Tim Cook - page 5

Tim Cook tackles COVID-19 and racial justice in pandemic essay


“The Big Night In” was raising funds for charity, and Tim Cook dropped by the help.
Tim Cook has penned a new editorial for the Wall Street Journal.
Photo: BBC TV

Apple CEO Tim Cook reflects on COVID-19 and how it heightened racial injustice in the United States in an op-ed he wrote for The Wall Street Journal.

Cook’s opinion piece, published Thursday, is titled “The Urgency of Racial Justice.” It’s just one of several — written by big names like actor Tom Hanks and astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson — published in the Journal’s “What I’ve Learned From the Pandemic Year” package.

Tim Cook remembers Steve Jobs on what would have been his 66th birthday


Today would have been Jobs' birthday.
Photo: Ben Stanfield/Flickr CC

Tim Cook has tweeted about Steve Jobs on what would have been his former boss’s 66th birthday. Jobs passed away 10 years ago this year, the same period of time that Cook has now been running Apple.

“Celebrating Steve on what would have been his 66th birthday,” Cook wrote. “Especially in a year where so much kept us apart, technology brought us together in limitless ways. That’s a testament to Steve’s life and the legacy he left, which continue to inspire me every day.”

Tim Cook says Apple creates products ‘that make us proud’


Tim Cook WWDC 2020 earnest
Tim Cook told Apple shareholders that, “technology should help us leave the world better than we found it.”
Screenshot: Apple

Apple CEO Tim Cook said Tuesday that his company is “made up of people who want to spend their lives making things that enrich the lives of others.” He described Apple’s identity at length in response to a question during the company’s annual shareholders meeting. Cook also answered questions about privacy and other topics during the virtual meeting.

Mac Pro factory in Texas exposes weakness of US manufacturing


Mac Pro factory
Building in the U.S. brought plenty of challenges.
Photo: Apple

If you’ve ever wondered why Apple doesn’t do more manufacturing in the United States, a new report by Bloomberg offers a few answers. Covering the career of CEO Tim Cook, the article details the challenges of U.S. manufacturing, as epitomized by Apple’s Mac Pro factory in Austin, Texas.

“It was an experiment to prove that the U.S. supply chain could work as good as China’s, and it failed miserably,” a former senior manager is quoted as saying.

Tim Cook faces 7-hour grilling in Apple vs. Epic legal battle


Tim Cook goes to Washington
Tim Cook will chime in on Apple vs. Epic Games case.
Screenshot: Apple

Apple CEO Tim Cook must participate in a seven-hour deposition during his company’s upcoming legal battle with Epic Games. Epic reportedly wanted Cook for eight hours, while Apple lawyers tried to whittle it down to four hours.

Seven hours is the compromise that was ultimately ruled on by Judge Thomas S. Hixon.

Apple expanding iPhone, iPad, Mac manufacturing outside China


Apple's relationship with Foxconn on the rocks
Tim Cook meeting a worker on the iPhone production line.
Photo: Apple

For years, China has been Apple’s biggest manufacturing hub for building its devices. But that’s now changing, with a report Wednesday claiming that Apple is “ramping up” production of iPhones, iPads, Macs, and other products in other parts of the world.

This is an attempt by Apple to diversify manufacturing beyond China, following trade tensions between the U.S. and China in recent years.

Tim Cook will talk restoring faith in online advertising this week


Apple Q4 2020 earnings on Oct. 29: When it comes to Apple earnings, CEO Tim Cook seems to have a reality-distortion field of his own.
Tim Cook will talk privacy matters this week.
Photo illustration: Cult of Mac

Apple CEO Tim Cook will give a pro-privacy speech during the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference in Brussels this Thursday.

Cook will deliver his speech virtually from Cupertino. The talk will cover “enforcing rights in a changing world,” and will deal with boosting user confidence in online advertising, among other topics.

Trump snagged the very first 2019 Mac Pro


Apple CEO Tim Cook talked Mac Pro with President Trump
“Mr. President, we have some lovely parting gifts for you.”
Screenshot: White House

It’s good to be the president. People just give you things, like the first 2019 Mac Pro assembled in Austin, Texas. Tim Cook gave this pricy computer to Trump, probably after the president toured the factory.

Apple pays tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. on MLK Day


MLK Day 2021 homepage
The U.S. celebrates MLK Day on the third Monday of every January.
Photo: Apple

Apple has commemorated Martin Luther King Jr. Day by changing up the image on its homepage to showcase a photo and quote from the legendary civil rights leader.

“True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice,” reads the quotation. To this, Apple ads,  “We honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his leadership in civil rights.”

Tim Cook won’t comment on Apple Car, talks suspending Parler from App Store


CEO Tim Cook photo via Fox Business
Tim Cook talked with Fox News over the weekend.
Photo: Fox Business

Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to take the bait about Apple Car during a Sunday interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News. After Cook commented that Apple continues “making the best products in the world,” Wallace asked if that would include an Apple Car.

Cook responded by laughing, and said he “can’t comment on rumors and so forth.” Wallace then pushed back, saying that Cook could comment, he was just choosing not to. “You’re right,” Cook said, ending the exchange. “I choose not to. Touché.”

Apple’s pending ‘big announcement’ fuels speculation [Updated]


There’s an Apple announcement coming January 13.
Apple is about to announce... something.
Photo: Gustavo Fring/Pexels CC

CBS This Morning reports that Apple will make a “big announcement” on Wednesday. But what is about to be revealed remains a matter for speculation.

Unfortunately, it’s not a new product.

Update: Tim Cook announced on Wednesday a series of new Racial Equity and Justice Initiative projects, designed to fight systemic racism and advance racial equity across the U.S.

Tim Cook says US must complete transition to Biden administration


Apple CEO Tim Cook talked Mac Pro with President Trump
Trump speaking with Tim Cook at Apple's Mac Pro factory.
Screenshot: White House

Apple CEO Tim Cook decried the shocking scenes that took place Wednesday in Washington, D.C., as supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol building.

“Today marks a sad and shameful chapter in our nation’s history,” Cook wrote on Twitter. “Those responsible for this insurrection should be held to account, and we must complete the transition to President-elect Biden’s administration. It’s especially when they are challenged that our ideals matter most.”

Tim Cook’s pay package hits $14.8 million in 2020


CEO Tim Cook photo via Fox Business
Tim Cook had reason to smile last year.
Photo: Fox Business

Apple CEO Tim Cook’s pay rose by a massive 28% in the company’s fiscal 2020, a regulatory filing reveals.

Cook took home the same $3 million basic salary he earned in 2018 and 2019. However, his non-equity incentive plan compensation increased from $7.7 million last year to $10.7 million. That brought his earnings for the year to $14.8 million — on the back of a spectacular year for Apple.

Apple turned down offer to buy Tesla on the cheap


The Tesla Model 3 is the company’s sedan
When Tesla was struggling to launch the Model 3, the CEO investigated selling the company to Apple.
Photo: Tesla

Apple could have bought electric automaker Tesla at a bargain price, according to Tesla CEO Elon Musk. But Apple’s chief executive wasn’t interested.

Musk revealed this historic bombshell Tuesday, alongside his comments on a recent report about Apple’s plans for a self-driving vehicle.

Tim Cook squashes Apple TV+ show about the glory days of Gawker Media


Tim Cook delivers the goods at Apple's iPhone 11 event.
Tim Cook reportedly wasn't about to let Apple glorify a company like Gawker.
Photo: Apple

Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly stepped in to squash an Apple TV+ series that would have chronicled the rise of controversial blogging network Gawker Media.

Earlier this year, Vanity Fair reported that Apple TV+ execs were working with former Gawker writers Max Read and Cord Jefferson, among others, on the series. Not much in the way of details were published. However, it sounds like it could have been a scripted show about the “glory days” of a blog known for “skewering the powerful.”

One of the potential problems? Apple and Cook could have been among the powerful in question.

Tim Cook talks national parks, Screen Time, and never holding a selfie stick in new podcast


CEO Tim Cook photo via Fox Business
Not a big selfie stick user, apparently.
Photo: Fox Business

Apple Park’s conference rooms are named after national parks, such as Grand Canyon. Apple Park has a two-and-a-half mile running track. Tim Cook has never used a selfie stick in his life.

These are three of the revelations that come out of a new Outside podcast episode, featuring a conversation with Cook as he and host Michael Roberts take a stroll through Apple Park. Along the way, the conversation touches on Cook’s love of nature and fitness, the design of Apple Park, AR, Apple’s health contributions, and more.

Tim Cook tweets tribute to Steve Jobs on 9th anniversary of his death


“The Big Night In” was raising funds for charity, and Tim Cook dropped by the help.
Tim Cook remembers his friend and former boss.
Photo: BBC TV

Tim Cook quoted poet Maya Angelou in a tweet commemorating Steve Jobs on Monday, the ninth anniversary of the Apple co-founder’s death.

“A great soul never dies,” Cook’s message reads. “It brings us together again and again.” Cook also added a personal note: “You’re always with us Steve, your memory connects and inspires us every day.”

Meanwhile, on the Apple website, admirers’ remembrances of Jobs flowed across a tribute page.

Apple CEO Tim Cook awarded first stock grant in nearly a decade


CEO Tim Cook photo via Fox Business
That's a reason to smile!
Photo: Fox Business

Tim Cook may well stay at the helm at Apple until at least 2025, according to SEC filings which detail the stock options that will vest in that time. Cook will receive 333,987 units of restricted stock options, vesting in thirds beginning April 1, 2023.

“For the first time in nearly a decade, we are awarding Tim a new stock grant that will vest over time in recognition of his outstanding leadership and with great optimism for Apple’s future as he carries these efforts forward,” Apple’s board of directors told Reuters.

Tim Cook is impressed by how well Apple employees have managed working remotely


Tim Cook will testify before a congressional antitrust subcommittee this week.
Cook says he hopes most Apple employees will be back next year.
Photo: Mark Mathosian/Flickr CC

Tim Cook is reportedly impressed by how well employees have managed to work remotely, and says that some of these new work habits will endure after COVID-19.

In an interview with the The Atlantic Festival on Monday, Apple’s CEO said he does not think the company will “return to the way we were because we’ve found that there are some things that actually work really well virtually.”

As Tim Cook nears a decade at the helm, Apple focuses on who’ll take over


Tim Cook WWDC
Who will be Apple's next CEO?
Photo: Apple

Much of Apple’s senior team, including 59-year-old CEO Tim Cook, are of a similar age. That means they’re probably not going to be in their roles for too many more years.

As Cook approaches a decade at the helm of Apple, a Friday report from Bloomberg claims that he and his team are “increasingly focused” on succession planning. That means cultivating its “next class of top managers” who could take the helm of the world’s most valuable company.

Tim Cook donates $5 million of his Apple fortune to charity


Tim Cook goes to Washington
Tim Cook has said he will give his entire fortune away to charity.
Screenshot: Apple

Tim Cook, a freshly minted billionaire thanks to Apple’s continued powerhouse performance, last week gifted more than $5 million worth of Apple shares to charity.

According to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, Cook donated 10,715 shares on Friday. At close of play Friday, Apple was trading at $497.48. This week it has passed $500.

Apple at $2 trillion is amazing for investors, but boring for fans [Opinion]


Tim Cook WWDC
Are Apple's days as a game-changing innovator behind it?
Photo: Apple

Apple’s surge past a $2 trillion market cap this week underlines just how well CEO Tim Cook’s vision works for shareholders. But is this good news for Apple fans?

The first publicly traded U.S. company to hit this milestone, Apple has transformed from one of the world’s dynamic companies into one that can be, well, kind of boring. The strategy that fueled this unprecedented success makes it far less likely that we’ll seen an insanely innovative product coming out of Cupertino in the future.

Tim Cook joins the billionaires’ club


Tim Cook earnings apple
Tim Cook’s net worth has gone up, up, up!
Illustration: Ste Smith/Cult of Mac

The CEO of Apple reportedly passed a huge milestone: He’s now a billionaire. Tim Cook’s net worth has risen significantly, partially as a result of Apple stock more than doubling in value in the past 12 months.

But Cook is not likely to stay a billionaire. And not for the reason you might think.

Phil Schiller’s new role as Apple Fellow means big promotion for Joz


Phil Schiller
Schiller has guided Apple's marketing efforts for more than 30 years.
Photo: Apple

Apple on Tuesday said that Phil Schiller, the company’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing, will move on to become an Apple Fellow.

Schiller continues to report directly to Apple CEO Tim Cook in his new position, which involves leading the App Store and Apple Events. Greg “Joz” Joswiak takes up Schiller’s previous role.