964.

This is the politician's prayer: 'Lord, give us the wisdom to utter words that are gentle and tender, for tomorrow we may have to eat them.' This saying could have been made for flip-flopping Keir Starmer.

Eccentric health guru Gwyneth Paltrow pours raw - or unpasteurised - milk, into her coffee every day. And now even hardline U.S. states who banned it are coming round it its charms.

When Vikie collapsed she assumed her chest pain was indigestion. It never crossed her mind that it might relate to her heart or that she was at risk due to the menopause.

Athletes are vying for glory this summer, and firms are spending a fortune to make sure that, no matter who wins, they will also be celebrating. So where should investors going for gold put their money?

There's something exciting about looking for a new home in an unfamiliar location. Here's how to check whether your potential dream home is in what's politely termed a 'rough area'.

A stunning diet test every parent should read: This family put Joe Wicks's theory that

For the past three years, peace has been in short supply for Kate and Mike Rawlings as the behaviour of their older child has spiralled out of control. Isobel, now eight, would routinely turn meal times into a battlefield. Simple requests to come to the table could result in unprompted bursts of rage that often descended into screaming meltdowns, where Isobel would storm out of the room, slamming doors and on occasion lashing out at her sister.

The 'best kept secret in Essex' and the other top 28 towns in Britain to raise a family:

Choosing where to buy a home and settle down as a family can be one of life's biggest decisions. The implications on your finances and family's happiness are huge. So, given the number of boxes to tick, we've consulted property experts and reviewed surveys and statistics to bring you a selection of the best places in the UK to settle as a family.

The Ukrainian women taking men's places on the frontline: As volunteers run low and

Ukraine does not conscript women - unlike men - but it is running out of soldiers: 31,000 have been killed in action since February 2022 (although no official figures have been released) and many don't want to face the obvious risks. According to reports, at least 20,000 men have dodged the draft and fled Ukraine illegally, while officials in recruitment centres have been discovered taking bribes of up to £1,200 to help them avoid it. Put bluntly, with the country now in its third year of grinding conflict, it needs its women to fight.

As Labour stormed to a landslide victory in May 1997, D:Ream's Things Can Only Get Better echoed across the country. Yet the atmosphere now is very different.

Fixing subsidence can cost £40,000 or more if you have to bolster the foundations of your home with concrete. Follow our panel of experts' advice and you can tackle it without breaking the bank.

My son, 48, is a recovering alcoholic who hasn't touched a drink for six months. He was recently diagnosed with fatty liver - he's read it can cause cancer and is extremely anxious. What can he do?

CAROLE RAILTON: I'm blowing my life savings to live my last decade in luxury

For the past eight months, I've been renting an apartment for £4,000 a month, eating at fancy restaurants a few times a week and spending £400 on designer shoes without a thought. I'd never have classed myself as a big spender before but, after finding out I have ten years to live, I plan to enjoy life to the fullest - without worrying about the price tag. My life changed after I caught Covid in 2020. I was 69 and in the best shape of my life: I was a member of a gym and I had a personal trainer. I was the kind of woman who ran past people up the escalator.


Fabian was a half-Roman, half-English Zac Efron-lookalike, tall, dark and handsome with light, ocean-like eyes. We met in the French Alps over the breakfast buffet in a luxury chalet hotel.

As I sat on the bus, I could hear the teenage boys around me talking about the fight they were going to have with their rivals. Knives were mentioned. I shrank into my seat, terrified.

Deaths from drugs and alcohol are soaring in England and Wales, according to latest figures from the Office for National Statistics.

Few crimes in recent years have been more horrific than on the day in November 2022 that Idaho police found four young students brutally stabbed to death in an off-campus home.

More bad news for Rishi Sunak: the Tories have lost the billionaire vote. Well, not all billionaires. Last week the richest Briton, Sir Jim Ratcliffe, declared his support for Labour and Sir Keir Starmer.

This is unprecedented. If we believe the polls, never before in modern history will a single party have won so large a majority. Never will a prime minister have enjoyed such unchecked power.

My agony at the day my daughter, 20, went for a hike on holiday in the South of France -

This summer, I should be planning an incredible getaway for my family of five, a precious chance to spend time together amid the general busyness of life. My twins, Clarissa (pictured) and Ollie would both be 22-year-old university graduates, looking forward to their new lives, and we'd be planning to wave my youngest Hugo, 20, off on sabbatical to America. But all that changed on May 7 last year, when my beautiful daughter Clarissa died on a mountainside. One moment she was there, happily chatting as she walked up to a summit in the Gorges du Verdon in central Provence, the next she was gone, having fallen back into her friend's arms.

SHANE WATSON: Six basic ways to summer-up your look - and you don't have to break the bank

The Great British Summer, hard to pin down, never punctual - this year it's really kept us waiting - and still we're not quite ready for it. These summer uppers press Go on the clothes we've been waiting to wear for weeks. You don't need all of them, any one of the following will do the trick...

I'm 73 and I think I might have Asperger's syndrome. Since I was young, I have been picky about food and have always preferred my own company. Do you think I could have the disorder?

It's Friday. I've been up since 7am writing about Meghan and Harry. David is now working on my Georgian sash windows.

If you shop from the same fashion favourites as your friends, and you'll all be at the same weddings, christenings and significant birthday bashes this summer, we all know what's coming.

'I won't stop until one of us is dead': That's the chilling threat by an Army major to her

Early on in their flourishing romance, Tobi-Jayne Cadbury's (left) new partner, dashing SAS hero Christian Craighead (inset), mentioned he had an ex-girlfriend who was a dentist. 'That's all he said, and I didn't give it any further thought,' she recalls. 'She was just an ex who happened to be a dentist.' Not for long. Because within a few months of that conversation, as a criminal court was later to hear, that same ex - Army officer Major Jennifer Wilson (right) - had become a monstrous presence in 37-year-old Tobi-Jayne's life.

Death threats, blackmail and bribes: NADINE DORRIES on the Westminster plot to sabotage

In the paperback edition of her book exposing the Movement - the secret cabal she alleges is manipulating the Conservative Party - N adine Dorries describes the pressure she came under not to publish - and the revenge that was taken on her when she insisted on going ahead…

Rise of the 'Kidults': An obsession with wellbeing in schools, crying rooms at

Rather than embracing adulthood as an aspirational destination, many youngsters seem happy to exist in a world of elongated teenagerdom. In study after study, the data makes it abundantly clear that young people are eschewing grown-up activities and avoiding many of the responsibilities that come with early adulthood, including working, volunteering, managing their own finances, securing a driving licence, or even going on a date - all things that, until very recently, were considered ways of differentiating children from young adults.

Eleven days to go, and there's a growing sense that Rishi Sunak might as well just give up, save us all the hassle - and hand the keys to Downing Street straight to Sir Keir Starmer.

Yes, I remember Cheb. It all came back to me when I read that Sir Keir Starmer had passed that way on a trip behind the Iron Curtain back in 1986.

INSIDE WESTMINSTER: When even Tories in what were once safe seats talk about a Rorke's

It is like Rorke's Drift out here,' says one Tory candidate in what should be a safe seat in the Home Counties. The candidate is defending a majority of close to 25,000 votes: in any other election , even 1997, it would be a banker seat for Tory HQ.

AMANDA PLATELL: What drives ex-mistress Lauryn to humiliate football star Kyle's wife? As

Has any ex-mistress ever proved to be such a ­continuing nightmare? I'm talking about Lauryn Goodman, with whom England footy vice captain Kyle Walker cheated on his wife and mother of their four children, Annie Kilner, twice.

'The Greek coastguards took us back out to sea - then hurled all three of us overboard. I

The story of Ibrahim, the migrant from Cameroon, is perhaps the most shocking. He arrived on the idyllic Greek island of Samos from nearby Turkey in a small boat, hoping to register as an asylum seeker. 'We had barely docked, and then police approached,' he says. 'There were two policemen dressed in black, and three others in civilian clothes. They were masked, you could only see their eyes.' What happened next to him and two other migrants - one also from Cameroon and another from the Ivory Coast - beggars belief. He claims all three were put on a Greek coastguard boat and taken out to sea. There, they were thrown overboard.

Revealed, Britain's finest crowd-free beaches... from hidden sandy coves in Cornwall, to

The nation's most popular beaches are never more spectacular than at summer's height, but they're also busy. So, how to sidestep the crowds and find a more tranquil spot by the shore? Britain's thousands of miles of coastline means there's plenty of lesser known stretches to enjoy, from wild Scottish strands to classic bucket-and-spade beaches and Caribbean-esque Cornish idylls. Here's our pick.

Retirees could be in line for a golden period of income rises thanks to the rising value of state, workplace and private pensions, analysis suggests.

Dear Bel, about six years ago, I started a passionate affair with a colleague. Despite feelings of guilt, it's almost impossible to end it as the man gives me things that my partner doesn't...

Our will - mine and my wife Sarah's - is so old that it doesn't even exist online, only as a fading document in a rarely opened drawer.

If any proof were needed that Boris Johnson was the victim of a stitch-up, it was the astonishing news that Sue Gray was to become the Labour Party's chief of staff, appointed by its leader, Sir Keir Starmer.

Deep crow's feet, frown lines criss-crossing my forehead, a horribly creased top lip line, and lifeless, pallid skin. Sixty-six? My reflection in the mirror looked more like 166.

The modern world has lots of ways of showing that you care, with maximum publicity. If you want to build a catwalk for your conscience to strut along, the cameras will quickly arrive to film you.

A few days ago, my granddaughter Molly made a confession as I walked her home from school. Giving me a sheepish look, she confided, 'Grandma, I tried a chicken nugget yesterday!'

I was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer. Little did I know my nasty cancer would earn me extra cool points among some of the competitive cancer cliques.

I'm 43 years old and I was once the toast of my industry, but recently I've been struggling to cope. I'm a freelancer in a competitive field and my much younger peers now get all the attention.

Britain's universities are now ruled by fear. Fear of associating with the wrong people, saying the wrong thing, even being said to think the wrong thing - the paranoias are stifling our institutions.

Nigel Farage insisted on calling his Reform party's election manifesto a 'contract' yesterday as the other political parties, he claimed, had made the word 'manifesto' synonymous with 'lies'.

Bored with the election already? One half of me just wants it all to be over and done with; the other is dreading the prospect of the elected Labour dictatorship we face when we wake on Friday, July 5.

Why Taylor Swift's London squad could be a middle finger to her ex: ANTONIA HOYLE goes

What do you mean, she's got enough friends already? For Taylor Swift, 34, there is no such thing, especially when they are of the famous-enough-to-be-mobbed-in-the-street-for-selfies variety. The singer, whose star-studded and somewhat eclectic celebrity shindigs have become almost as renowned as those self-penned lyrics of love and licentious exes, has partied with everyone who's anyone in the world of entertainment, from pop VIPs Lana Del Rey and Justin Timberlake, to supermodels Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner. Last week, on our shores for her record-breaking Eras Tour, it was Swift's Bash: The British version. On a four-day break before resuming her bonanza in Liverpool, she dined at Notting Hill restaurant Casa Cruz with an army of glamorous guests including supermodel Kate Moss, designer Stella McCartney and singer Chrissie Hynde.

When I walk I often feel 'woozy' - as though I'm about to faint. I think it's called presyncope. Could it be related to my medications (apixaban, Forceval, bisoprolol, atorvastatin)?

We all know there is one word that describes James Corden. A single word that sums him up like no other. And that word is 'can't'. For there is absolutely nothing that James can't do.

A few years ago, I saw an infant - maybe two or even younger - in his buggy at the bus stop with a smartphone in his fat little hands.

Leopard, the Marmite of prints, sometimes intimidating - never for the fainthearted. Think you're over it or, whisper it, too old? Think again. Animal print is swarming the High Street.

Mrs J.E. writes: My son Christopher suffered a cardiac arrest in 2021. He was without oxygen for a time, causing brain injury. HM Revenue & Customs are chasing him for self assessment tax returns.
