iPad Air with OLED screen might launch in 2026 after all


OLED iPad Air preview
An iPad Air that replaces the traditional LCD with an OLED might be only a couple of years away.
Image: Ed Hardy/Cult of Mac

An iPad Air with an OLED display rather than the current LCD seems a safe bet considering the number of leaks indicating one is in development. But sources can’t agree on when — the latest report says 2026.

That said, Apple already has an OLED tablet for those who want one now.

OLED iPad Air on the way … eventually

With OLED (short for organic light-emitting diode) displays, each pixel glows on its own. The result is a bright, even image with strong contrast. This type of screen looks so good, it’s already used for iPhone, Apple Watch and this spring’s iPad Pro.

But large panels of this type are quite expensive, which is why only the iPad Pro has one. It’ll apparently be a while before the more affordable iPad Air is upgraded with this type of display.

Exactly how long the wait will be seems to be a bit up in the air (pun intended). Samsung will make OLED displays for an iPad Air that could launch as soon as 2026, according to a report published Thursday by Korea’s TheElec. And Korea’s etnews said the same late last year.

However, an analyst with Omdia predicted this spring that the OLED iPad Air would not debut until 2028.

The length of the wait likely depends on how long it’ll take to get the production cost of the screen panel down to an acceptable level. Apple could release a version of the Air with an OLED at any time, but it would cost almost the same as the current iPad Pro. There’s no point in that — the Air is supposed to be a lower-cost option.

But anyone who doesn’t want to wait can get a powerful tablet with an OLED display today: either the 11-inch or 13-inch iPad Pro.

Apple embracing OLED

As noted, multiple Apple computers already have OLED screens. And plenty more are on the way, according to information leaking out of Cupertino.

2026 will supposedly be a watershed year for the change. That’s when the first MacBook with OLED is expected. And a version of the iPad mini with the same type of display is allegedly coming that year, too.


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