Student Life & Leadership

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Members of Student Life and Leadership in front of a building

Student Life &Leadership (SLL) works to ensure that Cypress College students have ample opportunities to make the most of their college experience by getting involved on campus. By participating and connecting with like-minded individuals, students can explore their interests, develop skills, create friendships, and thrive both inside and outside the class environment.
The SLL team provides comprehensive advisement, orientations, and workshops to Associated Students officers and student club/charter officers to provide unique leadership skills and experiences. SLL is also responsible for supporting students’ overall well-being, ensuring student basic needs are met, and driving civic engagement within our student population.

Student Life and Leadership Responsibilities

  • Associated Students Advisement & Administrative Support
  • Associated Students Benefits Program
  • Basic Needs Services (Food Pantry & Housing Assistance)
  • Campus Flyer Publicity Approval
  • Civic Engagement Events & Initiatives
  • Coordinating Student Representation in Shared Governance
  • Facilitating Student Participation & Travel for Regional/State Conferences
  • Graduate of the Year Selection Process
  • Inter-Club Council (ICC) Advisement & Administrative Support
  • OC Teacher of the Year Selection Process – Cypress College
  •  Outstanding Charger Scholarship Awards
  •  Parliamentary Procedure Guidance for Student Groups
  •  Student Organization Involvement (Clubs & Charters)
  •  Student Bus Pass Program

Student Life and Leadership Team

David Okawa
Director, Student Life and Leadership
Advisor, Associated Students
T: (714) 484-7197
E: [email protected]

Joseph Shonkwiler
Student Services Specialist, Student Life and Leadership
Co-Advisor, Associated Students
T: (714) 484-7199
E: [email protected]

Dani Morgan
Special Projects Director, Basic Needs
T: (714) 484-7309
E: [email protected]

Timmy Tran
Service Navigator, Pathways of Hope
T: (714) 699-3247
E: [email protected]

Front of Student Life and Leadership building


Student Life and Leadership (SLL), Building 8

Contact Information

E: [email protected]
T: (714) 484-7198


Fall & Spring Semesters:
Monday–Thursday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Remote Services Only)

Summer Hours:
Monday–Thursday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.